This is the 10th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge
Original: Telami’s Blog, welcome to share, reprint please reserve source.
In a HashMap of 1.8, there is an algorithm whose function is to return a number greater than the nearest integer power of 2 (regardless of the maximum capacity) of the input parameter
/** * Returns a power of two size for the given target capacity. */
static final int tableSizeFor(int cap) {
int n = cap - 1;
n |= n >>> 1;
n |= n >>> 2;
n |= n >>> 4;
n |= n >>> 8;
n |= n >>> 16;
return (n < 0)?1 : (n >= MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) ? MAXIMUM_CAPACITY : n + 1;
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I also read some other people’s analysis on the Internet and sorted it out as follows:
n |= n >>> 1; Is equivalent to the n = n | (n > > > 1);
Let’s say cap is equal to 65;
int n = cap - 1 // that is, n = 64 (1000000 binary)
n |= n >>> 1; / / that is n = n | (n > > > 1) = 1000000 | 0100000 = 1100000
n |= n >>> 2; / / that is n = n | (n > > > 2) = 1100000 | 0011000 = 1111000
n |= n >>> 4; / / that is n = n | (n > > > 4) = 1111000 | 0001111 = 1111111
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The last step is a nested ternary operation which returns 1 if n is less than 0, otherwise it continues to determine if n exceeds the maximum capacity, and returns n + 1 which is n= 128 compared to our input value –> The nearest power of 2 greater than 65 is 128
In fact, excluding the above specific example, the whole process can be summarized as follows:
Let’s assume that the binary of n is 01xxx… XXX. Then,
Move n 1 bit to the right: 001XX… XXX, or: 011XX… xxx
For n, move 2 to the right: 00011… XXX, or: 01111… xxx
We already have four ones in front of us, so we move four more to the right and we get eight ones
Similarly, if you have eight ones, moving eight to the right will definitely make the next eight ones.
In summary, the algorithm makes all bits after the highest 1 become 1.
And then n plus 1, you get 2 to the whole power.
So that’s pretty clear. Why in the first place
-int n = cap - 1;
The purpose of reassigning cap-1 to n is to find a target value greater than or equal to the original value. For example, the value is 1000 in binary and 8 in decimal. If you don’t subtract 1 from it, you get the answer 10000, which is 16. Obviously not the result. If you subtract 1 from the binary to 111, you get the original value of 1000, or 8.
Bit operations are quite efficient.