• Full project address: Vue-Hamal
  • Liangfuzhi.github. IO/Vue-hamal/D…


Suddenly want to write something, write bad don’t spray.

Have you ever thought of implementing the section switching effect only available in native APPS on the Web side (for example: on the ios side, you can drag the current page back to the previous page by right slide)?

Today I will take you hand in hand with vUE to achieve switching effect.


Well, the idea is there, so how to implement it. Vue officially provides the transition effect of component switching. If you do not know what to do, please read the official document first. If I cache the previous page every time I open a new page (e.g. /page/a > /page/b), wouldn’t I be able to drag and drop both pages? In theory, yes.

Realize the principle of

The source code will not take out the analysis, interested partners can go to see the source vue-hamal

Quick start

  • Liangfuzhi.github. IO/VUe-hamal/D…

At the end

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