Extensions are small personalized programs that add new features to your browser. You can customize the Chrome experience by adding extensions through the Chrome App...
You often need to make frequent requests in a Web application when the user is interacting or entering the latest input. Such as auto-complete while...
You can also purchase a Powerpack, which allows you to use all of Alfred's capabilities, primarily the Workflows custom plug-in workflow. You can also find...
See my previous article, "Understanding the Download properties in HTML/HTML5." But obviously, if you use purely HTML attributes to download files (rather than open or...
For the past few years we've only been able to operate the clipboard using Document. execCommand. However, this manipulation of the clipboard is synchronous and...
Controls. Use these options to control the appearance and functionality of the Network panel. Filters. Use these options to control which resources are displayed in...
There are no strict project structure requirements for developing and debugging the Chrome plugin, just make sure the directory has a manifest.json, and no special...
This section is for study only. Please delete this section within 24 hours after downloading. Learn about Chrome plug-in development 2. Introduce Chrome plug-in Manifest...