PK creative Spring Festival, I am participating in the “Spring Festival creative submission contest”, please see: Spring Festival creative submission Contest


The New Year is coming, far away from home children can immediately go home with their parents to eat dinner, watch the Spring Festival Gala, fireworks, talk about work, talk about the ideal, think also very comfortable.

Adults are busy playing cards and chatting, but what we kids like most is setting off firecrackers, so would you like to use SVG to set off firecrackers? Come on, this article will learn from zero with you if you draw a firecracker, how to achieve firecracker animation, how to achieve firecracker animation control

The element

  1. A firecracker
  2. A progress bar
  3. A Mars
  4. A firecracker fuse





First draw a firecracker

< SVG width = "200" height = "250" XMLNS = "" version = "1.1" enable - background = "new 0 0 200 200" XML :space="preserve"> <g> <title>Layer 1</title> <g id="bomb"> <path ID =" mode-path "fill="none" D ="m0, 0L0,5a10,10 0 0 1 to 20, 0 a18, 36, 0 0 0 0 to 18 l0, 30 "/ > < path stroke =" null "fill = # E7402E d =" m149.17433, c0, 213.24695 11.83309 21.51372 17.65204, 7.94387, 21.51372 l - 58.69101, 0 c - 9.70908, 0-17.65295, 9.68062 C0-17.65295, 21.51372 l0, 108.80346, 11.83309, 7.94387, 21.51482, 17.65295, 21.51482 l58.69101, 0 c9. 70817, 0, 17.65204, 9.68173 17.65204, 21.51482 l0, 108.80346 z svg_1 "id =" "/ > < path stroke =" null "fill = # F4DD50 d =" m131.1467, 234.76267 c9.91474, 0 18.02763,-8.789 18.02763, -19.531L0, -2.806C0, -10.741-0.41538, -19.53-0.92215, -19.53L -94.1517, 0C-0.50769, 0-0.92215,8.789 - 0.92215, 19.53 l0, c0 2.806, 10.742, 8.1129, 19.531, 18.02856, 19.531 l59.93981, 0 z svg_2 "id =" "/ > < path stroke =" null" The fill = "# 3 d100b" d = "m131.48444, 237.69167 l - 59.61522, 0 c - 11.37036, 0-20.62089, 10.076-20.62089, 22.461 l0, 2.807 c0, 5.244 0.0964,-10.195 0.27267,-13.943c0.08814,-1.863 0.19096,-3.344 0.30756,-4.396c0.07069,-0.637 0.14414,-1.113 C0.56921 0.23227, 1.498, 2.496, 2.42831, 2.622, 2.79462-2.622 l93.64185, 0 c0. 36631, 0, 2.22541, 0.126 2.79554, 2.622 c0.08814, 0.385, 0.16158, 0.861, 0.23135, 1.498 c0.1166, 1.055, 0.21942, 2.533, 0.30664, 4.396 c0.17627, 3.748 0.2745, 8.699, 0.2745, 13.943 l0, 2.807-0.00092 c, 12.385-9.25145, 22.461 Zm - 20.62089, 22.461 l0, 0-74.41551, - 41.868 - c - 0.22126, 2.823-0.44068, 8.557, 0.44068, 16.602 l0, c0 2.806, 9.154, 6.83691, 16.603 C8 (15.24189, 16.603 l59.6143, 0. 40406, 0, 15.2428, 7.447, 15.2428-16.603 l0, 2.806 c0, 8.045-0.21942, 13.778 -0.43976, -16.602L-89.21856,0l0.00001,0z" id="svg_3" /> <path stroke="null" fill="#3D100B" D = "m131.68897, 237.69167 l - 59.02419, 0 c - 11.25764, 0-20.41645-11.31481-20.41645, 25.22252 l0, 110.91463 c0, 13.90771 9.15882, 25.22252, 20.41645, 25.22252 l59.02419, 0 c11. 25764, 0, 20.41645, 11.31481, 20.41645, 25.22252 l0, c0 38.0477, 1.81581 3.29136 2.6642, 1.19348, 3.29136 s to 2.66329-1.47443-2.66329, 3.29136 l0, 38.0477 c0, 10.27946-6.76913, 18.64317 15.09169, 18.64317 l - 59.02146, 0 c - 8.32074, 0-15.09078, 8.36259-15.09078, 18.64317 l0, c0 110.91463, 10.27833, 6.76913, 18.64317 C8 (15.09078, 18.64317 l59.02419, 0. 31983, 0, 15.09078, 8.36259, 15.09078-18.64317 l0, 35.36161 c0, 1.81693, 1.19348-3.29024 2.66329, 3.29024 c1.47072, 0, 2.66329, 1.47331, 2.66329, 3.29024 l0, 35.36161-0.00182 c, 13.90771-9.16063, 25.22252 /> <path fill="#3D100B" d="m149.17433,176.31867c-1.618, 0-2.93,-1.313 C0-2.93, 2.93 l0, 12.109, 1.619, 1.312, 2.93, 2.93, 2.93 s2.931, 1.311, 2.931, 2.93 l0, c - 0.001-12.109, 1.618-1.313, 2.93 2.931, 2.93 z svg_5 "id =" "/ > < path the fill =" # FFFFFF "d =" m112.045, 91.86 l - 7.031, 0 c - 1.618, 0-2.93, 1.312-2.93, 2.93 c0, 1.618 1.312, 2.93, 2.93, 2.93 l7.031, 0 c1. 618, 0, 2.93, 1.312, 2.93, 2.93 c0, 1.618-1.312, 2.93-2.93, 2.93 zm - 47.115, 32.125-1.618 c, 0 2.93, 1.312-2.93, 2.93 l0, 16.062 c0, 10.473 7.107, 18.992, 15.842-18.992 l12.913, 0 c1. 618, 0, 2.93, 1.312, 2.93, 2.93 c0, 1.618 2.93 2.93, 1.312, 2.93 l - 12.912, 0 c - 2.529, 0-4.957, 1.287-6.836, 3.624-2.029 c, 2.524-3.147, 5.901 C0, 16.063-3.147, 9.509 l0, 1.616-1.311, 2.928, 2.93, 2.928 z svg_6 "id =" "/ > < g stroke =" null "id =" svg_7 "> < path The stroke = "# 3 d100b" id = "fuse" fill = "none" stroke - width = "5" d = "m174.004, 43.03652 l0, 5.51568 c0, 6.09305-6.09177, 11.03271 C - 7.51559-13.59835, 11.03271, 0-13.59835-4.93965-13.59835, 11.03271 c0, 10.96721-10.96441, 19.85888 24.48423, 19.85888 s - 24.47908, 8.89299-24.47908, 19.85888 l0, 33.09945 "/ > < / g > < circle the fill =" # F4DD50 cx "=" 102" <rect x=" 120.36445 "y="125.38426" transform="matrix(0.7071 0.7071-0.7071 0.7071 101.112-39.4959)" fill="#F4DD50" width="23.614" height=" svg_11" /> <g id="spark"> <path ID ="ember" Transform ="scale(2.1 2.1) translate(83 20)" stroke="#F3A37C" stroke-width="1.25" D = "m - 4.5-1.5 l3, 0 l1. 5-3 l1. 5, 3 l3, 0 l - 2.5, 2.5 l1.5, 3.25 l - 3.5, - 3.5-2 l, l1. 2, 5-3.25 l - 2.5-2.5 - z" fill = "# FFF9EE" / > < g id="sparkles" transform="scale(0)"> <g fill="#F3A37C"> <circle transform="rotate(10) translate(12 0)" cx="0" cy="0" r="2"> </circle> <circle transform="rotate(170) translate(12 0)" cx="0" cy="0" r="2"> </circle> <circle transform="rotate(90) translate(12 0)" cx="0" cy="0" r="2"> </circle> <circle transform="rotate(-60) translate(13 0)" Cx = "0" cy = "0" r = "2" > < / circle > < circle transform = "rotate (120) translate (0) 13" cx = "0" cy = "0" r = "1.75" > < / circle > > < / g </g> </g> <text transform="rotate(180 105.781 146.791) matrix(1.14815 0 0 1.23535 89.2675 95.9221)" fill="# e7402E" Font-family: 'MicrosoftYaHei'" font-size="29" id="svg_13" x="2" y="54" stroke-width="3" font-weight="bold"> </text> </g>  </g> </svg>Copy the code


    * {
            box-sizing: border-box;
            padding: 0;
            margin: 0;

        /* display the svg and input in a centered column */
        body {
            min-height: 100vh;
            display: flex;
            flex-direction: column;
            align-items: center;
            justify-content: center;
            background: #fffaf0;

        svg {
            display: block;
            width: 200px;
            height: auto;
Copy the code

The static effect

With the code above, we get a red firecracker. How does it move

Firecrackers animation

Without further ado, go to the code

  1. First, introduce animejs
<script src=""></script>
Copy the code
  1. Create a timeline
    const timeline = anime.timeline();
Copy the code

3. Lead animation

        targets: '#fuse'.strokeDashoffset: (target) = > -target.getTotalLength(),
        duration: 5000.begin: (animation) = > {
            const target = animation.animatables[0].target;
            const length = target.getTotalLength();
            target.setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', length);
        easing: 'linear'});Copy the code

Results the following

4. Mars Animation

const motionPath = document.querySelector('#fuse');
        const path = anime.path(motionPath);
            targets: '#spark'.translateX: path('x'),
            translateY: path('y'),
            rotate: path('angle'),
            duration: 5000.easing: 'linear',},'- = 5000');

            targets: '#ember'.transform: Array(21).fill('scale (2.5)').map((scale, index) = > index % 2= = =0 ? 'scale (1.4)' : scale),
            duration: 5000.easing: 'easeInOutSine'.direction: 'alternate',},'- = 5000');

            targets: '#sparkles'.transform: Array(21).fill('scale (1.5)').map((scale, index) = > index % 2= = =0 ? 'scale(0)' : scale),
            duration: 5000.easing: 'easeInOutSine'.direction: 'alternate',},'- = 5000');

            targets: '#spark'.scale: 4.5.opacity: 0.duration: 250.easing: 'easeInOutSine'});Copy the code

5. Firecrackers disappear

            targets: '#bomb'.opacity: 0.duration: 250.easing: 'easeInOutSine'});Copy the code

Join js our firecrackers can move up!

Achieve schedule control

How to achieve progress control? Uh… I thought about it for a while and decided to add the progress bar

The progress of the HTML

Introducing a progress bar

    <input type="range" min="0" max="100" value="0" />
Copy the code

The progress of CSS

Progress bar Style

    input[type="range"] {
            margin-top: 2.5rem;
            width: 300px;
            -webkit-appearance: none;
            height: 1rem;
            background: transparent;
            color: #0d3730;
            position: relative;
            cursor: e-resize;

        input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-thumb {
            -webkit-appearance: none;
            width: 16px;
            height: 16px;
            border-radius: 50%;
            background: #0d3730;

        input[type="range"]:before {
            content: "";
            position: absolute;
            width: 100%;
            height: 1px;
            background: #0d3730;
            top: 50%;
            left: 0;
            transform: translateY(-50%);
            z-index: -5;

        input[type="range"]:after {
            content: "";
            position: absolute;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            border-left: 2px solid #0d3730;
            border-right: 2px solid #0d3730;
            z-index: -5;
Copy the code

The progress of js

    const input = document.querySelector('input');
    const timeline = anime.timeline({
        update: ({ progress }) = > {
            input.value = progress
    function handleInput() {
        const { value } = this; * value / 100);

    input.addEventListener('input', handleInput);
    input.addEventListener('mousedown'.() = > timeline.pause());
    input.addEventListener('mouseup'.() = >;
Copy the code

The end result is as follows


Firecrackers in the old year, the sound of joy in the New Year, I wish you all: happy Spring Festival, good luck in everything, money rolling, life peace!