The last article introduced the LRU algorithm, and today I'm going to introduce the LFU algorithm. As mentioned in the previous article, LFU (Least frequently...
JS set cross-domain resource sharing is still cross-domain, which is the decline of morality or distortion of human nature? ! Welcome to this episode of...
Small knowledge, big challenge! Decoupling assignment of variables: ECMAScript 6 allows variables to be assigned by extracting values from arrays or objects in a pattern.
You've probably heard the interview question: How can you tell if your current environment is mobile? The answer might be navigator. UserAgent, so why is...
This article contains online compilation, online editing, utilities, visualization tools, a variety of front-end e-books and more than 50 sites, quickly put your favorites to...
The __proto__ access descriptor on Object. Prototype is accessed through the prototype chain. The following is more like a note from JavaScript Advanced Programming, distilling...
One of my former colleagues just started working in a local state-owned enterprise in Chengdu. They used observable hooks, which I have never used before,...
Offer to come, dig friends take it! I am participating in the 2022 Spring Recruit Punch card activity. Click here for details. Preamble Yesterday's topic...
Read this article 🦀 1. How to communicate between Iframe pages 2. Learn about the Window.postMessage API 3. Iframe communication ❓ We sometimes need to...
Orbiton JS Orbiton JS is the ultimate JavaScript library for creating UIs. Orbiton JS is a lightweight, minimalist JavaScript library for creating browser UIs that...
Handle innerText and textContent handle compatibility registration events for firstElementChild, handle compatibility issues remove events, handle compatibility issues get how far the page scrolls, and...
CSS3 in the basic use of linear gradient, its syntax rules to achieve such as grid lines, zebra lines, diagonal stripe styles. And simple implementation...
Finish reading this, you will understand how to build a simple curry, support the placeholder curry, Function. The prototype. The length of the rules, understand...