Jiang Ze chicken person announces dawn chip, still wear a square into cui yun qiu. 6diadem 阊阖 Open palaces and royal diadem. The sun was in fairy palm move, cigarette near gun dragon float. In order to cut the five color zhao, wear the sound to the phoenix pool head.

It was said that the emperor of Renzong of song Dynasty was in power. At three o ‘clock in the fifth hour of March 3, jiayou year, the emperor sat in Zichen Palace and was congratulated by all officials. But see:

Xiangyun fan Feng Ge, Auspicious gas cover dragon floor. Smoking royal willow flick banners, with dew palace flowers to meet jiberd. In heaven’s fragrant shadow, hosta beads walk at red palace; Music, embroidered jacket brocade clothes to help the emperor. Pearl curtain volume, gold palace on the cash and; The phoenix tail fan spread and parked his chariot before the white jade steps. Faint clean whip rang three times, layers of civil and military class qi.

When there is a temple head officer cheers: “something out of class early play, no matter rolling back toward.” In the class, zhao Zhe, the prime minister, and Wen Yanbo, the political advisor, went out to play: “Now the plague is prevalent in the Capital, and the people are living in poverty. Beg your Majesty pardon pardon pardon, province punishment thin tax, to get rid of disasters, relief people.” The son of Heaven listen to play, he gave imperial courtyard immediately grass edict: one side to forgive the world criminal prisoners, there should be a folk tax all pardon; A life in Beijing temple view, repair set a good Eliman disaster. But the plague reached its peak in the year. Emperor Renzong heard, dragon body uneasy, the resumption of baiguan, the public all plan. And one of the chief ministers, Yue, began to play. When the emperor saw it, it was fan Zhongyan, the councilor in charge. After worship, he said, “Now natural disasters prevail. The army and the people are afflicted by coal. They cannot get back from life day after day. To the minister’s foolery, to get rid of this disaster, can declare the han Tianshi star night facing the dynasty, on the Forbidden hospital of the Capital set up three thousand six hundred luo Jiao, played to hear God, can get rid of the folk plague. Renzong, the Son of Heaven, played quasi. Urgent hanlin bachelor grass zhao together, the son of the emperor’s pen pro book, and drop the imperial incense stick, qin sent to point before the temple taiwei Hong Xin as an angel, to Jiangxi Xinzhou Longhu Mountain, xuanji Han Tianshi Zhang Renren starry night face, pray for the plague. Burn incense on the golden temple, pro will pay Dan Zhao and Hong Taiwei to make, even if the journey.

Hong Xin accepted the imperial decree and bade farewell to the son of Heaven without daring to stop for long. The imperial edict was carried on the back of men, and dozens of men were taken with them in gold boxes containing royal incense and mounted on paved horses. The party left Tokyo and took the route to Guixi, Shinshu. On the road but see:

Distant mountains stack green, far water clarification. Strange flowers bloom brocade shop forest, tender willow dance gold silk brush ground. The weather is warm, when the wild shop mountain village; Straight shaping road, night post pavilion post house. Luo yi ripples in the world of mortals, horse drive chi purple lane.

A senior commander Hong Xin, a shudanzhao soldier, arrives in Xinzhou, Jiangxi province for more than a day, after a night in a posthouse, a posthouse, remote contact, thirst, food, and food. The size of the officials guo to meet, then sent to know the Temple abbot on Longhu Mountain road, ready to receive the edict. The next day, all the officials sent the Commander to the foot of longhu Mountain. I saw many people in the Palace of the Qing Dynasty, ringing bells and drumming, incense lanterns and candles, banners and treasure covers, a school of music, all came down to welcome the Danzhao, until the palace dismounted. When the commander looked at the palace, the end was a good qing Palace. But see:

The pine is buckling, and the cypress is gloomy. Doors suspended rescript gold book, household linfu jade zhuan. Virtual emperor altar bank, faintly weeping willows famous flowers; By the smelting furnace, old juniper pines. Left wall box day Ding Lex, ginseng with too b zhen Jun; Right potential under the jade girl golden child, cluster holding Ziwei Emperor. Drape hair battle sword, the north really wu step turtle snake; Cloth top crown, Old Man Fu Longhu in South Pole. Front row 28 star jun, after 32 emperor son. Step build the running water running all over, after the good wall courtyard surrounded by mountains. Cranes have red roofs and turtles have green hair. Treetops cang ape, sedge inside the title zhi White deer. The Temple of sanqing Ming jinzhong, Taoist step virtual; Four temple before knocking jade qing, real ceremony fight. Incense table by laying bricks, rosy glow shot blue glass; Call yao altar, red shadow shake red agate. Early to the door xiangyun now, is suspected to send the old gentleman.

Now up to the abbot real person, and down to the path of children from the lead, welcome to the temple of sanqing, please imperial edicts, in the center of the offering. Hong Taiwei then asked jian Gong zhen humanity: “Where is the master of heaven today?” The abbot went forward and said, “I have learned that the ancestor master of this generation is called ‘Xujing Master of Heaven’. He is very lofty in nature and tired of receiving and receiving them. He has set up a MAO nunnery on the top of Longhu Mountain to cultivate truth and cultivate nature, so he does not live with me.” Taiwei way: “today son xuan Zhao, how to see?” The real man replied: “I have the right to give orders to the temple, and I dare not read the poor road. And ask Taiwei to offer tea to the abbot, and then bother to discuss.” At that time, danzhao was offered to the Sanqing Palace, and all the officials to the abbot. The commander sat down in the middle, and the deacons waited for tea to be offered. Then he went into the fast and offered both land and water. After the meditation, The Commander asked Zhenren again: “Since the master of Heaven is in the mountaintop nunnery, why don’t you please come down and meet each other and open a xuan Dan edict?” The man said: “Taiwei, although this generation of patriarch is at the top of the mountain, in fact, the road is very lofty and comfortable, tired of the world, can drive fog and cloud, trace uncertain, never tasted down the mountain. Poor road as usual also rare to see, how to teach people please come down!” The Commander said, “How can we see it? Now the plague is prevalent in Beijing, the son of Heaven dispatches subordinate officials, the preformance of a royal shudanzhao, the preformance of a dragon incense, to pray for a jiao of 3,600 luo heaven, to get rid of disasters, relief for the people. How can you do that?” The real man said, “The emperor wants to save all people, except for the commander in chief, he needs to do some earnest work, fast, bathe, change his cloth clothes, abandon his followers, recite the imperial edits, burn imperial incense, walk up to the mountain to worship, and ask the master of Heaven to see him. If the heart is not sincere, empty walk once, also rare see.” Taiwei heard the way: “I eat vegetarian from the Capital, how heart not sincere! In that case. According to you, the mountain will be very early tomorrow.” The night was a night of separation.

At the fifth watch of the next day, the Taoist priests got up and prepared the fragrant soup for the feast. He asked the commander to get up, took a bath in fragrant soup, changed into fresh cloth clothes, put on linen shoes and straw shoes at his feet, ate vegetarian food, fetched the danzhao, carried the yellow bag on his back, and carried the silver hand stove in his hand to burn imperial incense. Many people, etc., to the back mountain, refers to the path. The real person said again: “Taiwei to save the people, Hugh life retreat regret heart, only chi cheng up.” The commander said goodbye to the crowd, chanted the name of Heavenly Treasure, and walked up the hill. To the middle of the mountain, saw the top straight into Xiaohan, as expected, a good mountain. It is:

Root plate corner, top connect the heart of heaven. Far view of grinding off chaotic cloud mark, close to see flat swallow bright moon soul. Refers to the high and low range mountain, stone of side channel of glaze, solitary hill “rugged road, extremely flat above refers to the top of head round under strong of mountain, hidden caverns of tiger hidden leopard”, implicit wind cloud is rock, master said the hole of the seclusion, means a condition of bounded mansion, firewood means people hang out diameter, can open the horse “, running water sound of jian, the ancient cross the stream of source term, rock cliff drop water fountain. The left wall is the mask and the right wall is the mirror. Clouds come out and fog comes in. Cone tip like small, qi Jun is like a party, hanging like danger, cut wax such as flat. A thousand peaks compete for show, a thousand folds contend for flow. Waterfalls fly sideways and vines hang upside down. Tiger roar when wind gukou, ape cry when the moon falls hillside. Just like green dye thousands of jade, blue gauze enveloped ten thousand pile of smoke.

This hong tai Wei, alone, walked once, winding the slope to turn the path, pull kudzu climbing vine. I could hardly walk. I hesitated and thought to myself, “I am a prince of the imperial court. When I was in the Capital Of The Imperial College, I lay down on the ground, eating from the triding rows, still tired out. Knowing that his heavenly master was there, he taught his subordinates to suffer like this!” He could not walk more than thirty or fifty steps, and his shoulders were panting. I saw a gust of wind from the hollow, the wind passed, to the pine tree behind running thunder also like a roar, jumping out of a big bug (note: tiger). To come. Hong Tai Wei was surprised and shouted: “Ah!” He threw himself on the ground and fell. When I peeked at the big bug, I saw:

His fur was yellow and gold, and he had eighteen silver claws. Eyes like lightning tail like a whip, mouth like blood basin teeth like halberd. Stretch stretch arm potential ferocious, swing tail shake head sound thunderbolt. Mountain fox rabbit to hide, under the stream roe deer are collected.

The big bug looked at Hong tai Wei, turned left and right, roared once, and then jumped down the hillside. Tai Wei Hong lay down at the root of the tree, his thirty-six teeth wrestling, his heart like fifteen buckets, seven up and eight down, but all over his body like a heavy wind numb, his legs like a losing cock, his mouth kept screaming. When the big bug took a cup of tea, he got up, cleaned up the censer on the ground, and burned the dragon incense. Then he came up the mountain in order to find the master of Heaven. After another thirty or fifty steps, he sighed a few times and complained, “The Emperor has sent me here to teach me to suffer this terror.” Before I could speak, I felt another gust of wind blowing poison gas into the future. As he watched, the bamboo rattles rustled along the hillside, and he grabbed a bucket the size of a snake with snow. When the commander saw this, he was surprised again, turned his hand and cried: “I am dead now!” After looking, he fell on the edge of the plate mound stone. Glancing slightly away at the snake, he saw:

With his head held high and his eyes turned to lightning. Turbulence is broken down the gorge, breathing is blowing clouds and fog. The scales are divided into thousands of pieces of jade, and the tail tip is inclined to roll a pile of silver.

The snake grabbed the edge of the stone and made a pile towards Hong taiwei. His eyes flashed out golden light, he opened his mouth and spit out his tongue. He sprayed the poison gas on Hong taiwei’s face. The snake looked at Hong Taiwei once, looked down the mountain a slip, but had disappeared. The Commander just got up and said, “Shame! Kill the lower officer!” 4. The 47-year-old was worse than 4饳. The size of the mouth scolded the Taoist priest: “malicious and rude, teasing the lower officer, teach me to be so frightened! If you do not find the master of Heaven on the mountain, go down and have another word with him.” Then took a silver stove, rectify the body and a cloth Ze, but wait to go up the mountain. As he was about to move, he heard the faint sound of a flute behind the pine trees, coming nearer and nearer. When the commander took a close look, he saw a road boy riding a scalper backwards, blowing a pipe across the valley. When the commander looked at the boy, he saw:

The head wan two bun, wearing a collar blue clothes; Waist sash knot grass to plait, foot grain in ear shoe hemp interval. Bright eyes bright teeth, floating does not dye dust; Green hair, geng geng completely without vulgarity.

Lv Dongbin had a good shepherd boy poem in the past:

Straw shop horizontal field six or seven, flute lane night wind three or four. After returning full meal dusk, do not take off coir raincoat lie on bright moon.

The road boy, riding a scalper with a smile on his face, was coming across the hill, blowing the iron whistle. Seeing this, Hong Taiwei called the road boy, “Where are you from? Do you recognize me?” The road boy did not pick, only play the flute. Taiwei even asked a number of sound, tao boy laughed, took the iron flute, pointing at Hong Taiwei said: “you come here, do you want to see the master of heaven?” Tai Wei big surprised, easy way: “you are a shepherd boy, how to know?” Tao tong said with a smile: “I morning in the grass temple fushi Tianshi, listen to tianshi said: ‘in the first renzong tianzi, hong Taiwei, preformance danzhao royal incense, come to the mountain, I declare I go to Tokyo to do three thousand six hundred luo jiao, pray the world plague. Now I am riding on a crane on a cloud. ‘Sooner or later, I think I must have gone to a nunnery. Go up, for the mountain is full of poison, insects and wild animals, so that you will not be killed.” The commander asked again, “Don’t you lie?” Tao Tong laughed, but did not respond. He turned the hill again, whistling the iron flute. The commander thought, “How can this little one know everything about this? It is decided that the master of Heaven will pay him.” Want to wait to go up the mountain again, just frighten frighten frighten frighten the bitter, fight some son to die, it is better to go down the mountain.

With his stove in hand, the commander retraced his old path and ran down the mountain. The monks then asked the abbot to sit down. The man asked the Commander, “Have you ever seen the master of Heaven?” The commander said, “I am an important official in the imperial court. How did I teach me to walk through the mountain road? After eating such hard work, I fought for some children and died! For the head to the half mountain, jump out of a big bug of eyeball white forehead, surprised the lower official’s soul did not. Another line but a mountain, bamboo rattan grabbed a snowflake snake to make a pile, blocking the way. If I am not blessed, how can I get back to Beijing. All you do is tease the lower officials!” The real person answer way: “poor road wait how dare despise the minister, this is the heart of ancestor teacher to test taiwei. Though there are snakes and tigers in this mountain, they do not hurt anyone.” The commander said, “AS I was about to go up the hill again, I saw a road boy riding a scalper and blowing iron pipes coming over the hill. So I asked him, ‘Where are you coming from? Know me? ‘He said,’ The cicadas are already known. ‘Said the master of Heaven, and went to Tokyo in the morning by crane. That’s why the lower officer came back.” True humanity: “Tai Wei unfortunately miss, this shepherd boy is the master.” Taiwei way: “he is the master of heaven, how this wei 獕?” The man replied, “This generation of master is no small matter. Although he is young, he is very good at it. He is the extra person, the manifestation in all directions, very effective, the world is called the Tao Tong Patriarch.” Hong taiwei said: “I have been so blind to the true teacher, face to face miss!” True humanity: “But please rest assured, since the ancestral master’s law is to go, and the day taiwei returned to Beijing, this jiao service ancestral master has finished.” Taiwei saw said, just rest assured. Real one side teach arrangement feast, tube wait for taiwei; Please collect the Danzhao in the imperial book box, left in the Palace of the Qing dynasty, dragon incense on the Temple burned. On that day, the abbot arranged a feast for the abbot. Till evening feast, stay till dawn.

After breakfast the next day, the true humanity of the people and point deacons, please Tai Wei mountain tour. The Commander was overjoyed. Many people from follow, walk out of the abbot, the front two road children lead the way, walk to the palace in front of the palace, see a lot of scenery. On the Palace of sanqing, riches and honour can not be said. Left corridor, nine heaven Hall, Ziwei Hall, North Pole hall; Right corridor, taiyi hall, three official hall, exorcism hall. See all the palaces, line to the right gallery behind a place. When Hong Taiwei looked, another temple: the first was red mud wall pounded pepper; On the front there were red grating; The door was locked with a large armlock, crossed with a dozen envelopes, on which lay the seals; In front of the eaves was a gold plate in vermilion lacquer, with four gold characters written on it: “The House of The Demon”. The commander pointed to the doorway: “Where is this hall?” The real person answer: “this is the temple of the demon king of lock town of former generation old ancestor day teacher.” The Commander asked again, “Why are there so many envelopes piled on top of each other?” The real person answer: “this is the eldest eldest tang hole xuan national division blockade demon king here. But a generation of masters, personally added a cover, so that its children and grandchildren dare not jump open. It was very interesting to leave the Lord. After eight or nine generations, I dare not open. He cast it in molten bronze, and who knows what was inside. The path has been my abbot for more than thirty years, and I have only heard of it.” Taiwei Hong was surprised and thought, “I will look at the devil.” Then he said to the real man, “Open the door and let me see what the devil looks like.” The real person said: “Taiwei, this hall never dare to open. The ancient master warned that no one should open without permission from now on.” The Commander laughed and said, “Nonsense! You want to stir up the people, deliberately arrange this place, pretend to lock the town demon king, show off your Taoist skills. I read a book, never saw the magic lock. The way of ghosts and spirits, in the dark, I do not believe there is a demon king. Open it with me, and I’ll see the devil!” The real person three back five times to report: “this temple can not open, fear to provoke interests, have hurt in people.” The Commander was very angry and pointed to the Taoist people and said, “If you don’t wait for me to see it, come back to the imperial court and ask all the Taoist priests to stop you from issuing decrees and disobeying other imperial decrees to prevent me from seeing the criminals of the master of Heaven. After playing you and other private set up this temple, pretend to lock the town demon king, incite the army and the people. I sent you to suffer in the far state of the evil army.” The real person and so afraid of the power of taiwei, had to call a few fire workers to uncover the first seal, the hammer to open the big lock. When they opened the door and looked inside, it was dark, but they saw:

Faint silent, yao Yao Ming. Hundreds of years do not see the sun, millions of years difficult to look at the moon shadow. North and south, east and west. Black smoke as strong as cold, cold air Yin Yin invasion body tremble. Where there are no men, there are goblins. He opened his eyes as blind, and stretched out his hands. Often like thirty nights, but like five watches.

They all came together into the temple, and there was darkness and darkness. The Commander taught him to take a dozen torches from a man and light them. When he came to take a picture, there was nothing on either side except a stone tablet about 56 feet high in the center. Below the stone turtle sat cross-legged, most of him trapped in the mud. According to the stone tablet on the front are dragon seal and Phoenix seal seal, tianshu fruu, no one can understand. According to the tablet, but there are four real characters, carved “flood and open.” However, it is not the birth of the Tiangang star, the song Dynasty will show loyalty and good, and the third happened to meet Hong Xin. Is it not fate! Hong Taiwei saw these four words, great joy, then said to the real person: “you wait for resistance when I, but how hundreds of years ago already note my surname word here? ‘Meet the flood and open’, is clearly taught me to open look, but what! I think this demon is only under the stone. You and I call more firemen, and dig with spades and hoes.” The real man hurriedly remonstrated: “Commander, do not dig! Fear of harm, injury to people, improper stability.” The commander was furious and shouted, “What have you saved by waiting for the public? On the tablet clearly chiseled meet I teach open, how do you stop when! Call for it.” The real person again three return five times report a way: “fear have not good.” The captain was willing to listen. We had to gather all the people, put down the stone tablet, and dig the turtle together. It took us half a day to dig it. Digging down again, about three or four feet deep, I saw a big SLATE, but the abbot around. Hong taiwei called to dig up again. The real man said, “Do not dig!” The captain was willing to listen. They had to lift the SLATE together, and when they saw it, the bottom of the SLATE was a deep hole. I saw the acupoint scraping a loud sound, the sound is not small, just like:

The sky collapsed and the mountains collapsed. Qiantang River, the tide head waves out of the gate; Taihua mountain, giant spirit god a split broken peaks. Gonggong vigorous anger, to helmet knocked down the zhou Shan; The hammer-hammer shattered the last emperor’s chariot. A wind broke thousands of bamboo, one hundred thousand soldiers in the middle of the night thunder.

That a loud place, I saw a black gas, from the hole will roll up, lift down half of the temple corner. The black air rushed up for half a day and scattered a hundred golden beams in the air, looking away in all directions. The crowd was startled and shouted with a loud voice. They all left, leaving their hoes and shovels and rushing out of the house to push them down

Countless. Startled, Tai Wei Hong opened his eyes with dementia and lost sight of what to do. His face was like dirt. He ran to the corridor and saw the real man complaining incessantly. The captain asked, “What kind of demon has gone?” A few words, a few words, from the real man, gave the reason. There are points: once the emperor, night sleep is not stable, day food forget to eat. Straight to the city of Wanzi hidden tigers, polygonum erwa within the flying dragon. After all, the real dragon tiger Mountain say what words, but listen to the next decomposition.