The introduction
Continuing with the Swift documentation, we learned about Swift control flows, such as for-in loops, while loops, if statements, switch statements, continue, break, fallthrough, tagged statements, guard statements, and so on. Among them, the usage of switch statement in Swift is very different from OC, with richer functions. For details, please refer to the content of the previous chapter. Now, let’s learn about Swift’s functions. This chapter is very important, almost all development languages are inseparable from the use of functions, so we need to take this chapter seriously and master it. Due to its long length, I will record it separately. Next, Fighting!
If you are already comfortable with functions, see the next section: closures
A function is a separate block of code that performs a specific task. You give a function a name that identifies its functionality, and that name is used to “call” the function to perform its task if needed.
Swift’s uniform function syntax is flexible enough to express anything from simple C-style functions with no parameter names to complex Objective-C style methods with each parameter name and parameter label. Parameters can provide default values to simplify function calls, and can be passed as input-output parameters that modify the variables passed after the function completes execution.
Each function in Swift has a type, including the parameter type and return type of the function. You can use this type just like any other type in Swift, which makes it easy to pass functions as arguments to other functions and return functions from them. You can also write functions in other functions to encapsulate useful functions within the scope of nested functions.
Define and call functions
When you define a function, you can choose to define one or more of the functions as input names, and type values called parameters. You can also choose to define a value type that will be returned as output when the function completes, called the return type of the function.
Each feature has a feature name that describes the task it performs. To use a function, “call” the function with its name, and then pass it an input value (called an argument) that matches the type of the function argument. Function arguments must always be supplied in the same order as the function argument list.
In the example below, the function is called greet (person because it does just that, it takes a person’s name as input and returns that person’s greeting. To do this, you need to define an input parameter, a String value named person, and a String return type that will contain the greeting for that person:
func greet(person: String) -> String {
let greeting = "Hello, " + person + "!"
return greeting
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All of this information is summarized in the function definition, prefixed with the func keyword. You can indicate the return type of the function by using the return arrow -> (hyphen followed by square brackets), followed by the name of the type to be returned.
The definition describes what a function does, what it expects to receive, and what it returns when it’s done. By definition, this function can easily be explicitly called from elsewhere in the code:
print(greet(person: "Anna"))
// Prints "Hello, Anna!"
print(greet(person: "Brian"))
// Prints "Hello, Brian!"
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You can call the greet (person function by passing a String value after the person parameter tag, for example, greet (person: “Anna”). Since this function returns a String value, you can wrap the greet (person
ina call to the print (_ : separator: terminator
function to print the String and see its return value, as shown above.
Note that the first argument of the print (_ : separator: terminator
function has no label and the other arguments are optional because they have default values. These variations of function syntax are discussed below under Function parameter Labels, Parameter Names, and Default Parameter values.
The body of the greet (person function begins by defining a new String constant called greeting and setting it to a simple greeting message. This greeting is then passed back to the function using the return keyword. In the line of code representing the return greeting, the function completes its execution and returns the current value of the greeting.
You can call the greet (person function multiple times with different input values. The example above shows what would happen if the call was made with input values “Anna” and “Brian”. This function returns a custom greeting in each case.
To make the body of the function shorter, you can combine the message creation and return statements on one line:
func greetAgain(person: String) -> String {
return "Hello again, " + person + "!"
print(greetAgain(person: "Anna"))
// Prints "Hello again, Anna!"
Copy the code
2 Function parameters and return values
Function parameters and return values are very flexible in Swift. You can define anything from simple utility functions with a single unnamed parameter to complex functions with expressive parameter names and different parameter options.
2.1 Functions without parameters
No function is required to define input parameters. This is a function that takes no input arguments and always returns the same String message whenever it is called:
func sayHelloWorld() -> String {
return "hello, world"
// Prints "hello, world"
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Even though the function definition does not have any parameters, you still need to enclose parentheses after the function name. When a function is called, the function name is followed by a pair of empty parentheses.
2.2 Functions with multiple parameters
A function can have multiple input arguments, which are written in parentheses and separated by commas.
This function accepts a person’s name and whether a greeting has already been made, and returns that person’s greeting:
func greet(person: String, alreadyGreeted: Bool) -> String {
if alreadyGreeted {
return greetAgain(person: person)
} else {
return greet(person: person)
print(greet(person: "Tim", alreadyGreeted: true))
// Prints "Hello again, Tim!"
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You called the greet (person: alreadycross) function by passing both the String parameter value labeled person and the Bool parameter value labeled hascross in parentheses, separated by a comma, didn’t you? Note that this function is different from the greet (person function shown in the previous section. Even though both functions’ names began with greet, the greet (person: alreadyfunction) function took two arguments, while the greet (person
function took only one.
2.3 A function with no return value
No function is required to define the return type. This is a version of the greet (person function that prints its own String value instead of returning it:
func greet(person: String) {
print("Hello, \(person)!")
greet(person: "Dave")
// Prints "Hello, Dave!"
Copy the code
Because it does not require a return value, the function definition does not contain a return arrow (->) or a return type.
Note that strictly speaking, this version of the greet (person
function returns a value even if no return value is defined. Functions that do not define a return type return a special value of Void. This is just an empty tuple called ().
When calling a function, you can ignore its return value:
func printAndCount(string: String) -> Int {
return string.count
func printWithoutCounting(string: String) {
let _ = printAndCount(string: string)
printAndCount(string: "hello, world")
// prints "hello, world" and returns a value of 12
printWithoutCounting(string: "hello, world")
// prints "hello, world" but does not return a value
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The first function printAndCount (string prints a string and returns its character count as an Int. The second function printWithoutCounting (string
calls the first function but ignores its return value. When the second function is called, the message is still printed by the first function, but the returned value is not used.
Note that the return value can be ignored, but a function that says it returns a value must always do so. At the end of the bottom of a function, a function with a defined return type does not return a value, resulting in a compile-time error.
2.4 Functions that return multiple values
You can use a tuple type as the return type of a function to return multiple values as part of a compound return value.
The following example defines a function called minMax (array that looks for the smallest and largest numbers in an array of Int values:
func minMax(array: [Int]) -> (min: Int, max: Int) {
var currentMin = array[0]
var currentMax = array[0]
for value in array[1..<array.count] {
if value < currentMin {
currentMin = value
} else if value > currentMax {
currentMax = value
return (currentMin, currentMax)
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The minMax (array function returns a tuple of two ints. These values are marked min and Max, respectively, so that they can be accessed by name when querying the return value of the function.
The body of the minMax (array function begins by setting two working variables named currentMin and currentMax to the value of the first integer in the array. The function then loops through the remaining values in the array and checks whether each value is less than or greater than currentMin and currentMax, respectively. Finally, the total minimum and maximum values are returned as tuples of two Int values.
Since the tuple’s member values are part of the function return type, they can be accessed using point syntax to retrieve the minimum and maximum values found:
let bounds = minMax(array: [8, -6, 2, 109, 3, 71])
print("min is \(bounds.min) and max is \(bounds.max)")
// Prints "min is -6 and max is 109"
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Note that you do not need to name the members of a tuple when returning from a function, because their names have been specified as part of the function return type.
2.5 Optional tuple return type
If the tuple type returned by the function may be “no value”, an optional tuple return type can be used to reflect that the entire tuple can be zero. You write optional tuple return types by following the closing parentheses of tuple types with a question mark, such as (Int, Int)? Or (string, integer, Boolean)?
Note the optional tuple types, such as (Int, Int)? With optional types (e.g. (Int? , Int? ). For optional tuple types, the entire tuple is optional, not just each individual value in the tuple.
The minMax (array function above returns a tuple of two ints. However, this function does not perform any security checks on the passed array. If the array argument contains an empty array, as described above, the minMax (array
function fires a runtime error when attempting to access array [0].
To safely handle empty arrays, write the minMax (array function with an optional tuple return type and return nil if the array is empty:
func minMax(array: [Int]) -> (min: Int, max: Int)? {
if array.isEmpty { return nil }
var currentMin = array[0]
var currentMax = array[0]
for value in array[1..<array.count] {
if value < currentMin {
currentMin = value
} else if value > currentMax {
currentMax = value
return (currentMin, currentMax)
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You can use the optional binding to check whether the minMax (array function returns the actual tuple value or nil:
if let bounds = minMax(array: [8, -6, 2, 109, 3, 71]) {
print("min is \(bounds.min) and max is \(bounds.max)")
// Prints "min is -6 and max is 109"
Copy the code
2.6 Implicitly return functions
If the entire body of a function is a single expression, the function implicitly returns that expression. For example, the following two functions have the same behavior:
func greeting(for person: String) -> String {
"Hello, " + person + "!"
print(greeting(for: "Dave"))
// Prints "Hello, Dave!"
func anotherGreeting(for person: String) -> String {
return "Hello, " + person + "!"
print(anotherGreeting(for: "Dave"))
// Prints "Hello, Dave!"
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The greeting (for function defines the greeting message it returns, which means it can use this shorter form. The anotherGreeting (for
function returns the same greeting message using the return keyword of a similar function. Any function where you write only one return line can ignore that return.
As seen in the Shorthand Getter Declaration, property getters can also use implicit returns.
3 Function parameter labels and parameter names
Each function parameter has a parameter label and parameter name. Parameter tags are used when calling functions; Each argument is written in the function call with its argument label. Parameter names are used in the implementation of functions. By default, a parameter is labeled with its parameter name.
func someFunction(firstParameterName: Int, secondParameterName: Int) {
// In the function body, firstParameterName and secondParameterName
// refer to the argument values for the first and second parameters.
someFunction(firstParameterName: 1, secondParameterName: 2)
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All parameters must have unique names. Although multiple parameters may have the same parameter label, unique parameter labels help make your code more readable.
3.1 Specifying a Parameter Label
You write a parameter label before the parameter name, separated by a space:
func someFunction(argumentLabel parameterName: Int) {
// In the function body, parameterName refers to the argument value
// for that parameter.
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This is a variation of the greet (person function that takes a person’s name and hometown and returns a greeting:
func greet(person: String, from hometown: String) -> String {
return "Hello \(person)! Glad you could visit from \(hometown)."
print(greet(person: "Bill", from: "Cupertino"))
// Prints "Hello Bill! Glad you could visit from Cupertino."
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The use of variable tags allows functions to be called expressively, sentence-like, while providing a readable and purposeful function body.
3.2 Omit parameter labels
If you do not want to add a parameter label to the parameter, write an underscore (_) for the parameter instead of an explicit parameter label.
func someFunction(_ firstParameterName: Int, secondParameterName: Int) {
// In the function body, firstParameterName and secondParameterName
// refer to the argument values for the first and second parameters.
someFunction(1, secondParameterName: 2)
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If parameters have parameter labels, they must be labeled when the function is called.
3.3 Default Parameter Values
You can define default values for any parameter in a function by assigning a value to that parameter after its type. If a default value is defined, this parameter can be ignored when the function is called.
func someFunction(parameterWithoutDefault: Int, parameterWithDefault: Int = 12) {
// If you omit the second argument when calling this function.then
// the value of parameterWithDefault is 12 inside the function body.
someFunction(parameterWithoutDefault: 3, parameterWithDefault: 6) // parameterWithDefault is 6
someFunction(parameterWithoutDefault: 4) // parameterWithDefault is 12
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Puts parameters without default values at the beginning of the function’s argument list, before those with default values. Arguments without default values are often more important to the meaning of a function – writing them first makes it easier to recognize that the same function is being called, regardless of whether any default arguments are ignored.
3.4 Variable Parameters
A variable parameter accepts zero or more values of the specified type. You can use mutable arguments to specify that a different number of input values can be passed to this parameter when a function is called. By inserting three periods after the parameter’s type name (…) To write mutable parameters.
The values passed to the mutable arguments can be used in the body of the function as arrays of the appropriate type. For example, you can use numeric names and Double… Type as an array of constants called Numbers [Double].
The following example computes the arithmetic average (also called the average) for a list of arbitrarily long numbers:
func arithmeticMean(_ numbers: Double...) -> Double {
var total: Double = 0
for number in numbers {
total += number
returnArithmeticMean (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) // returns 3.0,whichArithmetic mean of these five numbers arithmeticMean(3, 8.25, 18.75)which is the arithmetic mean of these three numbers
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Note that a function can have at most one variable argument.
3.5 in-out parameters
Function arguments default to constants. Attempting to change the value of a function parameter from within the function body results in a compile-time error. This means that you cannot change the value of a parameter incorrectly. Define the parameter as an in-out parameter if you want the function to modify the value of the parameter, and you want those changes to persist after the function call ends.
You can write in-out parameters by putting the in-out keyword in front of the parameter type. The in-out argument has a value that is passed to the function, which modifies it, and then passes a callback to replace the original value. For a detailed discussion of the behavior of in-out Parameters and associated compiler optimizations, see In-out Parameters.
You can only pass variables as arguments to in-out arguments. You cannot pass constant or literal values as arguments because you cannot modify constants and literals. When you use the ampersand (&) as an argument to a variable, you can place an ampersand directly before its name to indicate that the variable can be modified by the function.
Note that in-out parameters cannot have default values, and mutable parameters cannot be used as in-out parameters
This is an example of a function called swapTwoInts (: :), which takes two in-out integer arguments called a and b:
func swapTwoInts(_ a: inout Int, _ b: inout Int) {
let temporaryA = a
a = b
b = temporaryA
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The swapTwoInts (: function simply swaps the values of B for a, and then swaps the values of A for B. This function performs this exchange by storing the value of A in a temporary constant called temporary A, then assigning the value of B to A, and then assigning temporary A to B.
You can use two variables of type Int to swap their values by calling the swapTwoInts (: function. Note that when the names of someInt and anotherInt are passed to the swapTwoInts (:
function, they are prefixed with the ampersand:
ar someInt = 3
var anotherInt = 107
swapTwoInts(&someInt, &anotherInt)
print("someInt is now \(someInt), and anotherInt is now \(anotherInt)")
// Prints "someInt is now 107, and anotherInt is now 3"
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The above example shows that the original values of someInt and anotherInt are modified by the swapTwoInts (: function, even if they were originally defined outside the function.
Note that the in-out parameter is different from the return value from a function. The swapTwoInts example above does not define a return type or return value, but still modifies the values of someInt and anotherInt. The in0out argument is another way that a function can have an effect outside of the scope of the function body.
4 Function Types
Each function has a specific function type, consisting of the parameter type and return type of the function.
Such as:
func addTwoInts(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
return a + b
func multiplyTwoInts(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
return a * b
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This example defines two simple mathematical functions called addTwoInts and multipleTwoInts. These functions each take two Int values and return an Int value, which is the result of performing the appropriate mathematical operations.
Both functions are of type (Int, Int) -> Int. It can be understood as:
“Function that takes two arguments (both of type Int) and returns a value of type Int.”
Here’s another example, for functions that have no arguments or return values:
func printHelloWorld() {
print("hello, world")}Copy the code
This function is of type () -> Void, or “function that takes no arguments and returns Void”.
4.1 Using function types
You can use function types just like any other type in Swift. For example, you can define a constant or variable as a function type, and then assign the appropriate function to that variable:
var mathFunction: (Int, Int) -> Int = addTwoInts
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“Define a variable called mathFunction that is of type ‘A function with two Int values and returns an Int. ‘Set this new variable to reference a function named addTwoInts.”
The addTwoInts (: function is of the same type as the mathFunction variable, so Swift’s type checker allows this allocation.
Now you can call the assigned function using the name mathFunction:
print("Result: \(mathFunction(2, 3))")
// Prints "Result: 5"
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Different functions with the same matching type can be assigned to the same variable in the same way as non-function types:
mathFunction = multiplyTwoInts
print("Result: \(mathFunction(2, 3))")
// Prints "Result: 6"
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As with any other type, when assigning a function to a constant or variable, it can be left to Swift to infer the function type:
let anotherMathFunction = addTwoInts
// anotherMathFunction is inferred to be of type (Int, Int) -> Int
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4.2 Function type as parameter
You can use a function type such as (Int, Int) -> Int as an argument type for another function. In this way, you can leave certain aspects of the function implementation to the caller of the function to provide when the function is called.
Here is an example of printing the result of a mathematical function from above:
func printMathResult(_ mathFunction: (Int, Int) -> Int, _ a: Int, _ b: Int) {
print("Result: \(mathFunction(a, b))")}printMathResult(addTwoInts, 3, 5)
// Prints "Result: 8"
Copy the code
This example defines a function called printMathResult (: : _ that takes three arguments. The first argument is called mathFunction and is of type (Int, Int) -> Int. You can pass any function of that type as an argument to the first argument. The second and third arguments are called a and b, respectively, and are of type Int. These are used as the two input values for the supplied mathematical function.
When printMathResult (: : _ is called, the addTwoInts (:
function is passed along with integer values 3 and 5. It calls the supplied functions with values 3 and 5, and prints the result 8.
PrintMathResult (: : _ prints the result of a call to a mathematical function of the appropriate type. It doesn’t matter what the implementation of the function actually does, just that the function is typed correctly. This enables printMathResult (: : _
to hand over some of its functionality to the caller of the function in a type-safe manner.
4.3 Function type as return value
You can use one function type as the return type of another function. You can do this by writing the full function type immediately after the return arrow (->) of the return function.
The next example defines two simple functions called stepForward (_ and stepBackward (_ :). The stepForward (_
function returns a value larger than its input value, and the stepBackward (_
function returns a value smaller than its input value. Both functions are of type (Int) -> Int:
func stepForward(_ input: Int) -> Int {
return input + 1
func stepBackward(_ input: Int) -> Int {
return input - 1
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This is a function called choiceStepFunction (backward whose return type is (Int) -> Int. The choiceStepFunction (Backward
function returns the stepForward (_
function or stepBackward (_
function based on a Boolean value:
func chooseStepFunction(backward: Bool) -> (Int) -> Int {
return backward ? stepBackward : stepForward
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Now, you can use choiceStepFunction (Backward to get a function that steps in one direction or another:
var currentValue = 3
let moveNearerToZero = chooseStepFunction(backward: currentValue > 0)
// moveNearerToZero now refers to the stepBackward() function
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The above example determines whether a positive or negative step is required to gradually move a variable named currentValue closer to zero. CurrentValue has an initial value of 3, which means that currentValue> 0 returns true, causing selectStepFunction (backward to return the stepBackward (_
function. The reference to the return function is stored in a constant named moveNearerToZero.
MoveNearerToZero now references the correct function, which can be used to count to zero:
print("Counting to zero:")
// Counting to zero:
whilecurrentValue ! = 0 {print("\(currentValue)... ")
currentValue = moveNearerToZero(currentValue)
print("zero!"/ / 3... / / 2... / / 1... // zero!Copy the code
5 nested functions
All of the functionality you’ve encountered so far in this chapter is an example of global functions that are defined globally. You can also define functions inside other functions, called nested functions.
Nested functions are hidden from the outside world by default, but can still be called and used by their enclosing functions. A closed function can also return one of its nested functions to allow the nested function to be used in another scope.
You can override the ChooseStepFunction (Backward example above to use and return nested functions:
func chooseStepFunction(backward: Bool) -> (Int) -> Int {
func stepForward(input: Int) -> Int { return input + 1 }
func stepBackward(input: Int) -> Int { return input - 1 }
return backward ? stepBackward : stepForward
var currentValue = -4
let moveNearerToZero = chooseStepFunction(backward: currentValue > 0)
// moveNearerToZero now refers to the nested stepForward() function
whilecurrentValue ! = 0 {print("\(currentValue)... ")
currentValue = moveNearerToZero(currentValue)
print("zero!") / / - 4... / / - 3... / / - 2... / / - 1... // zero!Copy the code
That’s the end of this chapter, let’s make a summary:
- Function definition and call.
- Functions can take arguments or no arguments.
- A function may have a return value, which, as the type of the function, is written after the -> symbol; There can be multiple return values. For example, the return value is a tuple. Optional tuple return type followed by? Symbols.
- A function can have no return value, and the function is of type void. By default, the -> symbol and the void type can be omitted.
- Function parameter labels, also known as function parameter names, can be omitted when a function is called by adding an “_” wildcard character before the function parameter name, for example:
func someFunction(_ firstParameterName: Int, secondParameterName: Int)
When calledsomeFunction(1, secondParameterName: 2)
. - When declaring a function that has more than one parameter, you can set a default value for one parameter. The function can be called without passing this argument, as in:
func someFunction(parameterWithoutDefault: Int, parameterWithDefault: Int = 12)
, when called:someFunction(parameterWithoutDefault: 3, parameterWithDefault: 6)
orsomeFunction(parameterWithoutDefault: 4)
. - A variable parameter accepts zero or more values of the specified type, such as:
func arithmeticMean(_ numbers: Double...) -> Double
, when called:arithmeticMean(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
. - Function arguments default to constants. If you want the function to be able to modify the value of an argument, and you want those changes to persist after the function call ends, you can define the argument as an in-out argument, as in:
func swapTwoInts(_ a: inout Int, _ b: inout Int)
When called, declare two var variables as arguments and pass in the function:swapTwoInts(&someInt, &anotherInt)
, using “&+ variable” as argument. - In Swift, a function can use its return value as a type, so a function can be the return value of another function or as an argument to another function; See the article for the code.
- A function can be nested inside another function, which is hidden from the outside world by default, but can still be called and used by its enclosing function. A closed function can also return one of its nested functions to allow the nested function to be used in another scope.
The last word, like the friend can give , your encouragement is my motivation, hey hey ~
Previous chapter: Control flow
Next chapter: Closures
Reference: Swift-functions