
Prototype and prototype chain are important concepts in JS, so let’s understand the following four rules for reference types:

  • Reference types, which have object properties and can extend properties freely.
  • All reference types have an implicit stereotype__proto__Property, the property value is a normal object.
  • Reference types, implicit archetypes__proto__The property value points to the explicit prototype property value of its constructor.
  • When you try to get a property of an object, if the object doesn’t have the property itself, it will get rid of its implicit stereotype__proto__(that is, the explicit prototype of its constructor).

Reference types: Object, Array, Function, Date, RegExp. Here I’ll just call __proto__ implicit, there is no official Chinese name, most people call it blind.

You can freely extend properties

Reference types, all of which have object properties that can be extended freely:

const obj = {}
const arr = []
const fn = function () {}

obj.a = 1
arr.a = 1
fn.a = 1

console.log(obj.a) / / 1
console.log(arr.a) / / 1
console.log(fn.a) / / 1
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This rule should be easy to understand, as should Date and RegExp.


Each reference type has an implicit prototype __proto__ attribute whose value is an ordinary object:

const obj = {};
const arr = [];
const fn = function() {}

console.log('obj.__proto__', obj.__proto__);
console.log('arr.__proto__', arr.__proto__);
console.log('fn.__proto__', fn.__proto__);
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__proto__And the prototype

Reference type, the implicit prototype __proto__ property value points to the explicit prototype property value of its constructor:

const obj = {};
const arr = [];
const fn = function() {}

obj.__proto__ == Object.prototype // true
arr.__proto__ === Array.prototype // true
fn.__proto__ == Function.prototype // true
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Look for properties or methods

When you try to get a property of an object, if the object doesn’t have the property itself, it will look in its implicit prototype __proto__ (that is, the explicit prototype of its constructor) :

const obj = { a:1 }
ƒ toString() {[native code]}
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First, obj does not have a toString attribute. The toString attribute can be obtained by following the fourth rule, which is derived from the prototype constructor Object.

Prototype chain

function Person(name) { = name
  return this // This object is returned by default

var nick = new Person("nick")
ƒ toString() {[native code]}
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Nick is an instance of the Person constructor, and Person’s prototype doesn’t have a toString method. Here comes the concept of prototype chain. The Nick instance first reviews itself and finds that there is no toString method. If not, go up and look for the Prototype property of the Person constructor. Constructor: toString (); constructor: toString (); toString ();