See the Browser Extension Development in Action column for this series of articles

TagDown is an open source bookmark management plug-in that allows you to view, add, and modify bookmarks using the extension. It also allows you to export bookmarks in different ways.

In addition to the usual bookmark management features, it also has the following features:

  • Support 🎬newBookmark and attach additional information, for exampletags,groups
  • Support 🎬exportAny bookmark isjsonThe document
  • Browse the hierarchical bookmark data as a 🎬 tree
  • Open multiple bookmarks in one click. You can open bookmarks in 🎬 TAB group


The interface between the extension and the user is mainly through a popup window. When the user clicks on the extension icon on the toolbar, an HTML page pops up, which implements most of the functions of the extension.

The page has two states:

  • Browsing Status Browser: Users can browse all bookmarks already saved in Chrome
  • Edit: Users can add, modify and delete bookmarks on the edit page

The extension program will monitor the activation status of label switching in the background to analyze whether the URL is bookmarked and dynamically switch the icon status of the extension program on the toolbar.

The extender also provides a configuration page option Page that allows you to export, import, and delete the IndexedDB database, as well as export bookmarks on demand.

A more detailed design can be seen here, as well as a prototype to experience basic interactions with the extension.