
Seeing the word “word-of-mouth burst”, there should be a lot of students who “smell the wind” to “spit fragrance”, so first three “burst seal”.

And if three “cracking seals” aren’t enough, then one more “om mani padme hum,” which, yes, seals the Monkey King for 500 years.”The Six-character Great Bright Mantra

Anyway, T-IO is actually a domestic network programming framework written by a third-rate programmer. In order to prove the excellence of T-IO, the programmer also wrote in T-IOHTTP server, WebSocket serverLater, the program used T-IO, TIO-HTTP, tio-websocket to make an instant messaging software similar to wechat —-Tan to chat(The programmer wasn’t very good, but he was narcissistic enough to name the software after himself.) There’s a loser in hereT-io Technology White Paper. I treasure the white paper, not to better understand T-IO, but for the futurePoking fun at t – IOevenDefeat the t – IOAccumulate original capital ^_^

This update

It is a shame that this is yet another bug-free release, so the dependency management of T-IO has to be updated every two months (after all, many users are using dependency management of T-IO). Maintaining frequent updates also helps new users know that the author is maintaining the framework

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