After reading the implementation of vue-Router in the pull-up boot camp, I was full of dried goods, but the implementation of vue-Router is rather convoluted,...
Automatically generate a vue route and the corresponding directory and.vue file pain point Every time a new route is added, there are several fixed steps...
This article introduces the implementation principle of VueRouter step by step. Before reading this article, you need to have a basic understanding of the use...
This paper introduces the implementation of view update when the route changes, mainly involving the following contents: update the matching result of the current route;...
Smooth operation experience: similar to the feeling of local apps, there is no frequent "interruption" feeling during switching. Because the interface framework is local, and...
This article introduces the implementation of global hook functions, mainly involving the following content: navigation parsing process; The use and principle of routing hook function;...
This article mainly introduces the extension configuration of router-link and router-view in VUe-Router, and the extension of configuration items when creating routes.
Note: Vue-router does not have full control over front-end routing permissions. In the actual development of routes, there are often logon access and logon access...
Let's forget about dynamic components and start router. Common API, the official website is very detailed. Remember to see the official tutorial, don't forget the...
The overall operation process of VUE-Router has been introduced in detail in the previous article. For details of the previous article, you can click here.... History apis window object through the History object provides access to the browser session History; It exposes many useful methods and genera
First, vue-Router principle parsing the overall content is long, requires some patience, you can first understand the general idea and then make breakthroughs one content...
Preface Before formally entering vue-Router, we first jump out of the framework of thinking, carefully think about the implementation principle of front-end routing, observe the...
This is the simpler and more complete structure, minus (parameters and hooks, explained later). By default, vue-router uses hash mode, which can be used to...