Last article to introduce the use of single linked list, this article to analyze the single linked list common interview questions (all dry goods) single...
Today through 5 force to share the data structure and algorithm of a problem solving method -- double pointer, wechat search Java xiaojie to refueling,...
Algorithm objective To determine the substring (pattern string) in the main string of the first occurrence of the location algorithm using search engine, spelling check,...
The KMP algorithm is more convoluted in the string matching algorithm. It is mainly necessary to understand the necessity of solving next array in KMP...
This blog introduces the tree related knowledge, such as preorder, middle order, follow-up, etc., through the graphical way to analyze the code, explain the relevant...
Linked lists, like arrays, can be used to store a series of elements, but the implementation mechanism for linked lists and arrays is completely different....
LinkedList and ArrayList are two different implementations of the List interface. The efficiency of adding and deleting a List is low, but the efficiency of...
In a nutshell, a HashMap is an associative array, hash table, and is thread-unsafe, allowing null keys and null values. The duration is disordered. The...
Declaration: images and content based on hash table overview of hash function Direct addressing method In addition to leave remainder method digital points
Updates continue at...... Linear lists are divided into sequential representation and chained representation. This article focuses on chained representation, which is the structure of a...
Nuggets team number online, help you Offer impromptu! The description gives you a string expression, s, and asks you to implement a basic calculator to...
Preface Today is the fourth day of our presentation on the "knapsack problem" in dynamic programming. Of all the backpack problems, "01 backpack problem" is...