My name is King Bo Kings, a doctor 985AI, and I am going to reply [9076] to get my STUDY notes on AI on the background of the public account [Computer Vision Alliance]. My wechat account is Kingsplusa

Today, let’s talk about the topic we are more interested in: employment!

Winter vacation suddenly want to several friends want to graduate, so focus on asking the north and those graduating PhD (June or December 2021), (ps: their paper qualification as well as the supervisor and agreed, so sure to dalai) graduation they also roughly around their friends talked to me, I think is pretty big harvest.

I asked about the situation this year. Specifically, most of them are looking for jobs one year in advance, so the date should actually start from May 2020 to now

So let’s talk about what we care about

The situation of friends summarized here is basically the 985 bachelor degree in North Qing Dynasty or the undergraduate degree is north Qing Dynasty and continue to study in North Qing Dynasty, covering computer related majors, for example, electronic information EE is also computer related, after all, people go to the Internet.

If you do well in scientific research, you should have more than four or five papers in ccf-a, and most of them choose to continue their study abroad or stay as A PhD candidate. Although the treatment is not as good as the Internet, they are still willing to stay because of the top2 platforms, contacts and feelings. But I haven’t applied for the visa yet. At the same time, this group of friends did not find a job because they wrote the paper and code well. Then the HR of the big factory contacted directly through the email of the paper to see if they are willing to come here after graduation. Actually, more simply, we have a lot of internal groups, such as computer vision groups, in which some domestic bigwigs and some senior brothers and juniors send top magazines. Sometimes, the leader of the company directly adds these people through the wechat group to ask if they are willing to join the research group. So it’s not as hard to find a job as you might think, and even these big shots don’t have to apply

If the scientific research is mediocre, unlike academic ones, the Internet is generally preferred. These people basically have internship experience, in general, this year’s market between 50W and 100W in the majority, most choose to stay in Beijing or go to Shanghai and Shenzhen, few back to second-tier cities, stay in Beijing are also basically guaranteed to solve the Beijing hukou

Some company facts (and perhaps most interesting to you is money) :

Huawei: Huawei still has talented teenagers, in fact, the difficulty is not very big, especially in the top2 such PhD, scientific research talents can basically obtain, or is the Institute of computing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences automation, the salary of talented teenagers are basically more than 100W; Most of the ordinary students around got between 65W and 90W, with Beijing hukou, but only 5% of the provident fund. Some students worry about work pressure and don’t want to be so tired

Quick hand: quick hand and spell many have a fight, give money not vague, basically be in 80W or so, want to appear on the market it seems, so recruit a person quite fierce, but hear pressure size week?

Baidu: Baidu’s light does not seem to have a few years ago so strong, it seems that there are not a few people to face or cast Baidu? The offer is also around 70W

Meituan: this year, some of meituan’s master’s degrees are offered at 45W, while most of meituan’s doctoral degrees are offered at 65-75W

Ali: The general fixed post is about P6, 60W; The better ones get around 80w

Bytes: Basically around 80W

Pinduoduo: recently everyone’s response is not good, although give a lot of money, but in Shanghai, there is a reputation, so the choice seems not much or no?

Experience: The salary of the Internet is really very high this year. It used to be SSP, but now it is some genius plan. One advantage of the PhD is that the registered permanent residence is basically solved, and the offer is more than 500,000 or 600,000 yuan

Some advice for everyone:

1. The Doctor is churning out papers and never has to worry about work

2. Participate in the internship, then the general internship group will pick you up, at least a guaranteed offer

3. For autumn recruitment, the earlier the better, the less difficult, the earlier the offer, the more secure in mind

4.HR is just about business, so you should treat conversation as business and be good at mediating

Friends sample is limited, there may be a statement is not so specific, we have a certain psychological reference on the line

I wish you all an early harvest of satisfactory Offer!