
This paper mainly studies Dubbo’s TokenFilter


Dubbo – 2.7.2 / dubbo – RPC/dubbo xml-rpc API/SRC/main/Java/org/apache/dubbo/RPC/filter/TokenFilter Java

@Activate(group = CommonConstants.PROVIDER, value = TOKEN_KEY) public class TokenFilter implements Filter { @Override public Result invoke(Invoker<? > invoker, Invocation inv) throws RpcException { String token = invoker.getUrl().getParameter(TOKEN_KEY);if(ConfigUtils.isNotEmpty(token)) { Class<? > serviceType = invoker.getInterface(); Map<String, String> attachments = inv.getAttachments(); String remoteToken = attachments == null ? null : attachments.get(TOKEN_KEY);if(! token.equals(remoteToken)) { throw new RpcException("Invalid token! Forbid invoke remote service " + serviceType + " method " + inv.getMethodName() + "() from consumer " + RpcContext.getContext().getRemoteHost() + " to provider "+ RpcContext.getContext().getLocalHost()); }}returninvoker.invoke(inv); }}Copy the code
  • TokenFilter implements the Filter interface, and its invoke method determines whether the URL of invoker has a token attribute. If the value is not empty, it obtains remoteToken from attachments and compares the two tokens to see if they are the same. Invoke (inv); Invoke (inV)

The instance

Dubbo – 2.7.2 / dubbo – RPC/dubbo xml-rpc API/SRC/test/Java/org/apache/dubbo/RPC/filter/TokenFilterTest. Java

public class TokenFilterTest {

    private TokenFilter tokenFilter = new TokenFilter();

    public void testInvokeWithToken() throws Exception {
        String token = "token";

        Invoker invoker = Mockito.mock(Invoker.class);
        URL url = URL.valueOf("test://test:11/test? Accesslog = true&group = dubbo&version = 1.1 & token =" + token);
        when(invoker.invoke(any(Invocation.class))).thenReturn(new AppResponse("result"));

        Map<String, String> attachments = new HashMap<String, String>();
        attachments.put(TOKEN_KEY, token);
        Invocation invocation = Mockito.mock(Invocation.class);

        Result result = tokenFilter.invoke(invoker, invocation);
        Assertions.assertEquals("result", result.getValue());

    public void testInvokeWithWrongToken() throws Exception {
        Assertions.assertThrows(RpcException.class, () -> {
            String token = "token";

            Invoker invoker = Mockito.mock(Invoker.class);
            URL url = URL.valueOf("test://test:11/test? Accesslog = true&group = dubbo&version = 1.1 & token =" + token);
            when(invoker.invoke(any(Invocation.class))).thenReturn(new AppResponse("result"));

            Map<String, String> attachments = new HashMap<String, String>();
            attachments.put(TOKEN_KEY, "wrongToken");
            Invocation invocation = Mockito.mock(Invocation.class);

            tokenFilter.invoke(invoker, invocation);

    public void testInvokeWithoutToken() throws Exception {
        Assertions.assertThrows(RpcException.class, () -> {
            String token = "token";

            Invoker invoker = Mockito.mock(Invoker.class);
            URL url = URL.valueOf("test://test:11/test? Accesslog = true&group = dubbo&version = 1.1 & token =" + token);
            when(invoker.invoke(any(Invocation.class))).thenReturn(new AppResponse("result")); Invocation invocation = Mockito.mock(Invocation.class); tokenFilter.invoke(invoker, invocation); }); }}Copy the code
  • The correct token, the wrong token, and the scenario without the token are verified


TokenFilter implements the Filter interface, and its invoke method determines whether the URL of invoker has a token attribute. If the value is not empty, it obtains remoteToken from attachments and compares the two tokens to see if they are the same. Invoke (inv); Invoke (inV)


  • TokenFilter