In an interface may need to more than one interface, such as: access authentication code interface + registered interface back-end prefix: backend interfaces to...
After finishing the first version of the last project, only by summarizing and analyzing the architecture of the last project can we find the shortcomings...
MVP+Dagger2+Rxjava+Retrofit+GreenDao development application, including news, video, picture three module functions, good code specifications and clear project architecture, the project has a large amount of code...
Process: Controller (C) controls page routing and some page interaction, which passes to model (M), which passes to layout (V) display page, and if the...
MVC combination of various components through some rules have been completed, at the same time joined the surveillance mechanism, form a highly efficient conveyor belt,...
As in recent years the rapid development of mobile Internet, mobile Internet technology also get a boost, aided architecture design model framework and ideas emerge...
From the last chapter, you have a general understanding of MVC. Before starting this chapter, I hope you can read the previous chapter first, otherwise...
Similar to Taobao, Tmall, JINGdong, support multi-dimensional attribute selector, shopping cart... Color gradients for Android Instagram. Android copy ele. me add shopping cart rotation control...
Function module: mainly divided into five parts. Love fun: a Material Design style open source application that integrates hot news, videos, film reviews and girl...
Recently, the company's project is relatively empty, so I spent some time to write a personal face recognition app, which can check your gender, age,...
Generates the MVP Contract interface class based on the specified parent interface. The MVP implementation class is optionally generated based on the generated MVP Contract...
During my years of learning and growth, I gradually realized that it is very difficult and painful to build an excellent Android development framework. It...
Model: Data Model, responsible for the logic related to data processing, encapsulating application state, responding to state queries, and notifying views of changes. ① The...
Front spent a lot of trouble to introduce layered architecture related knowledge, and how the MVC architecture, a broker mode is introduced and the relationship...