Abstract: Packages and NPM nodes organize their own core modules, and also enable third-party file modules to be written and used in an orderly manner.
This article is shared by Huawei cloud community “NodeJs Journey: Package and NPM”, author: Kongchengji.
Package and NPM
Node organizes its own core modules and allows third-party file modules to be written and used in an orderly manner.
However, in third-party modules, modules are still hashed everywhere and cannot be directly referenced to each other
So outside of modules, packages and NPMS are the mechanisms that link modules together.
- Schematic diagram of package organization module
CommonJS package specification definition is actually very simple, by the package structure and package description file two parts.
Package structure
Used to organize various files in a package, is an archive file, that is, a directory packaged directly as a. Zip or tar.gz file.
Compliant package directory:
Package. json: package description file
Bin: directory for storing executable binary files
Lib: a directory for storing JavaScript code
Doc: Directory for storing documents
Test: Code used to store unit test cases
Package. json package description file
All NPM behavior is related to the fields in the package description file
Some fields:
Name: the package name. The specification definition should consist of lowercase letters and numbers, with no Spaces allowed. Package names must be unique to avoid overlapping conflicts when they are published
Description: introduction of package
Version: The version number, about which is also mentioned in Node.js Learning (1) – Introduction
Keywords: keyword group, mainly used for classification search in NPM.
Maintainers: List of package maintainers. Each maintainer consists of three attributes: name, email, and Web. NPM authenticates permissions through this property.
"maintainers":[{ "name":"kongchengji", "email":"111@.com", "web":"[http:](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36171287)" }]
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Ficolin-3: List of contributors, in the same format as the list of maintainers
Bugs: a web address or email address that can be used to report bugs
Licenses: List of licenses used by the current package, indicating which licenses the package is used under
"Licenses" : [{" type ":" GPLv2 ", "url" : ""}] / / or" license ":" ISC"Copy the code
- Repositories: A list of locations of hosted source code, indicating how and where package source code can be accessed.
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+https://github.com/kongchengji/UiSelfMade.git"
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Dependencies: List of packages that use the current package. This property is very important
Homepage: the website address of the current package
OS: The operating system supports lists. If the list is empty, no assumptions are made for the operating system
Cpi: list of SUPPORTED CPU architectures
Engine: List of supported JavaScript engines
Directories: specifies the package directory
Implements: List of implemented specifications. Flags which CommonJS specifications are implemented by the current package
Scripts: script description object. Mainly used by package managers to install, compile, test, and uninstall packages
"scripts": {
"dev": "webpack-dev-server --inline --progress --config build/webpack.dev.conf.js",
"start": "npm run dev",
"lint": "eslint --ext .js,.vue src",
"build": "node build/build.js"
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NPM differs from the package specification by adding four fields:
Author :ok_man:
Bin: Some package authors want packages to be used as command-line tools.
Main: When a module imports a package, it checks this field in a limited way and uses it as an entry module to the rest of the modules in the package. If not, require will look for index.js, index.node, and index.json in the package directory as the default entry
DevDependencies: Some modules need dependencies only at development time.
DevDependencies: Used in the development environment Dependencies: Used in the production environment
The front and back ends share modules
With the advent of JavaScript in Node, one advantage is that some modules can be shared between the front and back ends.
Sweat_drops :sweat_drops: sweat_drops:
Focus on the front and rear modules
The front and back JavaScript sits on both sides of the HTPP and plays different roles.
JavaScript on the browser side needs to be distributed from the same server side to multiple clients. The bottleneck is bandwidth. Loading code from the network
In the front end JavaScript, the AMD specification is mostly used.
CommonJS is not completely suitable for front-end JavaScript, such as Node module import is basically synchronous, but if front-end import uses synchronous import, the UI initialization process will spend a lot of time waiting for the script to load.
AMD specification
The AMD specification is an extension of the CommonJS specification. Its full name is Asynchronous Module Definition.
Is an asynchronous module definition
Module definition: define(ID? ,dependencies? , factory);
Id is the name of the module, which is an optional parameter.
Dependencies specifies a list of modules to depend on, which is an array and an optional parameter
AMD needs to specify all dependencies when declaring a module, passing the dependencies to the module contents with parameters:
define(['./a', './b'], function (dep1, dep2) {
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CMD specification
The opposite of the AMD specification is the CMD specification, which stands for CommonModule Definition.
Is a public module definition
This was put forward by yu Bo (also a big man) in China
Module definition: Define (Factory)
CMD supports dynamic import:
define(function(require, exports, module) {
var a=require('./a')
var b=require('./b')
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Whenever you need to rely on a module, just call require() to introduce it
CMD advocates dependence on nearby; AMD believes in relying on the front end
CMD is deferred execution; AMD is ahead of schedule
CMD performs well because it is executed only when the user needs it; AMD user experience is good, because there is no latency, dependency modules are executed ahead of schedule
The biggest difference between AMD and CMD is the execution timing of dependent modules
Compatible with various module specifications
Create a Hello method that runs in different operating environments, including Node, AMD, CMD, and common browsers
Add one before the anonymous function; It’s a good convention that name is the method name and definition is the method body
Check whether the environment is AMD or CMD or Node through Typeof
You can mount the module execution result in the window variable so that it can be called directly
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