Opens a connection to the target server and proceeds to the next interceptor. The code for connecting interceptors is relatively simple, mainly combining network Settings...
The network library of choice for the original project was the most popular retrofit+ OKHTTP +gson. There are also records in the following version. But!!!...
Each popular framework is designed to address a development pain point. Each frame also has its own distinctive design and ideas. They can greatly improve...
IntentService inherits from Service, so it has the same structure as Service. This needs no further explanation. But in use, it is a little different...
I wonder why nobody sees something so good. Retrofit: An open source product from Square that provides a type-safe REST client for Android applications. It...
Okhttp is a simple encapsulation of OKHTTP, with POST, GET, upload and download functions and JSON and GSON format returns. The code has been pulled...
Retrofit turns your HTTP API into a Java interface. Retrofit turns your HTTP API into a Java interface. The Retrofit class generates an implementation of...
OkHttp for asynchronous request thread pool mainly rely on Dispatcher to implement, Dispatcher is used to dispatch background network requests initiated by the scheduler, there...
HttpUtils has been renamed since V2.3.0 because it is no longer just a few utility classes, but a lightweight web development package with rich functionality....
This paper uses symmetric encryption algorithm DES and asymmetric encryption algorithm RSA to do data transmission encryption. Symmetric encryption DES: Symmetric encryption uses a single-key...
From the stackTrace above, we can analyze that a NullPointerException has occurred. There was a crash. Wait, I remember OkHttp handled exceptions. Well, yes, OkHttp...
Corresponding to the method in our written interface class, through the dynamic proxy pattern, through which we can define the method (including method parameters, annotations)...