In SVG, if you want to animate an effect, you can use CSS, JS, or the animate element (SMIL) that comes with SVG.
Here we’ll focus on some common animation effects that can be achieved with SVG and CSS.
(The following to use the basic knowledge of SVG, SVG from entry to icon drawing and component encapsulation and SVG in the Transform — translation, rotation and scaling are detailed introduction, here will not repeat, there is a need for friends can go to view oh.)
The basics of SVG + CSS animation implementation
HTML5 supports inline SVG. We can use SVG elements as HTML tags directly in the structure of the page and become part of the DOM. This also allows us to style them with CSS, which is also the basis of SVG + CSS animation implementation.
<rect width="100" height="100" fill="gold" />
Copy the code
The code snippet above draws a gold square 100px wide and high on the page. The width, height, and fill color are described as tag attributes, but we can also write these styles in CSS.
<rect />
Copy the code
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
fill: gold;
Copy the code
Since CSS can be used to style SVG, animation, Transition and Transform can be used to dynamically transform the style of SVG elements to achieve the desired animation effect.
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
fill: gold;
transition: fill 1s linear;
fill: greenyellow;
Copy the code
Transform based shape transform animation
Like normal HTML elements, SVG elements can be translated, rotated, and scaled by transform.
But they have different reference points for transformation. For normal HTML elements, the default reference point for transformation is 50% of the element’s central position in the X and Y directions (only two-dimensional plane is considered here), that is, elements are rotated, shifted, scaled and so on by the element’s central position in the X and Y directions.
The SVG element, the reference point for the transformation, is 0, 0 on the SVG canvas (the default is the upper-left corner of the < SVG > element).
Understanding this is important for understanding the transform of SVG elements, which we covered in great detail in the previous two articles:
SVG goes from getting started to icon drawing and component encapsulation
Transform in SVG: Pan, rotate, and scale
Imitation B station live icon
Animation to achieve
<svg height="100" width="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<line class="beat" x1="15" y1="40" x2="15" y2="100" stroke="lightblue" stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round"></line>
<line class="beat" x1="50" y1="40" x2="50" y2="100" stroke="lightblue" stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round"></line>
<line class="beat" x1="85" y1="40" x2="85" y2="100" stroke="lightblue" stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round"></line>
Copy the code
Draw three vertical lines using the
(For easy observation, we’ll give the SVG a blue border.)
Then, by animating KeyFrames, I keep changing the scaleY to scale the line in the Y direction.
.beat{ transform-origin: bottom; // Set the reference point to the bottom of '< SVG > element' animation: beat-scale 1.4s Linear Infinite; } @keyframes beat-scale{25%{transform: scaleY(0.3); } 50%{ transform: scaleY(1); 75%} {the transform: scaleY (0.3); }}Copy the code
Finally, by setting animation-delay, the three lines move interlaced.
Beat: the NTH - child (1) {animation - delay: 0.4 s; Child (2)}. Beat: NTH - {animation - delay: 0.2 s; }Copy the code
Component packaging
Once animation is implemented, the next step is to encapsulate the icon as a component so that it can be defined once and referenced multiple times.
Reference: SVG component encapsulation
Two transformation points:
- 1, will be
All the tags are in<symbol>
Label setviewBox="0 0 100 100"
; - 2,
And in the use ofsvg
When the icon is drawn, the color will be taken from the parent elementcolor
Attribute inheritance.
<svg height="0" width="0">
<symbol id="beats" viewBox="0 0 100 100" >
<line class="beat" x1="15" y1="40" x2="15" y2="100" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round"></line>
<line class="beat" x1="50" y1="40" x2="50" y2="100" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round"></line>
<line class="beat" x1="85" y1="40" x2="85" y2="100" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round"></line>
Copy the code
<span style="color:#ff6699; border: 1px solid #ff6699; border-radius: 5px; padding-left: 5px; font-size: 24px;" > <svg height="30" width="30"> <use href="#beats"></use> <! - a href = "# beats" points to is the < symbol > tag id -- -- > < / SVG > < span > live < / span > < / span >Copy the code
Load the clock
<svg height="100" width="100" viewBox="-52 -52 104 104"> <circle fill="none" stroke="#DE3E35" stroke-width="6" stroke-miterlimit="10" cx="0" cy="0" r="48"/> <line class="fast-hand" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" Stroke-width ="6" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="0" y1="0" x2="35" y2="0.5"></line> <line class="slow-hand" Fill ="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-y ="#DE3E35" stroke-width="6" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="0" y1="0" x2="-0.5" y2="-24"></line> </svg>Copy the code
tag draws the clock outline, and the two < lines > draw the long and short hands.
We want to rotate the needle around the center of the icon itself.
We know that the reference point for SVG element transformation is 0, 0 on the SVG canvas. So if the center of the icon overlaps the position of the SVG canvas 0 0, the icon will rotate around its center.
Therefore, we set the
tag’s center coordinates to (0,0)(cx=”0″ cy=”0″) and the starting coordinates of the long and short pins to (0,0). For full graphics, set the viewBox attribute of the < SVG > element to “-52-52 104 104”
The animation is implemented by constantly changing the rotate Angle of the long and short pins through keyframes animation, and the animation time is set differently due to the different rotation speeds.
.fast-hand{ animation: clock-rotate 2s linear infinite; }. Slow-hand {animation: clock-rotate 15s linear infinite; } @keyframes clock-rotate{0 {transform: rotate(0deg); } 100%{ transform: rotate(360deg); }}Copy the code
The code and use cases wrapped as components are as follows:
<svg height="0" width="0"> <symbol id="clock" viewBox="-52 -52 104 104"> <circle fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="6" stroke-miterlimit="10" cx="0" cy="0" r="48"/> <line class="fast-hand" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="6" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="0" y1="0" x2="35" Y2 ="0.5"></line> <line class="slow-hand" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="6" Stroke - miterlimit = "10" x1 = "0" y1 = "0" x2 = "0.5" y2 = "- 24" > < / line > < / symbol > < / SVG > < div style = "color: # fa8919; font-size: 16px;" > <svg height="26" width="26" style="vertical-align: top; margin-top: -2px; margin-right:3px;" > < use href = "# clock" > < / use > < / SVG > < span > wait < / span > < / div >Copy the code
Stroke animation
SVG + CSS is commonly used to achieve, in addition to the combination of transform + animation/transition icon shape transformation animation, another very widely used is stroke animation.
stroke-dasharray & stroke-dashoffset
At the heart of stroke animation are two display properties of SVG, stroke-Dasharray and stroke-Dashoffset.
Stroke-dasharray is used to create dashed lines. Its value is a sequence that can be passed in multiple values specifying the length of the line segment and interval in the dotted line.
Stroke-dasharray = ’10, 20′ means: line segment 10, spacing 20, then repeat line segment 10, spacing 20…
The parameter sequence can be one to multiple values. If the number of values is odd, a copy of the parameter sequence takes effect.
For example, stroke-dasharray = ’10’ equals stroke-dasharray = ’10, 10′;
Stroke-dasharray = ’10, 20, 30′ equals stroke-dasharray = ’10, 20, 30, 10, 20, 30′, where the drawing rule is: Line 10, pitch 20, line 30, pitch 10, line 20, pitch 30, and repeat…
stroke-dashoffset: Describes the offset from the starting point. Its value is a number X,
Is equal to moving X units of length to the left;X<0
Is equal to moving X units of length to the right.
Stroke-dashoffset works only if stroke-dasharray is set. The offset cannot be seen without dashed lines.
For a line L, if you set stroke-dasharray = ‘L.length’, only line segments will be displayed without spacing, equivalent to a solid line. If stroke-Dashoffset =’ L.length ‘, line L moves l.length to the left, showing only spacing, no line segments, which is equivalent to blank space.
If the stroke-Dashoffset value goes from L.length –>0, the line segment is gradually displayed. This creates a stroke effect.
Stroke animations have many applications in development, such as progress bars with various shapes, strokes for ICONS or text, and some cool button border animations.
Case implementation
Circular progress bar
First, we set both stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset to the circumference of the ring; Then dynamically calculate the new stroke-dashoffset according to the progress calculation, that is, the circumference of (1-progress) * ring.
The method of calculating the circumference of a ring is as follows:
- 1. In the case of given radius, the formula can be used
Find the perimeter. - 2. Each SVG shape element has one
Can obtain the total path length of the shape, for regular and irregular shapes.
Class ="progress"> < SVG height="200" width="200" viewBox="0 0 100 100 "> <! - the background grey circle - > < circle cx = "50" cy = "50 r =" 40 "stroke" width = "5" stroke = "# d1d3d7 fill" = "none" > < / circle > <! <circle class="process-circle" cx="50" cy="50" r="40" transform="rotate(-90 50 50)" strokewidth ="5" stroke="#00a5e0" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="251"></circle> </svg> </div> <div class="adjust"> <input value="26" type="range" min="0" Max ="100" id="range" /> </div>Copy the code
// get the circumference of the ring Const progressDom = document.querySelector('.progress') const percent = ProgressDom. Dataset. Percent const circleDom = document. QuerySelector (' process - circle ') / / by getTotalLength method for circle girth const circleLen = circleDom.getTotalLength() console.log(circleLen) = circleLen * ( 1 - ParseInt (percent) / 100) // Document.queryselector ('#range').addeventListener ('change', (e) => { = circleLen * ( 1 - parseInt( / 100 ) progressDom.dataset.percent = + '%' }) </script>Copy the code
// CSS code. Progress {display: inline-block; position: relative; } .progress::before{ content: attr(data-percent); position: absolute; width: 100%; top: 50%; left: 0; transform: translateY(-50%); font-size: 20px; text-align: center; } .progress::after{ content: attr(data-name); position: absolute; width: 100%; top: 100%; left: 0; font-size: 25px; text-align: center; } .process-circle{ stroke-dashoffset:251; transition: stroke-dashoffset 3s; } .adjust{ margin-top: 50px; }Copy the code
Ring loading animation
The combination also allows for circular loading animation, which is a very common loading animation.
<svg class="container" height="100" width="100" viewBox="-50 -50 100 100"> <! - the background grey circle - > < circle cx = "0" cy = "0" r = "40" stroke - width = "5" the fill = "none" stroke = "rgba (209, 211, 215, 0.5)" / > <! <circle class="progress" cx="0" cy="0" r="40" stroke-width="5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="251" fill="none"/> </svg>Copy the code
.progress{ stroke: #F7C223; animation: move 2s linear infinite; } .container{ animation: container 2s linear infinite; @keyframes container {0% {transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(270deg); }} @keyframes move{// Change stroke-dashoffset while also making the circle rotate 0%{stroke-dashoffset: 251px; } 50%{stroke-dashoffset: calc(251px * 0.2); transform:rotate(135deg); } 100%{ stroke-dashoffset: 251px; transform:rotate(450deg); }}Copy the code
Can also add color animation, the effect is more gorgeous.
.progress{ stroke: #F7C223; animation: move 2s linear infinite, color-change 2s linear infinite; } @keyframes color-change { 0% { stroke: #4285F4; } 25% { stroke: #DE3E35; } 50% { stroke: #F7C223; } 75% { stroke: #1B9A59; } 100% { stroke: #4285F4; }}Copy the code
Text stroke
Use a stroke animation to make a logo or text more memorable.
<svg width="500" height="106" viewBox="0 0 249 53" fill="none">
<path d="M35.9334 13.232C35.9334 13.552 35.4854 13.712 34.5894 13.712C33.6934 13.712 33.2454 13.52 33.2454 13.136C32.3494 10.192 31.4854 8.528 30.6534 8.144C27.9654 7.184 23.9974 6.70399 18.7494 6.70399C17.8534 6.768 17.2454 7.024 16.9254 7.472C16.6054 7.92 16.4454 8.72 16.4454 9.872V25.616C24.3174 25.36 28.6374 25.008 29.4054 24.56L30.0774 20.528C30.2054 20.208 30.6534 20.048 31.4214 20.048C32.2534 20.048 32.6694 20.272 32.6694 20.72C32.4134 22.576 32.2854 24.656 32.2854 26.96C32.2854 29.2 32.4134 31.248 32.6694 33.104C32.6694 33.488 32.2214 33.68 31.3254 33.68C30.4934 33.68 30.0774 33.552 30.0774 33.296L29.3094 29.168C28.5414 28.72 24.2534 28.368 16.4454 28.112V39.728C16.4454 44.592 17.0854 47.024 18.3654 47.024H23.1654C23.6774 47.024 23.9334 47.536 23.9334 48.56C23.9334 49.52 23.7414 50 23.3574 50L12.2214 49.904L2.62137 50.192C2.17337 50.192 1.94937 49.712 1.94937 48.752C1.94937 47.792 2.14137 47.312 2.52537 47.312H6.84537C7.54937 47.312 7.96537 47.184 8.09337 46.928C8.22137 46.608 8.28537 45.808 8.28537 44.528V14.288C8.28537 9.168 7.64537 6.608 6.36537 6.608H2.90937C2.14137 6.608 1.75737 6.128 1.75737 5.168C1.75737 4.144 2.10937 3.632 2.81337 3.632L12.6054 3.824H32.6694V2.288C32.6694 1.904 33.0854 1.712 33.9174 1.712C34.8134 1.712 35.2614 1.904 35.2614 2.288L35.9334 13.232Z"/>
<path d="M43.5031 50L35.9191 50.192C35.4711 50.192 35.2471 49.776 35.2471 48.944C35.2471 48.112 35.4711 47.696 35.9191 47.696H38.9911C39.6951 47.696 40.2071 47.408 40.5271 46.832C41.9991 44.4 44.9431 37.936 49.3591 27.44C53.7751 16.88 56.9431 8.88 58.8631 3.44C59.1191 2.864 59.7271 2.576 60.6871 2.576C61.7111 2.576 62.3511 2.896 62.6071 3.536C63.3751 6.736 65.6151 12.784 69.3271 21.68C73.1031 30.576 76.3991 38 79.2151 43.952C79.9831 45.488 80.6871 46.48 81.3271 46.928C81.9671 47.376 82.9591 47.6 84.3031 47.6C84.6871 47.6 84.8791 48.048 84.8791 48.944C84.8791 49.776 84.7191 50.192 84.3991 50.192L75.1831 50L64.8151 50.192C64.4311 50.192 64.2391 49.776 64.2391 48.944C64.2391 48.112 64.4311 47.696 64.8151 47.696H69.4231C70.1271 47.696 70.4791 47.408 70.4791 46.832C70.4791 46.768 68.6871 41.84 65.1031 32.048H51.7591C48.6231 39.792 47.0551 44.336 47.0551 45.68C47.0551 46.96 47.4391 47.6 48.2071 47.6H52.1431C52.6551 47.6 52.9111 48.048 52.9111 48.944C52.9111 49.776 52.7191 50.192 52.3351 50.192L43.5031 50ZM63.8551 28.784C63.6631 28.208 61.9991 23.344 58.8631 14.192H58.5751C57.0391 18.608 55.2151 23.472 53.1031 28.784H63.8551Z"/>
<path d="M132.826 3.824L141.658 3.632C142.042 3.632 142.234 4.112 142.234 5.072C142.234 5.968 142.042 6.416 141.658 6.416H138.298C137.402 6.416 136.826 6.64 136.57 7.088C135.418 9.072 134.842 23.472 134.842 50.288C134.842 50.928 134.298 51.248 133.21 51.248C132.186 51.248 131.45 51.024 131.002 50.576C118.202 35.344 107.898 22.992 100.09 13.52H99.8019C99.9939 24.848 100.186 34.32 100.378 41.936C100.378 45.264 100.858 46.928 101.818 46.928H105.658C106.042 46.928 106.234 47.44 106.234 48.464C106.234 49.424 106.042 49.904 105.658 49.904H97.6899L88.9539 50.096C88.6339 50.096 88.4739 49.648 88.4739 48.752C88.4739 47.792 88.6339 47.312 88.9539 47.312H91.2579C93.2419 47.312 94.2659 46.672 94.3299 45.392C95.2899 35.024 95.7699 22.896 95.7699 9.008C94.7459 7.792 93.8819 7.088 93.1779 6.896C92.4739 6.704 91.1619 6.608 89.2419 6.608C88.8579 6.608 88.6659 6.128 88.6659 5.168C88.6659 4.144 88.8579 3.632 89.2419 3.632L102.778 3.824C118.33 23.536 127.482 35.216 130.234 38.864H130.426C130.17 22.096 129.946 12.528 129.754 10.16C129.562 7.792 129.05 6.608 128.218 6.608H124.858C124.41 6.608 124.186 6.128 124.186 5.168C124.186 4.144 124.41 3.632 124.858 3.632L132.826 3.824Z" />
<path d="M174.709 51.248C166.901 51.248 160.437 49.168 155.317 45.008C150.197 40.848 147.637 35.152 147.637 27.92C147.637 20.624 150.389 14.576 155.893 9.776C161.397 4.976 167.957 2.576 175.573 2.576C179.285 2.576 182.933 3.504 186.517 5.36V3.728C186.517 3.28 186.901 3.056 187.669 3.056C188.501 3.056 188.917 3.28 188.917 3.728C188.917 7.76 189.237 11.952 189.877 16.304C189.941 16.496 189.813 16.688 189.493 16.88C189.237 17.008 188.821 17.072 188.245 17.072C187.669 17.072 187.317 16.816 187.189 16.304L186.421 11.216C182.837 7.824 178.709 6.128 174.037 6.128C169.429 6.128 165.461 8.112 162.133 12.08C158.869 16.048 157.237 21.008 157.237 26.96C157.237 32.912 158.965 37.872 162.421 41.84C165.877 45.744 169.941 47.696 174.613 47.696C179.285 47.696 183.701 46.32 187.861 43.568L188.341 38.096C188.341 37.584 188.789 37.328 189.685 37.328C190.581 37.328 191.029 37.552 191.029 38L190.453 50.192C190.453 50.576 190.005 50.768 189.109 50.768C188.277 50.768 187.861 50.576 187.861 50.192V48.56C183.445 50.352 179.061 51.248 174.709 51.248Z"/>
<path d="M219.962 49.904L210.362 50.192C209.914 50.192 209.69 49.712 209.69 48.752C209.69 47.792 209.882 47.312 210.266 47.312H214.586C215.29 47.312 215.706 47.184 215.834 46.928C215.962 46.608 216.026 45.808 216.026 44.528V29.264H215.93C215.994 27.344 211.482 21.168 202.394 10.736C199.898 7.792 197.978 6.32 196.634 6.32H194.426C193.914 6.32 193.658 5.904 193.658 5.072C193.658 4.176 193.85 3.728 194.234 3.728L203.354 3.824L213.338 3.728C213.722 3.728 213.914 4.144 213.914 4.976C213.914 5.808 213.754 6.224 213.434 6.224H208.634C208.634 6.352 209.434 7.376 211.034 9.296C216.346 15.632 219.802 20.432 221.402 23.696H221.69C222.65 22.096 224.602 19.44 227.546 15.728C230.49 12.016 232.154 9.776 232.538 9.008C232.986 8.176 233.21 7.536 233.21 7.088C233.21 6.576 232.954 6.32 232.442 6.32H229.754C229.434 6.32 229.274 5.904 229.274 5.072C229.274 4.176 229.498 3.728 229.946 3.728L238.874 3.824L246.458 3.728C246.906 3.728 247.13 4.144 247.13 4.976C247.13 5.808 246.874 6.224 246.362 6.224H244.634C243.482 6.224 242.49 6.576 241.658 7.28C238.522 9.904 234.938 13.488 230.906 18.032C226.938 22.512 224.698 25.648 224.186 27.44V39.728C224.186 44.592 224.826 47.024 226.106 47.024H230.906C231.418 47.024 231.674 47.536 231.674 48.56C231.674 49.52 231.482 50 231.098 50L219.962 49.904Z"/>
Copy the code
Here, each letter is an icon drawn by the Path element. This kind of complex graphics is usually drawn by design software, which then generates SVG code, in this case figMA.
For such an irregular graph, only the getTotalLength method can get the total path length of the shape, and then set the stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset values.
const words = document.querySelectorAll('path')
for(let i=0; i<words.length; i++){
Copy the code
body{ background: #2e4057; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } svg{ stroke: hsl(189, 68%, 75%); stroke-width:1px; fill:hsl(189, 68%, 75%, 0%); Animation: color-change 1s ease-in forwards 3.8s; } // Different execution times and start times for each letter of stroke animation path:nth-child(1){stroke-dasharray: 246; stroke-dashoffset: 246; animation: show 1s linear forwards; } path:nth-child(2){ stroke-dasharray: 253; stroke-dashoffset: 253; Animation: Show 1.2s linear forwards.5s; } path:nth-child(3){ stroke-dasharray: 334; stroke-dashoffset: 334; Animation: Show 1.4s Linear forwards 1s; } path:nth-child(4){ stroke-dasharray: 246; stroke-dashoffset: 246; Animation: Show 1.6s Linear forwards 1.5s; } path:nth-child(5){ stroke-dasharray: 240; stroke-dashoffset: 240; Animation: Show 1.8s Linear forwards 2s; } @keyframes show{ to{ stroke-dashoffset: 0; } } @keyframes color-change{ to{ stroke: transparent; fill:hsl(189, 68%, 75%) } }Copy the code
Hover effect
Non-hover state: stroke-Dasharray: 170 540, line segment and interval 170 and 540 respectively; Stroke-dashoffset: -459 represents a right (clockwise) offset of 459 relative to the starting point (upper left corner of the rectangle), when the line segment is drawn directly below the text.
Hover state: stroke-Dasharray: 760,760 is the perimeter of the rectangle, then stroke-Dashoffset: 0 is not offset, and the drawing effect is a complete rectangle.
<body> <div class="wrapper"> <svg height="60" width="320"> <rect class="border-rect" height="60" width="320" /> </svg> <div class="text">Check it! </div> </div> </body>Copy the code
html, body { background: #333; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; } .wrapper { height: 60px; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); width: 320px; } .border-rect { fill: transparent; stroke-dasharray: 170 540; stroke-dashoffset: -459; stroke-width: 8px; stroke: #d20be4; The transition: all linear 0.5 s; } .text { color: #fff; font-family: 'Roboto Condensed'; font-size: 22px; letter-spacing: 8px; line-height: 32px; position: relative; top: -48px; } .wrapper:hover .border-rect { stroke-dasharray: 760; stroke-dashoffset: 0; stroke-width: 2px; }Copy the code
This paper mainly discusses the basis of SVG combined with CSS animation, as well as some common animation implementation. As browsers become better at supporting web standards, SVG is becoming easier to use, and you can use SVG animations to enhance your site’s performance when interacting with it. That’s all for today. See you next time!