The weekend is fast approaching, and after you finish reading this blog, please save the weekend for: Swift

Introduction to Swift,

  • If you are multi-yearOCDevelopment. Congratulations to you!SwiftSo easy, it’s almost like drinking waterOCexcessiveSwift! Really too like, coding thinking all the way!
  • If you areOCNot very deep. So congratulations! learningSwiftYou make a killing! You don’t have to overcome some of the frustrations you’ve developed over the years, simple semicolons, NSLog… So you learnSwiftFaster! So let’s just get started

First step: I personally recommend starting with simple grammar

Speaking of grammar, MY first priority is: Rookie tutorial: Swift Basics

Rookie tutorial: Coverage is also very possible context – basic syntax – data types – variables – optional – constants – literals – operators – conditional statements – loops – Strings – characters – Arrays – dictionaries – functions – closures – enumerations – Structures – Classes – properties – Methods – subscript script – Inheritance – Construction procedure – Destructor Procedure – Optional chain – Automatic reference counting – Type Conversion – Extension – Protocol – generics – Access control

As a developer, it is particularly important to have a learning atmosphere and a communication circle. This is my iOS communication group: 763164022. No matter you are small white or big bull, welcome to enter, share BAT, Ali interview questions, interview experience, discuss technology, and exchange learning and growth together!

Recommended reasons:

  • Each one is described in detail
  • Example introduction, easy to understand
  • Knowledge coverage is relatively comprehensive
  • Knowledge is also progressive layer by layer!

Bottom line: This is great for beginners! It is best to have a response to the output of each article after learning, looking forward to your series of updates

Learning Route 2:The official documentation

In fact, any learning official documents are the latest, but also the most authoritative! According to common sense, it should be the first priority, but I don’t think every student’s learning ability and English reading ability can keep up. So it goes down to line two. Here’s another reason: when you’re done with Swift Basics, you’ll feel better about the official documentation!

  • It has the effect of reviewing what has been learned
  • Be able to get a deeper understanding of what was previously puzzling
  • To the place where there is a mistake can be corroborated

There are Swift official entry documents here, to help you step by step, of course, there are **Swift4.0 official documents (Chinese) ** e-book, I have been put into the group of documents, I hope you download, pillow data view, help sleep ~~~~

Route 3: Once you’ve learned the basics of grammar, don’t hesitate to practice

I can’t remember all the boring grammar. I’m not so confident about my memory as I get older. But I believe: a bad pen is better than a good memory! Understand grammar directly – copy writing items

Here are two great projects:

There are demonic cartoons

  • Now it has been updated for Xcode10.2(Swift5)
  • 90% fine imitation of the original demonic comics (login, recharge and other functions related to copyright or membership are not implemented) in the original APP to add some of their own optimization effects
  • IOS11 and iPhone X based on the original
  • Tripartite framework, thank youSnapKit, SnapKitExtend, Then, Moya, Alamofire, HandyJSON, Kingfisher, Reusable, LLCycleScrollView, MJRefresh, MBProgressHUD, HMSegmentedControl, IQKeyboardManagerSwift, EmptyDataSet-Swift, UINavigation-SXFixSpace-Swift
  • Fix navigation buttons in iOS11
  • Custom layout controls
  • Secondary packaging of a variety of controls and layout framework
  • Various base classes, extensions to tripartite classes
  • Swift and OC mixed development
  • The framework is clear and convenient for beginners to imitate and learn to use

The effect

  • As we can see, the project is a more traditional 4 large module type

  • Home page + category + bookshelf + mine

  • The home page will be subdivided into recommendation + VIP + subscription + ranking. However, whether this part is fixed or controlled by the server side is not studied for the time being. Anyway, this section is an online recommendation module

  • Secondly, the classification module is also an online recommendation module, but it will be more refined categories

  • We can merge the two modules together or separate them according to their own style, which can be adjusted at development time

  • Of course, both the home page and category have a search entry, we need to separate a search module

  • Sub-modules may be complex or simple, but it is necessary to consolidate them into a single module

  • Thirdly, the bookshelf module is roughly divided into collection + book list + download. This module is relatively inclined to bind users, which is a complete offline and online bookshelf of users

  • Finally, the personal modules that all of our development will have, nothing to say

  • But if you think about it and think about it, this is a comic book application, then there must be a general list of comic books and comic details and even the final comic book reading should be a comic book module

That’s the structure of the project, so it’s good for beginners

Route 4: Translate the project you are currently developing into Swift version

  • I have a good understanding of my own projects and can develop quickly without too much thinking
  • Can get rid of code plagiarism, copy the project written above, it is estimated that many partners will have plagiarism, but their own project, ha ha ha
  • contrastOCwithSwift, more able to understand and grasp
  • Be able to think for yourself
  • In fact, translate your own project, you can almost out of the mountain

Swift will certainly be the world of iOS, Swift will dominate for thousands of years to come