The figure above shows the EFK architecture diagram and the common log collection mode in THE K8S environment. | faults | 1. Consume more resources;...
In the era of Internet finance, financial products and service models continue to be innovated, and the capacity demand of the financial system increases sharply....
As the messaging infrastructure evolves in the cloud, RocketMQ is also exploring post-processing scenarios in the messaging space, as well as streaming and light computing...
For four days, two main forums, hundreds of sub-forums, four venues and exhibitions were integrated to create a "cloud digital Valley", and then add interactive...
The concept of Cloud Native, first proposed by MattStine of Pivotal in 2013, continues to be used today. Agile Infrastructure and The Twelve-Factor App. Not...
The survey was co-sponsored by Chaos Engineering Laboratory of China Academy of Information and Communication Technology, infoQ, VCEC and China Cloud Native Community. Users who...
The community provides the OpenYurt ease-of-use tool YurTCtl. This tool aims to eliminate the complexity of OpenYurt cluster creation and help developers quickly build OpenYurt...
1. Abnormal protrusion The CPU usage of a RegionServer in the HBase cluster suddenly reaches 100%. After the RegionServer is restarted, the CPU load gradually...
KubeVela is an easy-to-use and highly scalable cloud native application management engine, which is built on the cloud native application development model OAM jointly published...
Alibaba has recently opened source its cloud native container image acceleration technology. Its OverLaybd image format enables web-based on-demand reading compared to the traditional layered...
Author: Qingxi Ali Cloud technical expert, mainly responsible for ACK container network design and research and development, ali Cloud open source CNI project Terway main...
Introduction: For the interpretation of the concept of cloud native, we often hear about microservices and containers, so what is the relationship between these technologies...
Kubernetes monitoring is an integrated solution for end-to-end observability of the Kubernetes cluster software stack. In Kubernetes monitoring, you can see the observation data of...
The author | si-yu wang (the wish) Photo Creidt @ si-yu wang (the wish) background OpenKruise is ali Cloud open source Cloud Native application automation...
Once upon a time, Docker took the world by storm with its "mirror" approach, knocking other Containerd technologies, including Google, out of the water. Google...
The micro-service architecture has been implemented in Qunar for many years, and the number of micro-service applications has reached thousands. As the call links between...
** Modular application o&M characteristics: ** O&M characteristics description that can be freely combined and support modular implementation. In OAM, "application" is a combination of...
One year after the launch of Ali Cloud Edge container service, the cloud native edge computing solution OpenYurt was officially opened. The difference from other...
An interesting scenario was recently encountered when the business side had a container that only ran asynchronous tasks, which meant it had simple logic to...
Event-driven refers to a strategy that events make decisions in the process of continuous transaction management. Recurring problems can be solved by mobilizing available resources...
Entering the K8s world, there are many controllers that fulfill certain types of resources (e.g., POD is managed through DeploymentController, ReplicaSetController)
Some enterprise customers will adopt hybrid cloud architecture based on data sovereignty and security and privacy considerations. Some choose the hybrid Cloud plus multiple cluster...
Kubernetes knowledge atlas follows the learning path of cloud native talents to build the curriculum system framework, and the talent development route is set at...