The benefits of chained programming do not need to be emphasized again. As you all know, the effects are as follows:



public extension UIButton { // default is UIEdgeInsetsZero. On tvOS 10 or later, default is nonzero except for custom buttons. func contentEdgeInsets(_ contentEdgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets) -> Self { self.contentEdgeInsets = contentEdgeInsets return self } // default is UIEdgeInsetsZero func titleEdgeInsets(_ titleEdgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets) -> Self { self.titleEdgeInsets = titleEdgeInsets return self } // default is NO. if YES, shadow reverses to shift between engrave and emboss appearance func reversesTitleShadowWhenHighlighted(_ reversesTitleShadowWhenHighlighted: Bool) -> Self { self.reversesTitleShadowWhenHighlighted = reversesTitleShadowWhenHighlighted return self } // default is  UIEdgeInsetsZero func imageEdgeInsets(_ imageEdgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets) -> Self { self.imageEdgeInsets = imageEdgeInsets return self } // default is YES. if YES, image is drawn darker when highlighted(pressed) func adjustsImageWhenHighlighted(_ adjustsImageWhenHighlighted: Bool) -> Self { self.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = adjustsImageWhenHighlighted return self } // default is YES. if YES, image is drawn lighter when disabled func adjustsImageWhenDisabled(_ adjustsImageWhenDisabled: Bool) -> Self { self.adjustsImageWhenDisabled = adjustsImageWhenDisabled return self } // default is NO. if YES, show a simple feedback (currently a glow) while highlighted func showsTouchWhenHighlighted(_ showsTouchWhenHighlighted: Bool) -> Self { self.showsTouchWhenHighlighted = showsTouchWhenHighlighted return self } // The tintColor is inherited @available(iOS 5.0, *) func tintColor(_ tintColor: UIColor!) -> Self {self.tintColor = tintColor return Self} // default is UIButtonRolenormal.@available (iOS 14.0, *) func role(_ role: Uibutton. Role) -> Self {self. Role = Role return Self} @available(iOS 13.4, *) func isPointerInteractionEnabled(_ isPointerInteractionEnabled: Bool) - > Self {Self. IsPointerInteractionEnabled = isPointerInteractionEnabled return Self} @ the available (iOS 14.0, *) func menu(_ menu: UIMenu?) -> Self { = menu return self } func setTitleChain(_ title: String? , for state: UIControl.State) -> Self { setTitle(title, for: state) return self } func setTitleColorChain(_ color: UIColor? , for state: UIControl.State) -> Self { setTitleColor(color, for: state) return self } func setTitleShadowColorChain(_ color: UIColor? , for state: UIControl.State) -> Self { setTitleShadowColor(color, for: state) return self } func setImageChain(_ image: UIImage? , for state: UIControl.State) -> Self { setImage(image, for: state) return self } func setBackgroundImageChain(_ image: UIImage? , for state: UIControl.State) -> Self { setBackgroundImage(image, for: State) return the self} @ the available (iOS 13.0. *) func setPreferredSymbolConfigurationChain (_ the configuration: UIImage.SymbolConfiguration? , forImageIn state: UIControl.State) -> Self { setPreferredSymbolConfiguration(configuration, forImageIn: State) return self} @available(iOS 6.0, *) func setAttributedTitleChain(_ title: NSAttributedString? , for state: UIControl.State) -> Self { setAttributedTitle(title, for: state) return self } }Copy the code


public extension UILabel { // default is nil func text(_ text: String?) -> Self { self.text = text return self } // default is nil (system font 17 plain) func font(_ font: UIFont!) -> Self { self.font = font return self } // default is labelColor func textColor(_ textColor: UIColor!) -> Self { self.textColor = textColor return self } // default is nil (no shadow) func shadowColor(_ shadowColor: UIColor?) -> Self { self.shadowColor = shadowColor return self } // default is CGSizeMake(0, -1) -- a top shadow func shadowOffset(_ shadowOffset: CGSize) -> Self { self.shadowOffset = shadowOffset return self } // default is NSTextAlignmentNatural (before iOS 9, the default was NSTextAlignmentLeft) func textAlignment(_ textAlignment: NSTextAlignment) -> Self { self.textAlignment = textAlignment return self } // default is NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail. used for single and multiple lines of text func lineBreakMode(_ lineBreakMode: NSLineBreakMode) -> Self { self.lineBreakMode = lineBreakMode return self } // default is nil func highlightedTextColor(_ highlightedTextColor: UIColor?) -> Self { self.highlightedTextColor = highlightedTextColor return self } // default is NO func isHighlighted(_ isHighlighted: Bool) -> Self { self.isHighlighted = isHighlighted return self } // default is NO func isUserInteractionEnabled(_ isUserInteractionEnabled: Bool) -> Self { self.isUserInteractionEnabled = isUserInteractionEnabled return self } // default is YES. changes how the label is drawn func isEnabled(_ isEnabled: Bool) -> Self { self.isEnabled = isEnabled return self } func numberOfLines(_ numberOfLines: Int) -> Self { self.numberOfLines = numberOfLines return self } // default is NO func adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth(_ adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth: Bool) -> Self { self.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth return self } // default is UIBaselineAdjustmentAlignBaselines func baselineAdjustment(_ baselineAdjustment: UIBaselineAdjustment) -> Self {self.baselineAdjustment = baselineAdjustment return Self @available(iOS 6.0, *) minimumScaleFactor(_ minimumScaleFactor: MinimumScaleFactor = minimumScaleFactor return Self} // default is NO @available(iOS 9.0, *) func allowsDefaultTighteningForTruncation(_ allowsDefaultTighteningForTruncation: Bool) -> Self { self.allowsDefaultTighteningForTruncation = allowsDefaultTighteningForTruncation return self } func lineBreakStrategy(_ lineBreakStrategy: NSParagraphStyle.LineBreakStrategy) -> Self { self.lineBreakStrategy = lineBreakStrategy return self } @available(iOS Func preferredMaxLayoutWidth(_ preferredMaxLayoutWidth: CGFloat) -> Self { self.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = preferredMaxLayoutWidth return self } }Copy the code


public extension UIImageView { // default is nil func image(_ image: UIImage?) -> Self {self.image = image return Self} // default is nil @available(iOS 3.0, *) func highlightedImage(_ highlightedImage: UIImage?) -> Self {self.highlightedImage = highlightedImage return Self} @available(iOS 13.0, *) func preferredSymbolConfiguration(_ preferredSymbolConfiguration: UIImage.SymbolConfiguration?) -> Self { self.preferredSymbolConfiguration = preferredSymbolConfiguration return self } // default is NO func isUserInteractionEnabled(_ isUserInteractionEnabled: Bool) -> Self { self.isUserInteractionEnabled = isUserInteractionEnabled return self } // default is NO @available(iOS 3.0, *) func Lighted (_ lighted: Bool) -> Self { self.isHighlighted = isHighlighted return self } // The array must contain UIImages. Setting hides the single image. default is nil func animationImages(_ animationImages: [UIImage]?) -> Self { self.animationImages = animationImages return self } // The array must contain UIImages. Setting hides the Single image. The default is nil @ the available (iOS 3.0. *) func highlightedAnimationImages (_ highlightedAnimationImages: [UIImage]?) -> Self { self.highlightedAnimationImages = highlightedAnimationImages return self } // for one cycle of images. default  is number of images * 1/30th of a second (i.e. 30 fps) func animationDuration(_ animationDuration: TimeInterval) -> Self { self.animationDuration = animationDuration return self } // 0 means infinite (default is 0) func  animationRepeatCount(_ animationRepeatCount: Int) - > Self {Self. AnimationRepeatCount = animationRepeatCount return Self} @ the available (iOS 7.0, *) func tintColor(_ tintColor: UIColor!) -> Self { self.tintColor = tintColor return self } }Copy the code


@available(iOS 2.0, *) public Extension UITextField {// default is nil func text(_ text: String?) -> Self {self.text = text return Self} // default is nil @available(iOS 6.0, *) func attributedText(_ attributedText: NSAttributedString?) -> Self { self.attributedText = attributedText return self } // default is nil. use opaque black func textColor(_ textColor: UIColor?) -> Self { self.textColor = textColor return self } // default is nil. use system font 12 pt func font(_ font: UIFont?) -> Self { self.font = font return self } // default is NSLeftTextAlignment func textAlignment(_ textAlignment: NSTextAlignment) -> Self { self.textAlignment = textAlignment return self } // default is UITextBorderStyleNone. If set to UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect, custom background images are ignored. func borderStyle(_ borderStyle: UITextField.BorderStyle) -> Self { self.borderStyle = borderStyle return self } // applies attributes to the full range Unset Attributes act like default values. @available(iOS 7.0, *) func defaultTextAttributes(_ defaultTextAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key : Any]) -> Self { self.defaultTextAttributes = defaultTextAttributes return self } // default is nil. string is drawn 70% gray func placeholder(_ placeholder: String?) -> Self {self.placeholder = placeholder return Self} *) func attributedPlaceholder(_ attributedPlaceholder: NSAttributedString?) -> Self { self.attributedPlaceholder = attributedPlaceholder return self } // default is NO which moves cursor to location clicked. if YES, all text cleared func clearsOnBeginEditing(_ clearsOnBeginEditing: Bool) -> Self { self.clearsOnBeginEditing = clearsOnBeginEditing return self } // default is NO. if YES, text will shrink to minFontSize along baseline func adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth(_ adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth: Bool) - > Self {Self. AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth return Self} / / default is 0.0. The actual min may be pinned to something readable. used if adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth is YES func minimumFontSize(_ minimumFontSize: CGFloat) -> Self { self.minimumFontSize = minimumFontSize return self } // default is nil. weak reference func delegate(_ delegate: UITextFieldDelegate?) -> Self { self.delegate = delegate return self } // default is nil. draw in border rect. image should be stretchable func background(_ background: UIImage?) -> Self { self.background = background return self } // default is nil. ignored if background not set. image should be stretchable func disabledBackground(_ disabledBackground: UIImage?) -> Self { self.disabledBackground = disabledBackground return self } // default is NO. allows editing text Attributes with Style Operations and pasting Rich text @available(iOS 6.0, *) func allowsEditingTextAttributes(_ allowsEditingTextAttributes: Bool) -> Self { self.allowsEditingTextAttributes = allowsEditingTextAttributes return self } // automatically resets Func typingAttributes(_ typingAttributes: [nsAttributedString.key: Any]) -> Self { self.typingAttributes = typingAttributes return self } // sets when the clear button shows up. default is UITextFieldViewModeNever func clearButtonMode(_ clearButtonMode: UITextField.ViewMode) -> Self { self.clearButtonMode = clearButtonMode return self } // e.g. magnifying glass func leftView(_ leftView: UIView?) -> Self { self.leftView = leftView return self } // sets when the left view shows up. default is UITextFieldViewModeNever func leftViewMode(_ leftViewMode: UITextField.ViewMode) -> Self { self.leftViewMode = leftViewMode return self } // e.g. bookmarks button func rightView(_  rightView: UIView?) -> Self { self.rightView = rightView return self } // sets when the right view shows up. default is UITextFieldViewModeNever func rightViewMode(_ rightViewMode: UITextField.ViewMode) -> Self { self.rightViewMode = rightViewMode return self } func inputView(_ inputView: UIView?) -> Self { self.inputView = inputView return self } func inputAccessoryView(_ inputAccessoryView: UIView?) -> Self { self.inputAccessoryView = inputAccessoryView return self } // defaults to NO. if YES, the selection UI is hidden, and inserting text will replace the contents of the field. changing the selection will automatically set this to NO. @ Available (iOS 6.0, *) func clearsOnInsertion(_ clearsOnInsertion: Bool) -> Self { self.clearsOnInsertion = clearsOnInsertion return self } }Copy the code


public extension UITextView { func text(_ text: String!) -> Self { self.text = text return self } func font(_ font: UIFont?) -> Self { self.font = font return self } func textColor(_ textColor: UIColor?) -> Self { self.textColor = textColor return self } // default is NSLeftTextAlignment func textAlignment(_ textAlignment:  NSTextAlignment) -> Self { self.textAlignment = textAlignment return self } func selectedRange(_ selectedRange: NSRange) -> Self { self.selectedRange = selectedRange return self } func isEditable(_ isEditable: Bool) -> Self { self.isEditable = isEditable return self } // toggle selectability, which controls the ability of the user to select content and interact with URLs & attachments. On tvOS this also makes The text view focusable. @available(iOS 7.0, *) func isSelectable(_ isSelectable: Bool) -> Self {self.isSelectable = isSelectable return Self} @available(iOS 3.0, *) func dataDetectorTypes(_ dataDetectorTypes: UIDataDetectorTypes) -> Self { self.dataDetectorTypes = dataDetectorTypes return self } // defaults to NO @available(iOS 6.0. *) func allowsEditingTextAttributes (_ allowsEditingTextAttributes: Bool) -> Self { self.allowsEditingTextAttributes = allowsEditingTextAttributes return self } // automatically resets Func typingAttributes(_ typingAttributes: [nsAttributedString.key: Any]) -> Self { self.typingAttributes = typingAttributes return self } func inputView(_ inputView: UIView?) -> Self { self.inputView = inputView return self } func inputAccessoryView(_ inputAccessoryView: UIView?) -> Self { self.inputAccessoryView = inputAccessoryView return self } // defaults to NO. if YES, the selection UI is hidden, and inserting text will replace the contents of the field. changing the selection will automatically set this to NO. @ Available (iOS 6.0, *) func clearsOnInsertion(_ clearsOnInsertion: Bool) -> Self {Self. ClearsOnInsertion = clearsOnInsertion Return Self} @available(iOS 1.0, *) func textContainerInset(_ textContainerInset: Uiedgeinset) -> Self {self.textContainerInset = textContainerInset return Self} @available(iOS 7.0, *) func linkTextAttributes(_ linkTextAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any]) -> Self {self.linkTextAttributes = linkTextAttributes return Self} @available(iOS 13.0, *) func usesStandardTextScaling(_ usesStandardTextScaling: Bool) -> Self { self.usesStandardTextScaling = usesStandardTextScaling return self } }Copy the code


@ the available (iOS 6.0. *) public extension DateFormatter {/ / default is NSFormattingContextUnknown @ the available (iOS 8.0, *) func formattingContext(_ formattingContext: Formatter.Context) -> Self { self.formattingContext = formattingContext return self } func dateFormat(_ dateFormat: String!) -> Self { self.dateFormat = dateFormat return self } func dateStyle(_ dateStyle: DateFormatter.Style) -> Self { self.dateStyle = dateStyle return self } func timeStyle(_ timeStyle: DateFormatter.Style) -> Self { self.timeStyle = timeStyle return self } func locale(_ locale: Locale!) -> Self { self.locale = locale return self } func generatesCalendarDates(_ generatesCalendarDates: Bool) -> Self { self.generatesCalendarDates = generatesCalendarDates return self } func formatterBehavior(_ formatterBehavior: DateFormatter.Behavior) -> Self { self.formatterBehavior = formatterBehavior return self } func timeZone(_ timeZone: TimeZone!) -> Self { self.timeZone = timeZone return self } func calendar(_ calendar: Calendar!) -> Self { self.calendar = calendar return self } func isLenient(_ isLenient: Bool) -> Self { self.isLenient = isLenient return self } func twoDigitStartDate(_ twoDigitStartDate: Date?) -> Self { self.twoDigitStartDate = twoDigitStartDate return self } func defaultDate(_ defaultDate: Date?) -> Self { self.defaultDate = defaultDate return self } func eraSymbols(_ eraSymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.eraSymbols = eraSymbols return self } func monthSymbols(_ monthSymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.monthSymbols = monthSymbols return self } func shortMonthSymbols(_ shortMonthSymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.shortMonthSymbols = shortMonthSymbols return self } func weekdaySymbols(_ weekdaySymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.weekdaySymbols = weekdaySymbols return self } func shortWeekdaySymbols(_ shortWeekdaySymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.shortWeekdaySymbols = shortWeekdaySymbols return self } func amSymbol(_ amSymbol: String!) -> Self { self.amSymbol = amSymbol return self } func pmSymbol(_ pmSymbol: String!) -> Self { self.pmSymbol = pmSymbol return self } func longEraSymbols(_ longEraSymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.longEraSymbols = longEraSymbols return self } func veryShortMonthSymbols(_ veryShortMonthSymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.veryShortMonthSymbols = veryShortMonthSymbols return self } func standaloneMonthSymbols(_ standaloneMonthSymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.standaloneMonthSymbols = standaloneMonthSymbols return self } func shortStandaloneMonthSymbols(_ shortStandaloneMonthSymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.shortStandaloneMonthSymbols = shortStandaloneMonthSymbols return self } func veryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols(_ veryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.veryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols = veryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols return self } func veryShortWeekdaySymbols(_ veryShortWeekdaySymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.veryShortWeekdaySymbols = veryShortWeekdaySymbols return self } func standaloneWeekdaySymbols(_  standaloneWeekdaySymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.standaloneWeekdaySymbols = standaloneWeekdaySymbols return self } func shortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols(_ shortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.shortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols = shortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols return self } func veryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols(_ veryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.veryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols = veryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols return self } func quarterSymbols(_ quarterSymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.quarterSymbols = quarterSymbols return self } func shortQuarterSymbols(_ shortQuarterSymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.shortQuarterSymbols = shortQuarterSymbols return self } func standaloneQuarterSymbols(_ standaloneQuarterSymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.standaloneQuarterSymbols = standaloneQuarterSymbols return self } func shortStandaloneQuarterSymbols(_ shortStandaloneQuarterSymbols: [String]) -> Self { self.shortStandaloneQuarterSymbols = shortStandaloneQuarterSymbols return self } func gregorianStartDate(_ gregorianStartDate: Date?) -> Self { self.gregorianStartDate = gregorianStartDate return self } func doesRelativeDateFormatting(_ doesRelativeDateFormatting: Bool) -> Self { self.doesRelativeDateFormatting = doesRelativeDateFormatting return self } }Copy the code


@available(iOS 6.0, *)
public extension NumberFormatter {

    @available(iOS 8.0, *)
    func formattingContext(_ formattingContext: Formatter.Context) -> Self {
        self.formattingContext = formattingContext
        return self

    func numberStyle(_ numberStyle: NumberFormatter.Style) -> Self {
        self.numberStyle = numberStyle
        return self

    func locale(_ locale: Locale!) -> Self {
        self.locale = locale
        return self

    func generatesDecimalNumbers(_ generatesDecimalNumbers: Bool) -> Self {
        self.generatesDecimalNumbers = generatesDecimalNumbers
        return self

    func formatterBehavior(_ formatterBehavior: NumberFormatter.Behavior) -> Self {
        self.formatterBehavior = formatterBehavior
        return self

    func negativeFormat(_ negativeFormat: String!) -> Self {
        self.negativeFormat = negativeFormat
        return self

    func textAttributesForNegativeValues(_ textAttributesForNegativeValues: [String : Any]) -> Self {
        self.textAttributesForNegativeValues = textAttributesForNegativeValues
        return self

    func positiveFormat(_ positiveFormat: String!) -> Self {
        self.positiveFormat = positiveFormat
        return self

    func textAttributesForPositiveValues(_ textAttributesForPositiveValues: [String : Any]) -> Self {
        self.textAttributesForPositiveValues = textAttributesForPositiveValues
        return self

    func allowsFloats(_ allowsFloats: Bool) -> Self {
        self.allowsFloats = allowsFloats
        return self

    func decimalSeparator(_ decimalSeparator: String!) -> Self {
        self.decimalSeparator = decimalSeparator
        return self

    func alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator(_ alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator: Bool) -> Self {
        self.alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator = alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator
        return self

    func currencyDecimalSeparator(_ currencyDecimalSeparator: String!) -> Self {
        self.currencyDecimalSeparator = currencyDecimalSeparator
        return self

    func usesGroupingSeparator(_ usesGroupingSeparator: Bool) -> Self {
        self.usesGroupingSeparator = usesGroupingSeparator
        return self

    func groupingSeparator(_ groupingSeparator: String!) -> Self {
        self.groupingSeparator = groupingSeparator
        return self

    func zeroSymbol(_ zeroSymbol: String?) -> Self {
        self.zeroSymbol = zeroSymbol
        return self

    func textAttributesForZero(_ textAttributesForZero: [String : Any]) -> Self {
        self.textAttributesForZero = textAttributesForZero
        return self

    func nilSymbol(_ nilSymbol: String) -> Self {
        self.nilSymbol = nilSymbol
        return self

    func textAttributesForNil(_ textAttributesForNil: [String : Any]) -> Self {
        self.textAttributesForNil = textAttributesForNil
        return self

    func notANumberSymbol(_ notANumberSymbol: String!) -> Self {
        self.notANumberSymbol = notANumberSymbol
        return self

    func textAttributesForNotANumber(_ textAttributesForNotANumber: [String : Any]) -> Self {
        self.textAttributesForNotANumber = textAttributesForNotANumber
        return self

    func positiveInfinitySymbol(_ positiveInfinitySymbol: String) -> Self {
        self.positiveInfinitySymbol = positiveInfinitySymbol
        return self

    func textAttributesForPositiveInfinity(_ textAttributesForPositiveInfinity: [String : Any]) -> Self {
        self.textAttributesForPositiveInfinity = textAttributesForPositiveInfinity
        return self

    func negativeInfinitySymbol(_ negativeInfinitySymbol: String) -> Self {
        self.negativeInfinitySymbol = negativeInfinitySymbol
        return self

    func textAttributesForNegativeInfinity(_ textAttributesForNegativeInfinity: [String : Any]) -> Self {
        self.textAttributesForNegativeInfinity = textAttributesForNegativeInfinity
        return self

    func positivePrefix(_ positivePrefix: String!) -> Self {
        self.positivePrefix = positivePrefix
        return self

    func positiveSuffix(_ positiveSuffix: String!) -> Self {
        self.positiveSuffix = positiveSuffix
        return self

    func negativePrefix(_ negativePrefix: String!) -> Self {
        self.negativePrefix = negativePrefix
        return self

    func negativeSuffix(_ negativeSuffix: String!) -> Self {
        self.negativeSuffix = negativeSuffix
        return self

    func currencyCode(_ currencyCode: String!) -> Self {
        self.currencyCode = currencyCode
        return self

    func currencySymbol(_ currencySymbol: String!) -> Self {
        self.currencySymbol = currencySymbol
        return self

    func internationalCurrencySymbol(_ internationalCurrencySymbol: String!) -> Self {
        self.internationalCurrencySymbol = internationalCurrencySymbol
        return self

    func percentSymbol(_ percentSymbol: String!) -> Self {
        self.percentSymbol = percentSymbol
        return self

    func perMillSymbol(_ perMillSymbol: String!) -> Self {
        self.perMillSymbol = perMillSymbol
        return self

    func minusSign(_ minusSign: String!) -> Self {
        self.minusSign = minusSign
        return self

    func plusSign(_ plusSign: String!) -> Self {
        self.plusSign = plusSign
        return self

    func exponentSymbol(_ exponentSymbol: String!) -> Self {
        self.exponentSymbol = exponentSymbol
        return self

    func groupingSize(_ groupingSize: Int) -> Self {
        self.groupingSize = groupingSize
        return self

    func secondaryGroupingSize(_ secondaryGroupingSize: Int) -> Self {
        self.secondaryGroupingSize = secondaryGroupingSize
        return self

    func multiplier(_ multiplier: NSNumber?) -> Self {
        self.multiplier = multiplier
        return self

    func formatWidth(_ formatWidth: Int) -> Self {
        self.formatWidth = formatWidth
        return self

    func paddingCharacter(_ paddingCharacter: String!) -> Self {
        self.paddingCharacter = paddingCharacter
        return self

    func paddingPosition(_ paddingPosition: NumberFormatter.PadPosition) -> Self {
        self.paddingPosition = paddingPosition
        return self

    func roundingMode(_ roundingMode: NumberFormatter.RoundingMode) -> Self {
        self.roundingMode = roundingMode
        return self

    func roundingIncrement(_ roundingIncrement: NSNumber!) -> Self {
        self.roundingIncrement = roundingIncrement
        return self

    func minimumIntegerDigits(_ minimumIntegerDigits: Int) -> Self {
        self.minimumIntegerDigits = minimumIntegerDigits
        return self

    func maximumIntegerDigits(_ maximumIntegerDigits: Int) -> Self {
        self.maximumIntegerDigits = maximumIntegerDigits
        return self

    func minimumFractionDigits(_ minimumFractionDigits: Int) -> Self {
        self.minimumFractionDigits = minimumFractionDigits
        return self

    func maximumFractionDigits(_ maximumFractionDigits: Int) -> Self {
        self.maximumFractionDigits = maximumFractionDigits
        return self

    func minimum(_ minimum: NSNumber?) -> Self {
        self.minimum = minimum
        return self

    func maximum(_ maximum: NSNumber?) -> Self {
        self.maximum = maximum
        return self

    func currencyGroupingSeparator(_ currencyGroupingSeparator: String!) -> Self {
        self.currencyGroupingSeparator = currencyGroupingSeparator
        return self

    func isLenient(_ isLenient: Bool) -> Self {
        self.isLenient = isLenient
        return self

    func usesSignificantDigits(_ usesSignificantDigits: Bool) -> Self {
        self.usesSignificantDigits = usesSignificantDigits
        return self

    func minimumSignificantDigits(_ minimumSignificantDigits: Int) -> Self {
        self.minimumSignificantDigits = minimumSignificantDigits
        return self

    func maximumSignificantDigits(_ maximumSignificantDigits: Int) -> Self {
        self.maximumSignificantDigits = maximumSignificantDigits
        return self

    func isPartialStringValidationEnabled(_ isPartialStringValidationEnabled: Bool) -> Self {
        self.isPartialStringValidationEnabled = isPartialStringValidationEnabled
        return self

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Swift chain programming library: SwiftChain

Alternative implementation point syntax: Then