I believe that most blogs are built to generate static websites, which of course requires the management of a large number of Markdown files. I accidentally used a management system based on the management of md files of warehouses like GitHub, which is very easy to use. I can use the generator of the website to generate static websites online and preview them directly online. I use it in conjunction with GitHub Actions and simply submit here to automatically deploy to Gitee Pages or GitHub Pages. Here’s a quick start tutorial. forestry.io/

Static site builder supported


Supported Git providers


Select GitHub and the login screen will be displayed. If you want to load the private library, you need to click the above option


Main Setup steps


You can see that the first repository configuration has been automatically configured

It goes to the specified repository and sets up a Deploy keys to Deploy the repository

In fact, the second step is ready to use, the main steps of configuration:

  1. Configuring the repository is done when the site is created

  2. Scan md files for specified file location, which will be displayed in the sidebar, can be displayed by category, I only use Directory



  3. It is to specify the media storage location, I do not use the Settings

  4. The static site builder is configured at creation time and can be adjusted here


The specific use

Create the blog template Front Matter

Create an MD template based on an existing file with the Front Matter option


Inside is the md file header parameter Settings, according to the actual adjustment


Create the blog post Create New


Select a template during creation. If only one template is available, the template is used


Click Save to sync to the repository

Preview it and it will be generated in seconds


Welcome to my blog or wechat public number LiuJohntun to see the whole site construction process, Currently it has been simplified to write markdown articles directly on Forestry. IO after previewing them correctly and then submitting them through GitHub Actions automatically deployed to GitHubPages, GiteePages, OSS object storage

If the content has the inadequacy place, still hope everybody makes the suggestion many exchanges with me more.

For more highlights, please follow my blog Johntunliu.github. IO/or wechat official account LiuJo…