A swipe menu is a common feature in many applications, and there are many ways to implement it. This article describes how to use a SWRevealViewController to implement a swipe menu.

1. Import SWRevealViewController

Since the library is written in OC, using it on Swift requires a few steps;

  • 1.1 Download the SWRevealViewController locally, then open the SWRevealViewController folder and you’ll see two files

  • 1.2 Drag the two files into your Xcode project; And then xOCde will automatically pop up a box asking you if you want to Create OC Bridging header files, so Create Bridging header; Apple officially recommends using OC for Swift projects via header file

  • 1.3 Xcode will then create oneProject name - Bridging - Header. HOpen the file and type:
#import "SWRevealViewController.h"
Copy the code
  • 1.4 Select the project name file and open itBuilding Settings TABJust search for bridging, double-click in the box to the right of objective-C bridging Header, copy the name of the previous Oper -bridge-header. h and paste it and hit Enter,

    As shown in figure:


Then the OC library import is complete!

2. Use SWRevealViewController (storyboard)

  • 2.1 Drag a new View Controller onto the panel and set class toSWRevealViewController

  • 2.2 Create menu View Controller, here can be any type,
    • 2.2.1 After the creation is complete, left-clickSWRevealViewControllerView Controller and hold downcontrolNot to put,


  • 2.2.2 Drag to the menu ViewController, release the mouse and a selection panel will appear
  • 2.2.3 choicereveal view controller set controller

  • 2.2.4 Click the link line between the two ViewControllers and set it in the properties panelidentifiersw_rear(Cannot contain other characters)

  • 2.3 Link the ViewController to display the slide menu; Such as2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3Step, link the SWRevealViewController to the ViewController you want to display, and then link the link lineidentifierProperty set tosw_front(Represents the menu on the left)

The result is shown, and one thing to notice here is that the arrow pointing to the first show ViewController points to the SWRevealViewController; Because I found in actual development that the scroll menu doesn’t show up without pointing to this ViewController, I don’t know why


  • 2.4 Setting in codeSWRevealViewControllerSome properties and slide events of
/ / side menu if (self revealViewController ()! = nil) {menuItem. Target = self. RevealViewController () / / add a click event menuItem. Action = # the selector (SWRevealViewController revealToggle (_)) / / add touch events self.view.addGestureRecognizer(self.revealViewController().panGestureRecognizer()) }Copy the code

If you want to check whether the current menu is open, you can use the following code:

if(self.revealViewController() ! = nil) { if self.revealViewController().frontViewPosition ! = FrontViewPosition.left { self.revealViewController().revealToggle(self.menuItem) } }Copy the code

Frontviewposition. left represents the left menu

3. Running result