AFNetWorking is basically a standard configuration of the network communication framework used in iOS development. The framework itself is large and complex, but it is...
AFNetworking, as read in this article, is version 3.2.0. The implementation of backgroundImage and the implementation of image are the same except that when you...
AFNetworking, as read in this article, is version 3.2.0. 2.1. AFURLRequestSerialization agreement that defines a method that is used to reference the parameters for joining...
AFNetworking, as read in this article, is version 3.2.0. The AFHTTPSessionManager class is the most commonly used AFNetworking class. This class is a subclass of...
AFNetworking, as read in this article, is version 3.2.0. This classification provides a means of controlling the request cycle, including progress monitoring, success and failure...
IOS development will often use Cocoapods to manage third parties, simple, convenient and efficient. How to integrate Cocoapods into Cocoapods is explained in detail on...
IOS development will often use Cocoapods to manage third parties, simple, convenient and efficient. How to integrate Cocoapods into Cocoapods is explained in detail on...
AFNetworking, as read in this article, is version 3.2.0. This class is used to detect network environment changes. These two constants are used to listen...
AFNetworking, as read in this article, is version 3.2.0. Completed the first face AFURLRequestSerialization, AFURLResponseSerialization, AFSecurityPolicy and AFNetworkReachabilityManager class reading, meet...
AFNetworking, as read in this article, is version 3.2.0. The AFSecurityPolicy class is used to verify that the certificate for HTTPS requests is correct. Since...
GitHub's own objective-C implementation of the functional and responsive programming paradigm sounds like a fancy name and a steep learning curve, but it will definitely...
As an iOS developer, you may not know about NSUrlRequest, NSUrlConnection, or NSURLSession... (Can't go on... How come you don't know anything...) But you know...
Since many places in the project need to upload pictures, we can customize the request of uploading pictures, and customize the retrieval of albums and...
Disclaimer: I am not working for an outsourcing company. I am currently working for Beijing Honghuanglan Education Institution, whose products include bamboo Pocket Child Care,...
This article mainly introduces AFNetworking request parameters in serialized parts, specific code in AFURLRequestSerialization. AFURLRequestSerialization contains four parts: AFHTTPRequestSerialization mainly set HTTP request header, set...
<objc/ Runtime. h> <objc/runtime.h> <objc/runtime.h> <objc/runtime.h> <objc/runtime.h> <objc/runtime.h> <objc/runtime.h> All this code is generated for us by the compiler. You can't see it, but it's...
NSURLSession is a new generation of network framework launched by iOS7. On the basis of NSURLConnection, AFNetwrking also implements the corresponding network request API based...