We’ll focus on the common and advanced swift operators, how to automatically shift operators and implement standard operators for our defined types.

Assignment operator

The assignment operator (a = b) initializes or updates the value of a with the value of b:

let b = 5
var a = b
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If the right-hand side of the assignment is a tuple with multiple values, its elements can be decomposed into multiple constants or variables at once:

let (x, y) = (10, 2)
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Unlike C and OC, assignment does not reverse. The following code is invalid

if a = b {
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Arithmetic operator

Swift supports four basic arithmetic types: +-*/

// 1 + 2 // 5-4 // 6 * 7 // 8/9Copy the code

Swift also supports string addition

"hello, " + "world"  // hello, world
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Remainder operator

The remainder operator (a % b) calculates how many multiples of A fit b and returns the remainder (called the remainder).

let a = 10%4

print("\(a)") // 2
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Compound assignment operator

Like C, Swift provides the compound assignment operator, which combines an assignment (=) with another operation.

// +=
var a = 1
a += 2 // 3

// -= 
var a = 3
a -= 1 // 2
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Comparison operator

Swift supports the following comparison operators

  • Equal (a == b)
  • Different (a! = b)
  • Greater than (A > b)
  • Less than (A < b)
  • A >= b
  • A <= b)
Var a = 4 var b = 4 if a == b {print("ab = b ")} b = 5 if a! = b {print("a < b")} if b > a {print("a < b")} if b > a {print("b < b")} if a <= b {print("a < b")} b = 4 if a >= b {print("a < b")} b = 4 if a >= b B {print("a = 4")}Copy the code

Ternary conditional operator

Is the ternary operation in the form of a Boolean condition? True result 1: Flase result 2

var a = 4 var b = 4 let c = a == b ? "Equal" : "not equal" // EqualCopy the code

Zero merge operator

Nil merge operator (a?? B) Unpack an optional a if it contains a value, or return a default b if A is nil. Expression A is always optional. Expression B must match the type stored in A.

The zero merge operator is short for:

a ! = nil ? a! : bCopy the code

The above code uses the ternary conditional operator and forced unpacking (a!). Access the value wrapped in a when A is not nil, otherwise return b. The zero-merge operator provides a more elegant way to encapsulate this conditional checking and expansion in a concise and readable form.

let defaultColorName = "red" var userDefinedColorName: String? Var colorNameToUse = userDefinedColorName?? defaultColorName // redCopy the code

Range operator

Swift contains several range operators, which are shortcuts to expressing a set of values.

Closed range operator

a… B defines a range of values from a to B, including a and B, a cannot be greater than b, and half is used with for in

for a in 1... 5 { print("\(a)") // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 }Copy the code

Half-open range operator

The half-open range operator (a.. <b) defines the range from A to B, but not b. It is said to be half open because it contains its first value but not its final value. As with the closed interval operator, the value of a must not be greater than b. If the value of A is equal to b, the result range will be empty. We can usually use it to expand an array

let array = ["1","2","3","4","5"] for i in 0.. <array.count { print(array[i]) // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 }Copy the code

Scope of unilateral

A direction that continues as far as possible in a direction, such as an array from the beginning to index or index to all the elements at the end of the array. In these cases, you can omit the value on the side of the range operator. This range is called a one-sided range because the operator has a value on only one side.

/ / traverse index 0 start until the end let all the elements of an array = [" 1 ", "2", "3", "4", "5"] for a in array [0]... {print (a) / / 1 / / 2/3/4 / / / 5} / / traverse to the subscript 2 let all the elements of an array = [" 1 ", "2", "3", "4", "5"] for a array in [2]... { print(a) // 1 // 2 // 3 }Copy the code

Half open unilateral range

Half open one-side range is also a one-side range, the difference is that it is not easy to call the index element

/ / can iterate through the set of all elements within the array = [" 1 ", "2", "3", "4", "5"] for a in array [.. < array. Count] {print (a) / / 1 / / 2 / / 3/4 / / 5}Copy the code

Logical operator

Swift mainly contains the following three standard logical operators

  • Logic is not a!
  • Logic and a && B
  • Logic or a | | b

Logical non-operator

Change Boolean to false and false to true

let a = true var b = ! B =! b // trueCopy the code

Logic and

Logic and that means that the Boolean is true when both the && and the left and right are true, one true and one false are false, both are false and the result is false

true && true // true
true && false // false
false && false // false
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Logic or

On both sides of the logic or refers to the | | as long as there is a true result is true, only to false when the result is false

true || true // true
true || false // true
false || false // false
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Combinatorial logical operators

Swift logical operators && and | | is the left associated, which means that the compound expressions with multiple logical operators first evaluate the leftmost subexpression.

A = false b = true c = false d = true a && b | | c | | d / / decomposition combinational logic operator ab = a && b / / false ABC = ab | | c / / false abcd = ABC  || d // trueCopy the code

When using combinatorial logic operators, we can use parentheses to express the priority, making it easier to read the code.