EventBus is an EventBus for Android and Java that simplifies communication between activities, fragments, threads, services, and more. The less code, the better quality
MVC, MVP, and MVVM are three common architectural design patterns. Currently, MVP and MVVM are relatively widely used. Of course, MVC is not outdated. The...
ViewModel provides a more loosely coupled way to share data between Android components. At the same time, the maintenance of component state is more convenient,...
This article introduces LiveData and its principles, a groundbreaking component that is aware of the Android UI lifecycle, and learns how the Observer pattern applies...
Content source: March 10, 2018, Today's headlines -Musically IOS architect Ren Kai gave a speech to share in the "Technology Salon · 22 play [mobile...
In the MVVM architecture, there is no direct connection between View and Model, but interaction through ViewModel. The interaction between Model and ViewModel is two-way,...
Those who do mobile terminal development and front-end development should be familiar with the terms MVC, MVP, and MVVM. These are the three most commonly...
AACHulk function description 1. Supports the configuration of multiple server addresses, multiple success codes, various timeout periods, various interceptors, and Arouter 2. Support custom abnormal...
AndroidBaseFrameMVVM is an Android engineering framework using the following technology stacks: componentizing, Kotlin, MVVM, Jetpack, Repository, and Kotlin-Coroutine-Flow
In business, the MVVM framework is usually used together with the data state library (REdux, MOBx, etc.). This article will explain why the data state...
MVVM mode is based on data-driven UI, we can use ViewModel to decouble Activity and View. Compared with the FREQUENT interaction between Presenter and View...
React's Diff Algorithm does the same thing for Vue's DIff algorithm, i.e. only diff between vnodes of the same class, recursively diff between vnodes of...
After introducing the background and original intention, we started to build the FRAMEWORK of MVVM. In this part, we carried out simple construction to understand...
Vue internally implements a set of variation methods for observing arrays, such as push(), pop(), shift(), and so on. Object.definepropert can only change Object properties...
The author uses the standard Android architecture, MVP, MVVM three software architecture to reconstruct an application, we can compare the differences of the three architectures....
It is important to reuse some common MVVM patterns. There are a number of reusable MVVM patterns in Mobx-Utils. Implement a general pattern of paging...
In real development, few people modify internal properties directly by manipulating Object.defineProperty(), but it can be very useful when implementing frameworks or libraries. Whenever we...
Object. DefineProperty 2. Observer mode 3. Summary 1. Invoke the vUe-like method 2. Initialize data 3. Initialize the V-Model form 4. Model changes trigger view...