This is the first day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge.More article challenges

Start with a small goal

You may think that my first article is to paddle water, but setting a flag and setting a small goal has become a way to do many things now. If someone can supervise me to complete this activity, I will also be very happy.

I want to make a summary of my learning Swift in recent years through this activity. Although I am inferior to the technology of the big guys, and although I am a little excited about the reward of the activity, I can sum up some of my feelings smoothly, which is also good.

In this activity, I plan to write and play Android App through Swift. You are right to write an App to share android knowledge through Swift language.

Considering the continuous challenges, the length of each article may not be too long, please forgive me.

Playing Android is also a relatively good website in the Android world, and it provides a lot of open interface to use, whether used for debugging or to verify ideas, real and effective data, is always faster than mock, because it is real data, you can also find various problems in writing.

Why choose Swift

First of all, I would like to briefly explain my situation. I am an iOS developer. I started from OC, then learned Swift, used Swift to write an App and put it on the shelves. In the past two months, I have been trying to learn Vue using UNI-App.

Looking back, I realize that Swift, which I used to love, has been out of use for a long time, and SwiftUI and the Combine framework are not something I intend to study too much at this point. I personally feel that learning the component ideas of Flutter and RxSwift, SwiftUI and Combine are the same way of thinking presented by different programming languages.

In addition, I have tried to write android apps with Flutter and Vue before, so I am familiar with the general interface and logical jump, and the general layout of the whole page is clear, which is perfect for a small but light project.

I have been using iOS traditional Cococa framework for programming, this time I am going to consider using MVVM framework based on RxSwift to learn and try, it is some challenges for myself, if there is a bad place to write, please forgive me.

Nuggets Swift is not active high, also hope to make a contribution.


Swift: Now that the project is underway, what am I supposed to do as a coder? (a)