HTTP protocol cache mechanism is an important means of web performance optimization, for the front-end development to some stage of students, should be essential basic...
This section mainly introduces how to use Charles to capture packets and simulate weak network environment tests. Charles can help us see all HTTP and...
HTTP knowledge, in the interview process will inevitably be asked about, as a protocol knowledge, but also involves the whole HTTP protocol knowledge. So this...
HTTP What is the HTTP protocol? The Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a Transfer Protocol that obtains network resources, such as texts, layout descriptions,...
Originally I wanted to find a website for packet capture analysis, but the formal environment of the website HTTP requests too much, too much interference,...
In the last article we looked at the effects and principles of Header Compression (indexed tables and static Huffman encoding). In this article, we mainly...
1. Definition of HTTP long and short Connections After an HTTP session access to the server, the browser does not close the connection. Instead, the...
1. What is caching? The HTTP caching mechanism is mainly set in the HTTP response header, where the relevant fields are Expires, Cache-Control, Last-Modified, and...
The previous article also mentioned the current mobile network performance problems, and the corresponding optimization strategy, if HTTP1.1 to replace HTTP2.0, can be said to...
There aren't many HTTP 2.0 interview questions, but there are plenty of applications based on HTTP 2.0, such as Google's gRPC framework for efficiency. At...
This paper introduces the HTTP version evolution roadmap, detailed description of HTTP1.1 long connection, and the resulting HOLB queue congestion problem, HTTP2.0 protocol stack, binary...
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is an application layer transmission Protocol based on TCP. Simply speaking, it is a rule for data transmission between the client...
What are strong and negotiated caches? How are strong cache and negotiated cache implemented? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each caching strategy? What...
HTPP Status code Classification The HTTP status code consists of three decimal digits. The first decimal digit defines the type of the status code, and...
TCP protocol definition Connection-oriented reliable transport The source port number and destination port number in the TCP header and the source IP and destination IP...