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Sux is a powerful productivity tool with a size of only 500K + at the same time

  • translation
  • Historical shear plate
  • Screenshot & Texture
  • Quick search like Listary/Alfred /wox: Shift + space
  • Macos-like trigger Angle
  • Edge trigger
  • Global custom shortcut keys for various operations
  • Text substitute
  • Text converter
  • Custom themes
  • The tray menu
  • Quick instructions
  • Customizable JSON configuration
  • blabla…

An alternative to Alfred/Wox/Listary/Capslock+/OneQuick .

Inspired by Alfred/Wox/Listary/Capslock+/utools/OneQuick, thank u.


  • Run SUx as an administrator
  • Prevent anti-virus software from killing:
    • Open win10 trayWindows Security CenterVirus and threat protectionAdministration Settings for Virus and threat Prevention SettingsAdding or deleting exclusionsAdd exclusionsfolder, and then select the folder where sux is located
    • Sux will be whitelisted if it is reported to be killed by other antivirus software
    • If Windows Security Center killed him, it’s in itsVirus and threat protectionProtecting historical records– Find the delete sux history –reduction
  • Please run sux as administrator.

Just download sux.zip and unzip it then run sux.exe as admin !

Quick search search-plus

Most of the timeShift + spaceThen blank the space to search for things and press to cancel the menualtorescAll menus allow you to select a text and query it directly, the row on the rightq/w/e/rEverything is a shortcut

You can also select a text and then shift+ space and query directly.

All default shortcuts are modifiable. Find ShowSuxMenu in conf.user.json. Change it to capslock_q or alt_space or doublehit_CTRL or triplehit_shift or any other shortcut you like, Doublehit_alt (double click Alt) is not recommended, however, because Alt loses focus.

whyShift + spaceIt’s not a search box, right?

It used to be that way, but later I gave it to some users (such as the operation staff) and found that they couldn’t remember the key. Baidu is BD, Google is GG, right? Later I made this shortcut menu, after using a few familiar shortcut keys is also very fast and convenient, save every time to input what GG/BD trouble


Translation is integrated in the shortcut menu. After shift+ space pops up the menu, press F

History clipboard- Plus

After the shift+ space popup menu, press V to support this history paste board:

  • Image content (as shown in the SUX clipboard[images]Logo, SUX supports images copied directly from the browser or anywhere)
  • Support other binary files, such as image files, TXT files and so on, will be to[file]or[Multiple files]logo
  • Support folder, will be to[Folder]logo
  • Support one click to paste all history clipboard record and clear all, sometimes need to go to various places to copy a lot of things at once, and then paste, then you can clear history and paste all in one click

Screenshot and texture

Shift + space popup menu after:

  • According to thetabIs a screenshot
  • According to thesTexture. After the texture window comes out, click on the texture picture to make it translucent. Texture is still useful for users who sometimes need to write code against texture or draw against texture

Hot corner similar to macOS trigger Angle

To use it, go to the SUX tray menu to enable the trigger Angle function

When enabled, different actions will be triggered when the mouse moves to the upper left/lower left/upper right/lower right of the screen:

Triggering Angle operation
Upper left Jump to the previous TAB in your browser
The upper right Skip to the next TAB in your browser
The lower left Simulation by pressingwinkey
The lower right Simulation by pressingalt+tab

These are default actions that you can change by modifying the custom configuration conf.user.json

  "hot-corner": {
    "action": {
      "LeftTopCorner": {
        "hover": "JumpToPrevTab"
      "RightTopCorner": {
        "hover": "JumpToNextTab"
      "LeftBottomCorner": {
        "hover": "win"
      "RightBottomCorner": {
        "hover": "GotoPreApp"}}},Copy the code

The edge of the screen trigger hot-edge

For example, if you hover your mouse over the left edge of the screen and scroll, you’ll find that you can adjust the volume

Here is the default edge touch print:

The edge shortcuts operation
The left edge of the roller Adjust the volume
The left edge of the Middle mouse button Move the current window to the left of the screen
Right edge roller Turn the page up/down
Right edge Middle mouse button Move the current window to the right of the screen
Left half of the upper margin roller Go to the top/bottom of the page
Right half of the upper margin roller Turn the page up/down
Left half of the upper margin Middle mouse button To minimize the
Right half of the upper margin Middle mouse button maximize
Under the edge of the roller Switch desktop
Under the edge of the Middle mouse button Display desktop Manager

The text replacement is replace-text

After the shift+ space menu pops up, press R

When filling in the email, you often type a lot of words or fill in the password, you always need to repeat a long string of words. For the text that often needs to be repeated, this time can use a text replacement, for example, the password is abCD12349087234bghyYMll such a long password can be defined as ABC ::, Or, for example, replace h/ with http:// or something like that. The configuration can be defined freely. If the selected text is selected, only the selected text is replaced.

The default configuration is as follows:

  "replace-text": {
    "enable": 1."buildin": {
      "h/": "http://"."hs/": "https://"."qc@": "@qq.com"."gc@": "@gmail.com".16 "@": "@163.com"
    "custom": {}},Copy the code

Text converter

After shift+ Space pops up the menu, press G

Those of you who write a lot of code will often have the need to convert camel named text to snake named text or uppercase text

CMDs instruction

After shift+ Space pops up the menu, press C

  • cmd: open a command prompt window on the current Explorer path: Open a command prompt window on the current explorer path
  • git: open a git bash window on the current explorer path: Open a git bash window on the current explorer path
  • Everything: Open Everything, and if the text is already selected, use Everything to search for the text. (Sux works with Everything if you also use Everything,Click here for recommended configurations)
  • suxSux Official site

The tray menu

Direct mouse click on the SUx tray icon to quickly disable SUx

Disable automatic update for Windows 10

Win10 automatic Update win10 automatic Update with win10 itself is not prohibited, even if closed Windows Update service, It will also automatically turn on after a period of time. This function of SUx completely solves this problem and no longer worries.

Window mover – always keeps a new window open on the monitor where the mouse is located

For multi-monitor users, double-click on an application to open it on the 2 monitor, and it is likely that the application window will open on the 1 monitor. Sux’s window mover solves this problem

Note: This option is automatically disabled (grayed out) when detecting that the user has only one monitor.

Shortcut keys are fully customized

The big thing about this tool is hotkey

  • To enhance text input, you can use the Capslock key with the following auxiliary keys to achieve most of the text needs, no need to switch between mouse and keyboard, like VIm, all kinds of cursor movement is very convenient
  • You can also customize a variety of shortcut keys to trigger various actions, such as with the touchpad to achieve rapid window size, three finger drag effect

Preset shortcut keys:

shortcuts operation
ctrl+8 Simulate the operation of the mouse by pressing downThree refers to clickSet as a shortcut keyctrl+8“And then you can simulate the mouse-hold operation to achieve something like MACThree refers to dragThe effect of)
ctrl+shift+alt+m Maximize/minimize WindowsClick on the four fingersSet toctrl+shift+alt+mTo quickly Max/minimize Windows.
caps+h/j/k/l You can go up, down, left, right, for examplecaps+alt+hI’m going to go to the left. Same thing
caps+s It’s left, for examplecaps+alt+sSo if I go to the left, same thing, plusaltIt’s selected, it’s not added, it’s moved
caps+e Is plusaltIs selected
caps+d Is plusaltIs selected
caps+f Is right, plusaltIs selected
Caps + comma Move the cursor to the far left, plusaltIs selected
Caps + end Move the cursor to the far right, plusaltIs selected
caps+i It’s one word to the left
caps+alt+i It’s a word to the left
caps+o It’s one word to the right
caps+alt+o It’s just a word to the right
caps+n Just delete a word to the left
caps+alt+n That’s delete to the left at the beginning of the line
caps+m Just delete a word to the right
caps+alt+m That’s delete to the right at the end of the line
caps+w Select the current word
caps+alt+w Select the current row
caps+c A simulatedctrl+c
caps+alt+c This is also an analog copy, but the path of the file is returned when the file is copied
caps+r A simulatedctrl+y
caps+v A simulatedshift+insert(Good news for terminal enthusiasts)
caps+tab The entire line is indented, regardless of where the cursor is on the current line
caps+backspace Deletes all text on the line where the cursor is located
capslock+enter The cursor starts a new line break regardless of whether the cursor is at the end of the line, without truncating the sentence
capslock+alt+enter Start a new line at the end of the line regardless of whether the cursor is at the end of the line without truncating the sentence

You can also configure others for users to try

Default Configuration Overview:

  "hotkey": {
    "enable": 1."buildin": {
      "shift_space": "ShowSuxMenu"."capslock_c": "ctrl_c"."capslock_e": "up"."capslock_alt_e": "shift_up"."capslock_s": "left"."capslock_alt_s": "shift_left"."capslock_f": "right"."capslock_alt_f": "shift_right"."capslock_d": "down"."capslock_alt_d": "shift_down"."ctrl_8": "SimulateClickDown"."ctrl_shift_alt_m": "MaxMinWindow"."capslock_alt_c": "SaveSelectedFilePathToClipboard"."capslock_w": ["ctrl_left"."ctrl_shift_right"]."capslock_shift_w": ["home"."shift_end"]."capslock_`": "SwitchCapsState"."capslock_tab": ["home"."tab"]."capslock_v": "shift_ins"."capslock_shift_v": "shift_6"."capslock_r": "ctrl_y"."capslock_enter": "InsertLineBelow"."capslock_shift_enter": "InsertLineAbove"."capslock_backspace": ["home"."shift_end"."backspace"]."capslock_y": "shift_8"."capslock_alt_y": "shift_5"."capslock_u": "shift_1"."capslock_alt_u": "shift_2"."capslock_h": "left"."capslock_alt_h": "shift_left"."capslock_j": "down"."capslock_alt_j": "shift_down"."capslock_k": "up"."capslock_alt_k": "shift_up"."capslock_l": "right"."capslock_alt_l": "shift_right"."capslock_p": "shift_7"."capslock_alt_p": "shift_3"."capslock_i": "ctrl_left"."capslock_alt_i": "shift_ctrl_left"."capslock_o": "ctrl_right"."capslock_alt_o": "shift_ctrl_right"."capslock_9": "["."capslock_alt_9": "{"."capslock_0": "]"."capslock_alt_0": "}"."capslock_n": "ctrl_bs"."capslock_alt_n": "shift_home_del"."capslock_m": "ctrl_del"."capslock_alt_m": "shift_end_del"."capslock_,": "home"."capslock_alt_,": "shift_home"."capslock_.": "end"."capslock_alt_.": "shift_end"."capslock_;": "_"."capslock_alt_;": "-"."capslock_'": "="."capslock_alt_'": "shift_="."capslock_/": "\ \"."capslock_alt_/": "shift_\\"
    "custom": {}}Copy the code

Custom Configuration

You can find the menu of “edit configuration file” in the tray menu. Remember to restart SUx after changing the configuration

Configuration authoring rules:

  • Action type: Select from the following actions
    • ShowSuxMenu
    • StartSuxAhkWithWin
    • MoveWindowToLeftSide
    • MoveWindowToRightSide
    • OpenFileExplorer
    • OpenActionCenter
    • CloseCurrentWindow
    • GoTop
    • GoBottom
    • GoBack
    • GoForward
    • LockPc
    • OpenTaskView
    • VolumeMute
    • VolumeUp
    • VolumeDown
    • GotoNextDesktop
    • GotoPreDesktop
    • RefreshTab
    • ReopenLastTab
    • GotoPreApp
    • JumpToPrevTab
    • JumpToNextTab
    • SwitchCapsState
    • SwitchInputMethodAndDeleteLeft
    • MaxMinWindow
    • MaxWindow
    • MinWindow
    • ReloadSux
    • SelectCurrentWord
    • SelectCurrentLine
    • InsertLineBelow
    • InsertLineAbove
    • DeleteCurrentLine
    • IndentCurrentLine
    • SimulateClickDown
  • A single keyboard action to send: for example, to sendUnder the shift +isshift_down
  • Send a sequence of keyboard actions, such as caps

+w to select the current word, first move to the left of the word, then move to the right of the word, then set to: “capslock_w”: [“ctrl_left”, “CTRl_shift_right “] ‘

  • Some special hotkey definition mapping table:
    • Lbutton: Left-click
    • Rbutton: Right-click
    • Mbutton: Medium key click
    • -Blair: I'm wheelup
    • -Blair: I'm wheeldown
    • Hover: hoverCan only be used in trigger Angle configurations
    • Doublehit_ : double-click, such asdoublehit_altDouble-click on the saidalt
    • Triplehit_ : three strikes

Remarks – Sets Everything to always be sorted by number of runs

If you also use Everything, sux can work with Everything. Here are the recommended configurations

  1. Everything is set as follows:
    • Save Settings and data to the %APPDATA%\Everything directory
    • Automatically starts with the system
    • Run as an administrator
    • Everything service
  2. Out of Everything
  3. Go to its configuration file everything.ini and add it at the end of its file
    sort=Run Count
    Copy the code
  4. Run Everything


  • auto update
  • add more action
  • Clicking tray Menu does not disappear Menu
  • ext ahk
  • Search_plus is destroyed when out of focus
  • Smart Selection Double quotation marks, parentheses, single quotation marks
  • translation gui change color to gray/ dpi / voice audio / soundmark encoding