Solution: Encapsulate a layer of lock on the basis of request, when the accessToekn check is completed, other incoming requests are waiting, do not request,...
Sending HTTP requests has never been an easy thing in front-end engineering. There are scary ActiveXObject and awkward XMLHttpRequest API design before, and even the...
There are two ways to implement this. One is to use navigator.getUserMedia (this feature has been removed from the Web standard, although some browsers still...
Promise: Promise is a new solution for asynchronous programming in JS (who's the old one? Syntactically, Promise is a constructor. Functionally, Promise is a Prom
This article realizes a Promise object to get an in-depth understanding of the operation principle of Promise. Before we start writing code to implement a...
Promise is an asynchronous solution provided by ES6 that allows asynchronous operations that write complex traditional callback functions and listen to events to communicate the...
The Promise object represents events that will happen in the future and is used to deliver messages for asynchronous operations. Synchronization: Perform the next task...
As we all know, JavaScript is single-threaded, which was originally designed as a scripting language running on the browser. The most important operation of the...
Thenable is an object or function that contains the THEN method. Value is any Javascript value. (undefined, thenable, promise, etc.). Exception is a value thrown...
Using Promise/A+ as A standard, write A Promise library that can pass standard tests. Asynchronous operations can be queued, executed in the desired order, and...
So in javascript, there's synchronous code, and asynchronous code, and as the name suggests, synchronous code, which is code that executes on this, asynchronous code...
Using Promises solves callback hell, multiple asynchronous requests, and more. So how does it work? Promise has three states: a success state, a failure state,...
Promises have become very common as a solution to asynchronous programming. Today we will complete a Promise step by step which is in accordance with...
There are six asynchronous JavaScript methods. If you're asked in an interview what's wrong with callback functions, you'll probably answer callback hell without thinking. Indeed,...
This article realizes a Promise object to get an in-depth understanding of the operation principle of Promise. Before we start writing code to implement a...
Promise provides a resolve to tell when asynchrony ends, but the essence is the same: the callback is placed inside the THEN. ES7 await/async allows...