
This article focuses on Flink’s Table Formats

The instance

CSV Format

  new Csv()
    .field("field1", Types.STRING)    // required: ordered format fields
    .field("field2", Types.TIMESTAMP)
    .fieldDelimiter(",")              // optional: string delimiter "," by default
    .lineDelimiter("\n")              // optional: string delimiter "\n" by default
    .quoteCharacter('"')              // optional: single character for string values, empty by default
    .commentPrefix(The '#')               // optional: string to indicate comments, empty by default
    .ignoreFirstLine()                // optional: ignore the first line, by default it is not skipped
    .ignoreParseErrors()              // optional: skip records with parse error instead of failing by default
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  • Flink supports CSV format built-in without additional dependencies

JSON Format

  new Json()
    .failOnMissingField(true)   // optional: flag whether to fail if a field is missing or not, false by default

    // required: define the schema either by using type information whichparses numbers to corresponding types .schema(Type.ROW(...) ) // or by using a JSON schemawhich parses to DECIMAL and TIMESTAMP
      "{" +
      " type: 'object'," +
      " properties: {" +
      " lon: {" +
      " type: 'number'" +
      "}," +
      " rideTime: {" +
      " type: 'string'," +
      " format: 'date-time'" +
      "}" +
      "}" +

    // or use the table's schema .deriveSchema() )Copy the code
  • Json formats can be defined using Schema or jsonSchema or deriveSchema, with additional Flink-JSON dependencies

Apache Avro Format

  new Avro()

    // required: define the schema either by using an Avro specific record class

    // or by using an Avro schema
      "{" +
      " \"type\": \"record\"," +
      " \"name\": \"test\"," +
      " \"fields\" : [" +
      " {\"name\": \"a\", \"type\": \"long\"}," +
      " {\"name\": \"b\", \"type\": \"string\"}" +
      "]" +
      "}"))Copy the code
  • Avro schema can be defined using recordClass or Avro Schema, and flink-Avro dependencies need to be added


Flink – table_2. 11-1.7.1 – sources. The jar! /org/apache/flink/table/descriptors/ConnectTableDescriptor.scala

abstract class ConnectTableDescriptor[D <: ConnectTableDescriptor[D]](
    private val tableEnv: TableEnvironment,
    private val connectorDescriptor: ConnectorDescriptor)
  extends TableDescriptor
  with SchematicDescriptor[D]
  with RegistrableDescriptor { this: D =>

  private var formatDescriptor: Option[FormatDescriptor] = None
  private var schemaDescriptor: Option[Schema] = None


  override def withFormat(format: FormatDescriptor): D = {
    formatDescriptor = Some(format)

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  • StreamTableEnvironment’s connect method creates a StreamTableDescriptor; StreamTableDescriptor inherits ConnectTableDescriptor; ConnectTableDescriptor provides a withFormat method that returns the FormatDescriptor


Flink – table – common – 1.7.1 – sources. The jar! /org/apache/flink/table/descriptors/

public abstract class FormatDescriptor extends DescriptorBase implements Descriptor {

	private String type;

	private int version;

	 * Constructs a {@link FormatDescriptor}.
	 * @param type string that identifies this format
	 * @param version property version for backwards compatibility
	public FormatDescriptor(String type, int version) {
		this.type = type;
		this.version = version;

	public final Map<String, String> toProperties() {
		final DescriptorProperties properties = new DescriptorProperties();
		properties.putString(FormatDescriptorValidator.FORMAT_TYPE, type);
		properties.putInt(FormatDescriptorValidator.FORMAT_PROPERTY_VERSION, version);
		return properties.asMap();

	 * Converts this descriptor into a set of format properties. Usually prefixed with
	 * {@link FormatDescriptorValidator#FORMAT}.
	protected abstract Map<String, String> toFormatProperties();
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  • FormatDescriptor is an abstract class; Csv, Json, and Avro are subclasses of it


Flink – table_2. 11-1.7.1 – sources. The jar! /org/apache/flink/table/descriptors/Csv.scala

class Csv extends FormatDescriptor(FORMAT_TYPE_VALUE, 1) {

  private var fieldDelim: Option[String] = None
  private var lineDelim: Option[String] = None
  private val schema: mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, String] =
    mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, String]()
  private var quoteCharacter: Option[Character] = None
  private var commentPrefix: Option[String] = None
  private var isIgnoreFirstLine: Option[Boolean] = None
  private var lenient: Option[Boolean] = None

  def fieldDelimiter(delim: String): Csv = {
    this.fieldDelim = Some(delim)

  def lineDelimiter(delim: String): Csv = {
    this.lineDelim = Some(delim)

  def schema(schema: TableSchema): Csv = {
    this.schema.clear() { case (n, t) =>
      field(n, t)

  def field(fieldName: String, fieldType: TypeInformation[_]): Csv = {
    field(fieldName, TypeStringUtils.writeTypeInfo(fieldType))

  def field(fieldName: String, fieldType: String): Csv = {
    if (schema.contains(fieldName)) {
      throw new ValidationException(s"Duplicate field name $fieldName.")
    schema += (fieldName -> fieldType)

  def quoteCharacter(quote: Character): Csv = {
    this.quoteCharacter = Option(quote)

  def commentPrefix(prefix: String): Csv = {
    this.commentPrefix = Option(prefix)

  def ignoreFirstLine(): Csv = {
    this.isIgnoreFirstLine = Some(true)

  def ignoreParseErrors(): Csv = {
    this.lenient = Some(true)

  override protected def toFormatProperties: util.Map[String, String] = {
    val properties = new DescriptorProperties()

    fieldDelim.foreach(properties.putString(FORMAT_FIELD_DELIMITER, _))
    lineDelim.foreach(properties.putString(FORMAT_LINE_DELIMITER, _))

    val subKeys = util.Arrays.asList(

    val subValues = => util.Arrays.asList(e._1, e._2)).toList.asJava

    quoteCharacter.foreach(properties.putCharacter(FORMAT_QUOTE_CHARACTER, _))
    commentPrefix.foreach(properties.putString(FORMAT_COMMENT_PREFIX, _))
    isIgnoreFirstLine.foreach(properties.putBoolean(FORMAT_IGNORE_FIRST_LINE, _))
    lenient.foreach(properties.putBoolean(FORMAT_IGNORE_PARSE_ERRORS, _))

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  • Csv provides methods such as Field, fieldDelimiter, lineDelimiter, quoteCharacter, commentPrefix, ignoreFirstLine, and ignoreParseErrors


Flink – json – 1.7.1 – sources jar! /org/apache/flink/table/descriptors/

public class Json extends FormatDescriptor {

	private Boolean failOnMissingField;
	private Boolean deriveSchema;
	private String jsonSchema;
	private String schema;

	public Json() {
		super(FORMAT_TYPE_VALUE, 1);

	public Json failOnMissingField(boolean failOnMissingField) {
		this.failOnMissingField = failOnMissingField;
		return this;

	public Json jsonSchema(String jsonSchema) {
		this.jsonSchema = jsonSchema;
		this.schema = null;
		this.deriveSchema = null;
		return this;

	public Json schema(TypeInformation<Row> schemaType) {
		this.schema = TypeStringUtils.writeTypeInfo(schemaType);
		this.jsonSchema = null;
		this.deriveSchema = null;
		return this;

	public Json deriveSchema() {
		this.deriveSchema = true;
		this.schema = null;
		this.jsonSchema = null;
		return this;

	protected Map<String, String> toFormatProperties() {
		final DescriptorProperties properties = new DescriptorProperties();

		if(deriveSchema ! = null) { properties.putBoolean(FORMAT_DERIVE_SCHEMA, deriveSchema); }if(jsonSchema ! = null) { properties.putString(FORMAT_JSON_SCHEMA, jsonSchema); }if(schema ! = null) { properties.putString(FORMAT_SCHEMA, schema); }if(failOnMissingField ! = null) { properties.putBoolean(FORMAT_FAIL_ON_MISSING_FIELD, failOnMissingField); }returnproperties.asMap(); }}Copy the code
  • Json provides schema, jsonSchema, and deriveSchema to define THE Json format


Flink – avro – 1.7.1 – sources jar! /org/apache/flink/table/descriptors/

public class Avro extends FormatDescriptor {

	private Class<? extends SpecificRecord> recordClass;
	private String avroSchema;

	public Avro() {
		super(AvroValidator.FORMAT_TYPE_VALUE, 1);

	public Avro recordClass(Class<? extends SpecificRecord> recordClass) {
		this.recordClass = recordClass;
		return this;

	public Avro avroSchema(String avroSchema) {
		this.avroSchema = avroSchema;
		return this;

	protected Map<String, String> toFormatProperties() {
		final DescriptorProperties properties = new DescriptorProperties();

		if(null ! = recordClass) { properties.putClass(AvroValidator.FORMAT_RECORD_CLASS, recordClass); }if(null ! = avroSchema) { properties.putString(AvroValidator.FORMAT_AVRO_SCHEMA, avroSchema); }returnproperties.asMap(); }}Copy the code
  • Avro provides two ways to define Avro format: recordClass and Avro Schema


  • StreamTableEnvironment’s connect method creates a StreamTableDescriptor; StreamTableDescriptor inherits ConnectTableDescriptor
  • ConnectTableDescriptor provides a withFormat method that returns the FormatDescriptor; FormatDescriptor is an abstract class; Csv, Json, and Avro are subclasses of it
  • Csv provides methods such as Field, fieldDelimiter, lineDelimiter, quoteCharacter, commentPrefix, ignoreFirstLine, and ignoreParseErrors. Json provides schema, jsonSchema, and deriveSchema to define Json format. Avro provides two ways to define Avro format: recordClass and Avro Schema


  • Table Formats