Podfiles are Ruby, so you can change them as you like. https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/xcodeproj is the library cocopods configuration file is used to modify the Xcode, API...
Gank camp 📱 pursuit a new user experience of dry camp iOS client author: CoderKo1oGitHub:https://github.com/iphone5solo/Gank website: http://gank.io/ App Store App Demo App Screenshot Project Installation...
Since the nature of multithreading is scheduling back and forth between different threads, each thread may have different priorities for allocated resources. If the lower-priority...
Responsibilities of iOS architect :1. Responsible for iOS client software architecture research; 2. Participate in key and difficult technical problems of the project; At least...
GCD based on a higher level of encapsulation, fully object-oriented. But it's easier to use and more readable than GCD. You can add completed blocks...
Address space: Threads of the same process share the address space of the same process, while processes are independent of each other. Process switchover consumes...
The invoke pointer refers to the implementation of the block, and its void* argument is passed to the block structure, which contains the block size...
The memory management section also has an automatic release pool, which is a memory reclamation mechanism where objects placed in autoreleasePool are released late. So...
Introduction provides similar to address book avatar, support Chinese characters to pinyin, lowercase to uppercase, split and other operations such as avatar browsing GitHub address:...
NSURLProtocol is part of the URL Loading System in the Foundation framework. It allows developers to change all the details of URL loading without modifying...
In September 2018, Apple introduced os_SignPOST, which works with Instruments to display visualizations of WWDC video Measuring Performance Using Logging
This article is after the personal Information Protection Law has been promulgated, the App AUtonavi SDK rectification. When I was relieved to complete the rectification...
Use Nullability Annotations to specify nullability for the Objective-C API to control how pointer types in objective-C declarations are imported into Swift to make marshals...
If you've ever worked with concurrent programming in Objective-C, you've probably seen the @synchronized structure. Synchronized is often used to avoid concurrent execution of the...
Jenkins is an open source continuous integration tool, its characteristics: easy to install, easy to configure, extensible (their own plug-in development), and it has hundreds...
This is the second day of my November update Challenge. The last update Challenge in 2021 talks about monitoring and measuring startup time: iOS Basics...