Recently, xiaobi read a report that a woman in Xiamen saved 1,200 yuan in a bank more than 40 years ago (1973). She finally got 1,484.04 yuan in interest. Now she has withdrawn 2,684.04 yuan.

In this case, the focus has been on the 1,200 yuan a few decades ago, but today 2684.04 yuan is only enough for a meal. Netizens commented

Back in the late 1970s, 10,000 yuan was astronomical

According to authoritative academic research reports: the current 2.55 million is equivalent to the previous “ten thousand yuan household”; So this woman’s savings would be about $250,000 in today’s money! At that time, 10 yuan could buy 10 jin of hairy crab. Now, 10 yuan can buy only eight legs. At that time, 10 yuan could buy 30 jin of large yellow croaker. Now, 10 yuan can only buy fish scales. So, history teaches us a surprising lesson: don’t save money if you can spend it now! Because the more you keep it, the less it’s worth!

As we all know, the best application scenario of blockchain is digital assets led by bitcoin, but it is obviously not wise to enter the primary market now, so why not consider the secondary market if you want to enter the coin circle?

Take 9Coin, which is familiar to xiaobian, as an example. It is a professional blockchain asset trading platform developed and operated by the development and technical team of YQD PTY LTD in Melbourne, Australia, which focuses on blockchain technology, together with technical security experts.

At the same time, issued by 9 coin asset trading platform based on Ethernet fang ERC20 intelligent technology created by contract, issue of constant total 1 billion pieces of T9, since August 5, 2018, online trading, has been favored by investors, market the price trend, the volume of 9 coin exchange ranked first, steady growth, staying power. Xiaobian let you choose investment and financial management, not to teach how to become rich overnight, but just hope that everyone’s hard-earned money can beat inflation, because money in the hand will be more and more worthless, don’t wait until the end, the original enough money to buy a house can only buy a bed. Of course, there are risks in investment, so we should carefully choose the investment method and project suitable for ourselves.