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What is a priority queue

If there is such a data stream 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, we need to find the element that meets the condition (maximum or minimum) according to a certain priority, and every time after taking out the element with the highest priority, the internal element can still ensure that the element with the highest priority is at the top according to the given priority.

Maximum heap & minimum heap

  • The heapDivided intoThe maximum heapThe minimum heapIn fact, it isComplete binary tree
    • The maximum heap
      • Each node is required to have elements greater than or equal to its child
    • The minimum heap
      • Node elements are required to be less than or equal to their left and right children
  • They make no demands on the relationship between the size of the child and the size of the child

Why useBinary treeTo implement it?

The complexity is even higher if you use arrays

Insert elements

For the following data stream, we insert the data in order and return the largest element each time, we can use the priority queue (maximum heap).

Step 1

  • Insert 1 and 5 to see the binary tree structure
  • Leaf node 5 > 1 does not comply with the priority rule and needs to be switched
  • The equivalent array is
    • [5, 1)

Step 2

  • Insert the 6
    • Each insert is inserted to the current deepest position from left to right, or to create the next layer
  • If 6 is larger than parent node 5, adjust the position
  • Exchange of 5 6
  • The equivalent array is
    • [6, 1, 5]

Step 3

  • Insert the 2
    • This floor is full. The next one is on the left
  • 2 is larger than the parent node 1 and needs to be adjusted
  • Exchange of 2 1
  • The equivalent array is
    • [6, 2, 5, 1)

Step 4

  • Insert the 7
  • 7 is larger than the parent node 2 and needs to be adjusted
  • Exchange of July 2
    • The parent of 7 becomes 6, which needs to be adjusted
    • Exchange of July 6
  • The equivalent array is
    • [7, 6, 5, 1, 2]

Step 5

  • Insert 4, parent node is 5, no need to adjust
  • The equivalent array is
    • [7, 6, 5, 1, 2, 4]

Step 6

  • Insert 3, the parent node is 5, no need to adjust
  • The equivalent array is
    • [7, 6, 5, 1, 2, 4, 3]

Step 7

  • Insert the eight
    • The next layer
  • Greater than parent 1, switch
  • Greater than parent 6, switch
  • Greater than parent 7, switch
  • The equivalent array is
    • [8, 7, 5, 6, 2, 4, 3, 1]

3.1 Basic data structure

public struct SwiftPriorityQueue<Element> {
    private let _hasHigherPriority: (Element.Element) - >Bool
    private let _isEqual: (Element.Element) - >Bool

    private var _elements = [Element] ()public init(hasHigherPriority: @escaping (Element.Element) - >Bool.isEqual: @escaping (Element.Element) - >Bool) {
        _hasHigherPriority = hasHigherPriority
        _isEqual = isEqual

    public func peek(a) -> Element? {
        return _elements.first
    public func array(a)- > [Element] {
        return _elements

    public var isEmpty: Bool {
        return _elements.count = = 0
    public var count: Int {
        return _elements.count
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3.2 Insert Logic

/ / insert
public mutating func enqueue(_ element: Element) {
    bubbleToHigherPriority(_elements.count - 1)}/ / climb
private mutating func bubbleToHigherPriority(_ initialUnbalancedIndex: Int) {
    precondition(initialUnbalancedIndex > = 0)
    precondition(initialUnbalancedIndex < _elements.count)

    var unbalancedIndex = initialUnbalancedIndex

    while unbalancedIndex > 0 {
        let parentIndex = (unbalancedIndex - 1) / 2
        guard _hasHigherPriority(_elements[unbalancedIndex], _elements[parentIndex]) else { break }
        _elements.swapAt(unbalancedIndex, parentIndex)
        unbalancedIndex = parentIndex
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Remove elements

We also continue to investigate the removal of elements using the priority queue data structure completed above as an example.

  • Here we plan to remove 5 elements (currently table A below)
  • Now swap it with the tail element
  • Remove the tail element
  • Check if the element at A needs to climb
    • is
      • The buoyancy
        • Here, element A is 1, smaller than the parent node 8, and no action is required
  • Check if the element at A needs to sink
    • is
      • The decline in
        • Here, element A is 1, less than the child node, and the sinking process is carried out

4.1 Removal and sinking logic implementation

private mutating func removeAt(_ index: Int) {
    // is the last element
    let removingLast = index = = _elements.count - 1
    if !removingLast {
        _elements.swapAt(index, _elements.count - 1)}_ = _elements.popLast()

    if !removingLast {
        // Check and hold the priority queue elements

private mutating func bubbleToLowerPriority(_ initialUnbalancedIndex: Int) {
    precondition(initialUnbalancedIndex > = 0)
    precondition(initialUnbalancedIndex < _elements.count)

    var unbalancedIndex = initialUnbalancedIndex
    while true {
        // According to the binary tree structure, the index of the left leaf of the current node is unbalancedIndex * 2 + 1
        let leftChildIndex = unbalancedIndex * 2 + 1
        // According to the binary tree structure, the index of the right leaf of the current node is unbalancedIndex * 2 + 2
        let rightChildIndex = unbalancedIndex * 2 + 2

        var highestPriorityIndex = unbalancedIndex

        // The left leaf is taller
        if leftChildIndex < _elements.count && _hasHigherPriority(_elements[leftChildIndex], _elements[highestPriorityIndex]) {
            highestPriorityIndex = leftChildIndex

        The right leaf is taller
        if rightChildIndex < _elements.count && _hasHigherPriority(_elements[rightChildIndex], _elements[highestPriorityIndex]) {
            highestPriorityIndex = rightChildIndex

        guard highestPriorityIndex ! = unbalancedIndex else { 
            break // Do not adjust the priority

        // Swap elements
        _elements.swapAt(highestPriorityIndex, unbalancedIndex)

        // Save the subscript of higher priority and continue the comparison
        unbalancedIndex = highestPriorityIndex
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Complete realization of Swift

The following priority queue implementation is a reference to RxSwift

public struct SwiftPriorityQueue<Element> {
    private let _hasHigherPriority: (Element.Element) - >Bool
    private let _isEqual: (Element.Element) - >Bool

    private var _elements = [Element] ()public init(hasHigherPriority: @escaping (Element.Element) - >Bool.isEqual: @escaping (Element.Element) - >Bool) {
        _hasHigherPriority = hasHigherPriority
        _isEqual = isEqual

    public mutating func enqueue(_ element: Element) {
        bubbleToHigherPriority(_elements.count - 1)}public func peek(a) -> Element? {
        return _elements.first
    public func array(a)- > [Element] {
        return _elements

    public var isEmpty: Bool {
        return _elements.count = = 0
    public var count: Int {
        return _elements.count

    public mutating func dequeue(a) -> Element? {
        guard let front = peek() else {
            return nil


        return front

    public mutating func remove(_ element: Element) {
        for i in 0 ..< _elements.count {
            if _isEqual(_elements[i], element) {
                return}}}private mutating func removeAt(_ index: Int) {
        let removingLast = index = = _elements.count - 1
        if !removingLast {
            _elements.swapAt(index, _elements.count - 1)}_ = _elements.popLast()

        if !removingLast {

    private mutating func bubbleToHigherPriority(_ initialUnbalancedIndex: Int) {
        precondition(initialUnbalancedIndex > = 0)
        precondition(initialUnbalancedIndex < _elements.count)

        var unbalancedIndex = initialUnbalancedIndex

        while unbalancedIndex > 0 {
            let parentIndex = (unbalancedIndex - 1) / 2
            guard _hasHigherPriority(_elements[unbalancedIndex], _elements[parentIndex]) else { break }
            _elements.swapAt(unbalancedIndex, parentIndex)
            unbalancedIndex = parentIndex

    private mutating func bubbleToLowerPriority(_ initialUnbalancedIndex: Int) {
        precondition(initialUnbalancedIndex > = 0)
        precondition(initialUnbalancedIndex < _elements.count)

        var unbalancedIndex = initialUnbalancedIndex
        while true {
            let leftChildIndex = unbalancedIndex * 2 + 1
            let rightChildIndex = unbalancedIndex * 2 + 2

            var highestPriorityIndex = unbalancedIndex

            if leftChildIndex < _elements.count && _hasHigherPriority(_elements[leftChildIndex], _elements[highestPriorityIndex]) {
                highestPriorityIndex = leftChildIndex

            if rightChildIndex < _elements.count && _hasHigherPriority(_elements[rightChildIndex], _elements[highestPriorityIndex]) {
                highestPriorityIndex = rightChildIndex

            guard highestPriorityIndex ! = unbalancedIndex else { break }
            _elements.swapAt(highestPriorityIndex, unbalancedIndex)

            unbalancedIndex = highestPriorityIndex

extension SwiftPriorityQueue : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    public var debugDescription: String {
        return _elements.debugDescription
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