This method is used for AIDL file communication between processes when AIDL cannot find the file error solution! When learning across processes, the teacher wrote...
Android Parcelable serialization is quickly generated without a lot of template code written by hand. Quickly convert the JSON string into a Java Bean, saving...
In Flutter, the UI is built by nesting layers of widgets. The development process of Flutter inevitably requires frequent changes to the Widget tree to...
The ButterKnife plugin frees Android programmers from repetitive findViewById code, especially with Android Studio plug-ins that automatically generate code. AbstractProcess is used to compile a...
Mention Android call system camera take photos upload pictures or display pictures, surely any Android development friends will not be unfamiliar, basic this function has...
In the previous step, Implementing your own ButterKnife(1), we saw how to implement findViewById in an Activity using the @bindView annotation. SetContentView () ¶ Bind...
Glide is a fast and efficient Android image loading library that focuses on smooth scrolling. Glide provides an easy-to-use API, a high-performance, scalable decode pipeline,...
You know when we're doing reverse analysis, a lot of the time we're doing logic. Network packet capture, data source flow analysis, page logical jump...
Some tripartite log libraries have this problem. AndroidUtilCode, of course, solved this problem right away and now uses only 1.13.8 or later. If AndroidUtilCode is...
This is a fun open source Operating system for Android PC... We'll start small and maybe make something interesting -- android playable on the desktop!...
This document walks you through the basic process of building a simple JetPack-based application. Launch Android Studio 3.2 or later and, as always, enter information...