Meituan Logan log files using Swift/object-C decrypted Mac program.

Meituan Logan framework is a high performance logging framework.

Meituan provides a log solution, but our log files need to be placed on qiniu. To view the log content, you need to download and decrypt the log every time, which is very troublesome. So I began to try to write a Mac program that can directly view the log files on the seven Cows.

Meituan Logan’s framework currently only provides the Java version of the decryption program, so the first step to do is how to write a Swift/ object-C decryption program according to the Java decryption program.

The GitHub address of the project.

Project information

  • Language: Swift + object-C
  • UI: SwiftUI

Functions achieved:

  1. Encrypt with Logan
  2. Swift + object-C code to achieve decryption

The UI is as follows:

Decryption module Encryption module

Project depend on

The decryption process uses the following library code:

  1. The gzip decompression process uses code from LFCGzipUtility;
  2. The decryption process of Base64 uses GTMBase64.

Also used AES encryption, decryption process.

The project address

The GitHub address of the project.