Play network audio, can first download good, get audio files, simple

Use AVAudioPlayer to play, over

Apple package under AVAudioPlayer handles local files for convenience

Just get a file url and play it

Simple mechanical understanding:

Facilitate the transmission of audio, generally using audio compression files, MP3 and so on. File pressure small volume, good transmission

Sound cards play PCM buffers

Apple helped develop a compressed format that was converted to an uncompressed raw file called PCM,

Also help the development of audio playback resource scheduling, from the PCM file to take out a section of the buffer, to the sound card consumption

(Actually there are not two steps, of course the process is parallel)

Now the manual

This article introduces the direct audio streaming media

When you receive an audio packet from the network, you play it.

Step four:

1, network audio files >> download to local audio data

Download the binary data of the audio file

Task of URLSession to retrieve network files

When you get a packet of Data, you process one

In this example, a packet, Data, corresponds to an audio packet, and corresponds to an audio buffer

This is the easy step,

Create a URLSessionDataTask and download it

It’s all in the network proxy method

Extension Downloader: URLSessionDataDelegate public func urlSession(_ session: urlSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, didReceive response: URLResponse, completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.ResponseDisposition) -> Void) { totalBytesCount = response.expectedContentLength CompletionHandler (.allow)} public func urlSession(_ session: urlSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, didReceive data: Data) {// Update, TotalBytesReceived += Int64(data.count) progress = Float(totalBytesReceived)/Float(totalBytesCount) // Data is handed to the delegate to be parsed as an audio packet delegate? .download(self, didReceiveData: data, progress: progress)} public func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) { state = .completed delegate?.download(self, completedWithError: error) } }Copy the code

Audio basic understanding first:

Audio files are divided into encapsulation format (file format), and encoding format

The three levels of audio data are buffer, packet and frame

Packet, packet,

Audio packet, audio frame

Audio encoding format, generally divided into variable bit rate, and fixed bit rate

Fixed bit rate CBR, average sampling, corresponding to raw file, PCM (uncompressed file)

Variable bit rate VBR, corresponding to compressed files, such as MP3

Core Audio supports VBR, generally via the variable frame rate format VFR

VFR refers to: the volume of each packet is the same, and the number of frames in packet is different, and the audio data contained in frame is large or small

Description of data in Core Audio

Fixed rate described in ASBD AudioStreamBasicDescription

The description of ASBD refers to some configuration information, including channel number, sampling rate, bit depth…

VFR variable bit rate, with ASPD description, AudioStreamPacketDescription

VFR in compressed audio data corresponds to ASPD

Each Packet has its ASPD

ASPD contains information about the position of the packet mStartOffset, the number of frames in the packet, mVariableFramesInPacket

2, Audio data >> Audio Packet

Take Audio Queue Services, process the Audio binary data obtained in the previous step and parse it into Audio packet

2.1 Establish audio processing channel, register parse callback method

public init() throws {
        letcontext = unsafeBitCast(self, to: UnsafeMutableRawPointer. Self) / / create a active audio file stream parser, Create a parser ID guard AudioFileStreamOpen (context, ParserPropertyChangeCallback ParserPacketCallback, kAudioFileMP3Type, &streamID) == noErrelse {
            throw ParserError.streamCouldNotOpen
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2.2 Pass data in and start parsing

    public func parse(data: Data) throws {
        let streamID = self.streamID!
        let count = data.count
        _ = try data.withUnsafeBytes({ (rawBufferPointer) in
            let bufferPointer = rawBufferPointer.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self)
            if letAddress = bufferPointer. BaseAddress {/ / the audio data to the parser / / streamID, specify the parserlet result = AudioFileStreamParseBytes(streamID, UInt32(count), address, [])
                guard result == noErr else {
                    throw ParserError.failedToParseBytes(result)
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2.3 Audio Information parsing

func ParserPropertyChangeCallback(_ context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ streamID: AudioFileStreamID, _ propertyID: AudioFileStreamPropertyID, _ flags: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioFileStreamPropertyFlags>) {
    letParser = Unmanaged< parser >.fromopaque (context). TakeUnretainedValue ()casekAudioFileStreamProperty_DataFormat: / / get data format var format = AudioStreamBasicDescription () GetPropertyValue (& format, streamID, propertyID) parser.dataFormat = AVAudioFormat(streamDescription: &format)casekAudioFileStreamProperty_AudioDataPacketCount: GetPropertyValue(& Parser. packetCount, streamID, propertyID) default: // Audio stream file, number of packets in the separated audio data Func GetPropertyValue<T>(_ value: inout T, _ streamID:) GetPropertyValue<T>(_ value: inout T, _ streamID:) AudioFileStreamID, _ propertyID: AudioFileStreamPropertyID) { var propSize: UInt32 = 0 guard AudioFileStreamGetPropertyInfo(streamID, propertyID, &propSize, nil) == noErrelse {
    guard AudioFileStreamGetProperty(streamID, propertyID, &propSize, &value) == noErr else {
        return}}Copy the code

2.4 Parse callbacks and process data

func ParserPacketCallback(_ context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ byteCount: UInt32, _ packetCount: UInt32, _ data: UnsafeRawPointer, _ packetDescriptions: UnsafeMutablePointer < AudioStreamPacketDescription >) {/ / back to the self (parser)let parser = Unmanaged<Parser>.fromOpaque(context).takeUnretainedValue()
    letpacketDescriptionsOrNil: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamPacketDescription>? = packetDescriptions // ASPD exists, is compressed audio package // uncompressed PCM, use ASBDletisCompressed = packetDescriptionsOrNil ! = nil guardlet dataFormat = parser.dataFormat else {
        return} // parser.packets = self.packets = self.packetsif isCompressed {
        for i in0.. < Int(packetCount) {// Compress audio data, each packet corresponds to an ASPD, one by onelet packetDescription = packetDescriptions[i]
            let packetStart = Int(packetDescription.mStartOffset)
            let packetSize = Int(packetDescription.mDataByteSize)
            let packetData = Data(bytes: data.advanced(by: packetStart), count: packetSize)
            parser.packets.append((packetData, packetDescription))
    } else{// Original audio data PCM, file unified configuration, calculation is relatively simplelet format = dataFormat.streamDescription.pointee
        let bytesPerPacket = Int(format.mBytesPerPacket)
        for i in 0 ..< Int(packetCount) {
            let packetStart = i * bytesPerPacket
            let packetSize = bytesPerPacket
            let packetData = Data(bytes: data.advanced(by: packetStart), count: packetSize)
            parser.packets.append((packetData, nil))
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3, Audio packet >> audio buffer

public required init(parser: Parsing, readFormat: AVAudioFormat) throws {// Take audio data self.parser = parser guard from the previous parserlet dataFormat = parser.dataFormat else {
            throw ReaderError.parserMissingDataFormat

        let sourceFormat = dataFormat.streamDescription
        let commonFormat = readFormat.streamDescription // Create audio Format converter converter // by specifying input Format, and output Format // input Format is parsed from the previous step, take output Format from paser, develop the specifiedlet result = AudioConverterNew(sourceFormat, commonFormat, &converter)
        guard result == noErr else {
            throw ReaderError.unableToCreateConverter(result)
        self.readFormat = readFormat
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Develop the specified output format

public var readFormat: AVAudioFormat {
        return AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatFloat32, sampleRate: 44100, channels: 2, interleaved: false)! } // Bit depth, using Float32 // sample rate 44100 Hz, standard CD sound quality // minute around the channelCopy the code

The audio packet is parsed in the previous step and the audio buffer is read

    public func read(_ frames: AVAudioFrameCount) throws -> AVAudioPCMBuffer {
        let framesPerPacket = readFormat. StreamDescription. Pointee. MFramesPerPacket var packets = frames/framesPerPacket / / create a blank, specify the Format and capacity, Audio buffering AVAudioPCMBuffer Guardlet buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: readFormat, frameCapacity: frames) else{throw ReaderError. FailedToCreatePCMBuffer} buffer. FrameLength = frames / / the parse the audio packets packet, convert AVAudioPCMBuffer, So AVAudioEngine plays try queue.sync {letcontext = unsafeBitCast(self, to: UnsafeMutableRawPointer. Self) / / set a good converter converter, using the callback method ReaderConverterCallback, Fill to create the data in the buffer buffer. MutableAudioBufferListletstatus = AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer(converter! , ReaderConverterCallback, context, &packets, buffer.mutableAudioBufferList, nil) guard status == noErrelse {
                switch status {
                case ReaderMissingSourceFormatError:
                    throw ReaderError.parserMissingDataFormat
                case ReaderReachedEndOfDataError:
                    throw ReaderError.reachedEndOfFile
                case ReaderNotEnoughDataError:
                    throw ReaderError.notEnoughData
                    throw ReaderError.converterFailed(status)
        return buffer
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  • The use of AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer pose:

AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer (format converter, the callback function, custom parameters pointer, the number of packages pointer, receive the converted data pointer, receive ASPD pointer)

AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer(converter! , ReaderConverterCallback, context, &packets, buffer.mutableAudioBufferList, nil)Copy the code
  • AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer ReaderConverterCallback callback function, the use of the position:

Callback functions (format converter, number of packets pointer, pointer to receive converted data, pointer to receive ASPD, pointer to custom parameters)

That is passed to the AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer six parameters,

In addition to its callback argument itself, the other five arguments, its callback function is useful

Convert the buffer callback function to create a blank audio buffer and fill it with data

func ReaderConverterCallback(_ converter: AudioConverterRef, _ packetCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>, _ ioData: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>, _ outPacketDescriptions: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamPacketDescription>? >? , _ context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> OSStatus {// restore self (reader)letreader = Unmanaged<Reader>.fromOpaque(context!) .takeunretainedValue () // Ensure that the input format is guardlet sourceFormat = reader.parser.dataFormat else {
        returnReaderMissingSourceFormatError} / / this class Reader, which recorded the location of a play to currentPacket, / / play the position, // Play to the end of the package, according to the download parsing situation, divided into two situations // 1, download parsing is completed, play to the end of the package // 2, download is not completed, parsing is completed, play to the end of the package // (only two situations, because of the parsing time, Nowhere near as long as it took to download. Download completed = Parsing completed)let packetIndex = Int(reader.currentPacket)
    let packets = reader.parser.packets
    let isEndOfData = packetIndex >= packets.count - 1
    if isEndOfData {
        if reader.parser.isParsingComplete {
            packetCount.pointee = 0
            return ReaderReachedEndOfDataError
        } else {
            returnReaderNotEnoughDataError}} // The previous setting only processed one packet of audio data ata timelet packet = packets[packetIndex]
    var data = packet.0
    letDataCount = data. The count ioData. Pointee. MNumberBuffers = 1 / / audio data copies come over: Allocates memory, and then copy the address data ioData. Pointee. MBuffers. MData = UnsafeMutableRawPointer. The allocate (byteCount: dataCount, alignment: 0) _ = data.withUnsafeMutableBytes { (rawMutableBufferPointer)in
        let bufferPointer = rawMutableBufferPointer.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self)
        if letaddress = bufferPointer.baseAddress{ memcpy((ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mData? .assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self))! , address, dataCount)}} ioData pointee. MBuffers. MDataByteSize = UInt32 (dataCount) / / processing compressed files to MP3, AAC ASPDlet sourceFormatDescription = sourceFormat.streamDescription.pointee
    if sourceFormatDescription.mFormatID ! = kAudioFormatLinearPCM {ifoutPacketDescriptions? .pointee == nil { outPacketDescriptions? .pointee = UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamPacketDescription>.allocate(capacity: 1) } outPacketDescriptions? .pointee? .pointee.mDataByteSize = UInt32(dataCount) outPacketDescriptions? .pointee? .pointee.mStartOffset = 0 outPacketDescriptions? .pointee? . Pointee. MVariableFramesInPacket = 0} packetCount. Pointee = 1 / / update the position of the broadcast to currentPacket reader. CurrentPacket = reader.currentPacket + 1return noErr;

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4, using AVAudioEngine, playback and real-time sound processing

AVAudioEngine can do real-time sound processing and add effects with Effect units

4.1 play first

Set up AudioEngine, add nodes, connect nodes

func setupAudioEngine(){attachNodes() // attachNodes connectNodes() // prepare AudioEngine engine. Prepare () // AVAudioEngine data stream, Use push model // use timer, every 0.1 seconds or so, scheduling playback resourceslet interval = 1 / (readFormat.sampleRate / Double(readBufferSize))
        let timer = Timer(timeInterval: interval / 2, repeats: true) {
            [weak self] _ inguard self? .state ! = .stoppedelse {
                return} // Allocate the buffer, schedule the playback resource self? .scheduleNextBuffer() self? .handleTimeUpdate() self? .notifyTimeUpdated() } RunLoop.current.add(timer,forMode:.common)} // Add the playback node open funcattachNodes() {engine. Attach (playerNode)} // Attach the playerNode to open funcconnectNodes() {
        engine.connect(playerNode, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: readFormat)
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Schedule the playback resource and deliver the data (the audio buffer created in the previous step) to AudioEngine’s playerNode

func scheduleNextBuffer(){
        guard let reader = reader else {
            return} // Manage playback by status recording // playback status, is a switch guard! isFileSchedulingComplete || repeatselse {

        do{// Create the audio bufferlet nextScheduledBuffer = try / / playerNode play consumed playerNode. ScheduleBuffer (nextScheduledBuffer)} catch ReaderError. ReachedEndOfFile { isFileSchedulingComplete =true
        } catch {  }
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Open play

public func play() {// Start guard! playerNode.isPlayingelse {
        if! engine.isRunning {do{try engine.start()} catch {}} // To improve user experience, mute before playingletlastVolume = volumeRampTargetValue ?? Volume Volume = 0 // PlayerNode. play() // Play swellVolume(to: lastVolume) with normal volume after 250 ms // Update the playing state =.playing}Copy the code

After 4.2 sound

Add real-time pitch and playback speed effects

// Use AVAudioUnitTimePitch to adjust the playback speed and pitch effectlet timePitchNode = AVAudioUnitTimePitch()

    override func attachNodes() {// Add playback node super.attachNodes() // Add sound node engine. Attach (timePitchNode)connectNodes() {
        engine.connect(playerNode, to: timePitchNode, format: readFormat)
        engine.connect(timePitchNode, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: readFormat)

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Fill in the details

Duration 5

First get the number of packages, downloaded data, after parsing, add up

The first 2 minutes and 34 seconds of mp3 can be divided into 5925 packages

public var totalPacketCount: AVAudioPacketCount? {
        guard let _ = dataFormat else {
            returnParserPacketCallback = AVAudioPacketCount(packets.count); // ParserPacketCallback = AVAudioPacketCount(packets.count); Add data to packetsreturn max(AVAudioPacketCount(packetCount), AVAudioPacketCount(packets.count))
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Get the total number of audio frames

public var totalFrameCount: AVAudioFrameCount? {
        guard letframesPerPacket = dataFormat? .streamDescription.pointee.mFramesPerPacketelse {
            return nil
        guard let totalPacketCount = totalPacketCount else {
            returnNil} // The total number of packets in the previous step X how many frames are in each packetreturn AVAudioFrameCount(totalPacketCount) * AVAudioFrameCount(framesPerPacket)

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Calculate the audio duration

public var duration: TimeInterval? {
        guard letsampleRate = dataFormat? .sampleRateelse {
            return nil
        guard let totalFrameCount = totalFrameCount else {
            returnNil} // Total number of audio frames from the previous step/sampling ratereturn TimeInterval(totalFrameCount) / TimeInterval(sampleRate)
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6. Adjust the current position of playback

6.1 Audio Playback manager inside the Streamer
Public func seek(to time: TimeInterval) throws {// Use the Parser audio package and reader audio buffer to play guardlet parser = parser, let reader = reader else {
            return} // Take the time to calculate the relative position of the audio frame; // Take the relative position of the audio framelet frameOffset = parser.frameOffset(forTime: time),
            let packetOffset = parser.packetOffset(forFrame: frameOffset) else {
                return} currentTimeOffset = time isFileSchedulingComplete =false// Record the current statuslet isPlaying = playerNode.isPlaying
        letlastVolume = volumeRampTargetValue ?? Playernode.stop () volume = 0 // Update the location of reader resourcesdo {
        } catch {
            return} // Just record the current state, restoreifIsPlaying {} // Update UI delegate? Streamer (self, updatedCurrentTime: time) swellVolume(to: lastVolume)}Copy the code

Figure out the frame offset for the current time

   public func frameOffset(forTime time: TimeInterval) -> AVAudioFramePosition? {
        guard let_ = dataFormat? .streamDescription.pointee,let frameCount = totalFrameCount,
            let duration = duration else {
                returnNil} // Take the current time/total audio duration, calculate the ratiolet ratio = time / duration
        return AVAudioFramePosition(Double(frameCount) * ratio)
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Figure out the packet position of the current frame

    public func packetOffset(forFrame frame: AVAudioFramePosition) -> AVAudioPacketCount? {
        guard letframesPerPacket = dataFormat? .streamDescription.pointee.mFramesPerPacketelse {
            returnNil} // How many frames are there in a packetreturn AVAudioPacketCount(frame) / AVAudioPacketCount(framesPerPacket)
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6.2 Audio Resource scheduling in reader
Public func seek(_ packet: AVAudioPacketCount) throws {queue.sync {currentPacket = packet}}Copy the code

Record the position currentPacket, so it works

ReaderConverterCallback in Step 3

/ /... // In this example, an audio packet corresponds to an audio bufferlet packet = packets[packetIndex]
    var data = packet.0
    // ...
    _ = data.withUnsafeMutableBytes { (rawMutableBufferPointer) in // ...
   // ...
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7 UI user experience is improved. Manually drag and drop the scene of playing time

It is divided into three events: finger press down, finger drag, finger lift

/ / finger press, screen refresh play the progress of the proxy method @ IBAction func progressSliderTouchedDown (_ sender: UISlider) {isSeeking =true} / / finger drag, screen refresh broadcast pace agent method, the use of gestures corresponding UI @ IBAction func progressSliderValueChanged (_ sender: UISlider) {letCurrentTime = TimeInterval(progressSlider.value) currentTimelabel.text = currentTime.tommss ()} @ibAction func progressSliderTouchedUp(_ sender: UISlider) {seek(sender) isSeeking =false
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The related agent method updates the UI of the current event and progress bar based on the playback progress

If you’re dragging it, block it

func streamer(_ streamer: Streaming, updatedCurrentTime currentTime: TimeInterval) {
        if! isSeeking { progressSlider.value = Float(currentTime) currentTimeLabel.text = currentTime.toMMSS() } }Copy the code

8 Single track loop mode

Step 4 During playback, distribute playback resources using a timer

Manage the logic of the two methods below

(Scheduling audio buffer and changing state after playing)

let timer = Timer(timeInterval: interval / 2, repeats: true) {
            [weak self] _ in/ /... self? .scheduleNextBuffer() self? .handleTimeUpdate() // ... }Copy the code

Scheduling audio buffer,

func scheduleNextBuffer(){
        guard let reader = reader else {
            return} // If repeats are repeated, continue to play, regardless of the guard! isFileSchedulingComplete || repeatselse {
            return} / /... The following is, the player node plays resources}Copy the code

Handle related states according to the playback situation

func handleTimeUpdate(){
        guard let currentTime = currentTime, let duration = duration else {
            return} // The current playback time, after the audio length, it is considered to have finished playing, to pauseifcurrentTime >= duration { try? Seek (to: 0) // If repeated, do not pauseif! repeats{ pause() } } }Copy the code

The code is showngithub