I have some basic knowledge about how to learn Java, and I am afraid of going into the pit. I don’t know how to learn systematically by myself. Here’s the point! For the foundation and no foundation have written a systematic learning method oh. Article reprinted from the byte!

First, no foundation

Be sure to ask yourself if you like learning Java? As long as it’s ok to like everything, here’s my advice: code more, code more, code more, and say the important things three times

1, learning Java must not listen to knock over, must knock several times, the first time can follow the teacher’s ideas, behind must have their own ideas, slowly develop their own programming ideas and logic to achieve functions. You can even set questions for yourself, completely rely on their own to achieve some interesting small functions, to improve their ability and code proficiency are not small help.

2. Watch more videos and practice more, mainly practicing the use of some algorithms. It is recommended to download some programming exercises and make sense of them one by one. Take regular notes and use a notepad to save some classic questions for review.

3. If you have no basic knowledge, watch the video. There are also many free self-study tutorials on B website

A full Java tutorial is recommended; B station search

4, every time you see a piece of code in the video immediately on the computer to run out for him, don’t directly take the source CD to copy, don’t finish watching the video before starting to knock on the code. After a few days you’ll get a feel for it, and then come up with some code to write, like how to convert names to gibberish, and then convert them back in another way, like sending a few messages on a walkie-talkie. Go on like this in March you set niu bi, then take out the teaching material carefully look at each sentence, master the principle.

Second, there is a foundation

With programming foundation, it is very easy to learn!

Recommend our Java learning route to you! Hope to help you!

Another recommended a few books, should be useful to you!

1. Head First Java

This is suitable for beginners, and the home computer class teaching material really has very big difference. Vivid examples, detailed narration, funny illustrations, various exercises of different difficulty, great.

2. JAVA Core Technology Volume 1 Basic Knowledge

Java Core Technology has long been regarded as a classic tutorial and reference book for advanced programmers. It is informative, objective, accurate, and unclutter-free. It is the first choice for programmers who want to write robust Java code for real-world applications.

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The code is 67.