
Job-hopping is a process everyone has to go through in their career. No matter you search this article or browse this article accidentally, I hope you did not waste your time here, and can bring some help to your next or future written interview.

2019 May be the best year of the next decade for the Internet. WINTER IS “COMING. But if you don’t really give it a try, you’ll never know what the market is like. After looking for a job this time, I felt that the market was not so terrible, and I also got several offers from large factories. Here is a summary, for myself, also hope to help students in need.

The issue of

  1. “Winter” three years of experience in the front end of the interview summary (including toutiao, Baidu, Ele. me, Didi, etc.) CSS
  2. Summary of the three years’ experience in the front-end interview of “Winter” (including Toutiao, Baidu, Ele. me, Didi, etc.)
  3. Summary of the three years’ experience in the front-end interview of “Winter” (including Toutiao, Baidu, Ele. me, Didi, etc.)
  4. “Winter” three years of experience front-end interview summary (including toutiao, Baidu, Ele. me, Didi, etc.) handwritten question (promise)

Interview preparation

Interview preparation varies depending on what you know. Now for the front-end position, the algorithm may not be very important before, but now many companies will also test. It is recommended that you brush leetCode more often when you are free. The preparation time of the algorithm is long and it is a long process. Need to master most of the front-end basic knowledge of the case, then targeted to review the algorithm. During the interview, the algorithm can certainly add points, but it will not be a vote down, and the interviewer will also provide you with some ideas.

Pen test

What pen examination questions takes an examination of commonly is basic knowledge, review basic knowledge proposal reads a book, the JS that elevation and you do not know can tell finer.


CSS is something that almost every company asks, but it’s not very deep, it’s a common question.

  • The box model
  • Vertical center method
  • Three column layout
  • Selector weight calculation method
  • Method to clear the float
  • flex
  • What is BFC and what problems can it solve
  • Position attribute
  • How to implement an adaptive square
  • How to implement a triangle with CSS

Write a topic

Each company will have handwritten questions, the scope is relatively fixed, if you have prepared well, there should be no problem.

  • Anti-shake and throttling
  • Deep copy
  • Array deduplication, array out of order
  • Hand write call, apply, bind
  • Inheritance (ES5/ES6)
  • The sleep function
  • Realize the promise
  • Realize the promise. All
  • Realize the promise. Retry
  • Wrap a synchronous callback as a Promise
  • Write a function that controls the maximum number of concurrent requests
  • The realization of the json
  • eventEmitter(emit,on,off,once)
  • Implement instanceof
  • Implement new
  • Implement array flat, filter and other methods
  • lazyMan
  • Function currying


Most development is now done using ES6. ES6 has also become a must-test for job interviews. The typical interviewer will ask what new ES6 features you’ve used, and then ask in-depth questions about what you’ve answered.

  • Let, const, var
  • The difference between arrow functions and ordinary functions
  • Structure assignment of a variable
  • Promise, Async await, Generator
  • How is ES6 inheritance different from ES5
  • Js Modular (CommonJS /AMD/CMD/ES6)

Browser Knowledge

Browser related knowledge is almost every company will be asked about the examination point, which involves more things. Caching, HTTP2, cross-domain mandatory.

  • From entering the URL to rendering the page
  • Strong cache, negotiation cache, CDN cache
  • HTTP2
  • The HTTP status code
  • Three handshakes and four waves
  • Cross domain (JSONP/CORS)
  • How are cookies handled across domains
  • Garbage collection mechanism

Web security

I usually start with XSS and CSRF.

  • https
  • What is XSS and how can it be prevented
  • What is CSRF and how can it be prevented
  • Why CSRF attacks

Event loop

The loop of events is definitely a must. It involves the execution sequence of macro tasks, micro tasks, UI rendering, etc., which must be mastered by the browser side, and the node side with energy can also be mastered.

Framework (VUE)

Since I’ve always been using the VUE framework, the questions are all vUE related. The high frequency problems in VUE are nothing more than bidirectional binding, virtual DOM, diff algorithm and so on.

  • The difference between watch and computed
  • Vue lifecycle and corresponding behavior
  • Vue parent component lifecycle execution order
  • Communication between components
  • How to implement an instruction
  • Vue. nextTick implementation principle
  • The diff algorithm
  • How to do bidirectional binding
  • Why is the virtual DOM fast
  • How to design a component


Webpack has also become a must-have, with questions about whether you’ve configured webPack, what optimizations you’ve made, and so on.

  • What loaders and plugins have you used
  • Why is loader executed after write first
  • Webpack configuration optimization
  • Webpack Packaging optimization (Happypack, DLL)
  • The difference between plugin and Loader
  • The process that WebPack executes
  • How to write a loader, plugin
  • Tree-shaking: How does it work

Performance optimization

  • How to optimize the first screen loading
  • It takes a long time for a web page to be presented from request, how to troubleshoot

Since most of my previous experience was on the PC side, I had less experience on the mobile side. The interviewer won’t keep asking you about mobile devices, just the usual questions like 1px questions and how to fit in. React is not used much or asked many questions, such as the comparison between React and Vue.

After the basic questions, some interviewers like to ask open-ended questions. For example, how I usually study, what new technologies I have learned recently, my future career plan, what efforts I have made to achieve this goal, and so on.

Summary basically is so much, the answer to the above question I will also give one after another, give you a reference. Finally, I wish all the friends who read this article can harvest a lot of offers and find their own satisfactory jobs