Introduction to MVC Architecture

The basic concept

  • M: Model, data required by view class, such as tabular data.
  • V: View, the class that builds THE UI, such as: button, label, imageView, etc.
  • C: Controller, which connects the view class to the model class and makes the data appear on the screen. For example, the controller “fills” the data required by the table into the table view to display the table view.

Communication mode

MVC communication mode is shown in the figure below:

As can be seen from the figure above:

  • The Controller has direct access to the Model
  • The Controller can access the View directly
  • View and Model cannot access each other

1. Communication between View and Controller

  • Target-action mechanism: Standardizes anonymous communication, user interaction with view trigger controller method. For example: click the button to realize the view plane jump, network request, refresh UI and so on.
  • Delegate mechanism: There are more complex generic UI components, such as oneUIScrollViewSlide to the bottom, need to tellControllerAnd ask, can I keep scrolling?
  • DataSource mechanism: list view (tableView) cannot process data, requiresControllerTo help process the data. For example, the data is stored in the Model, and the Controller accesses the Model and pulls out the data to display in the tableView.

2. Communication between Model and Controller

There are two modes of radio-like mechanics:

  • Notification
  • Key Value Observe (KVO)

Structure (struct)

A struct in C is just some type that stores a little bit of data, nothing important. Structs and classes are basically the same in Swift. They can both have methods and variables.

But there are two main differences:

  • structThere’s no inheritance, so there’s moreclassSome simple
  • structIs the value type, andclassIs a reference type
Value type: It is copied whenever we pass it as an argument to a function, into an array, or assign a value to another variable. Reference types: They are stored in the heap, retain a pointer to them, and when they are passed, objects are not passed around, only Pointers are passed. We could have a lot of code, all having Pointers to the same object.Copy the code

Lazy loading

Means it is not initialized until it is needed.

The operator

1. for… in

// Half-open interval operatorfor index in0.. <[Any].count { //doSomething} // Close interval operatorfor index in0... [Any].count { //doSomething} // Both of the above can be writtenfor index in [Any].indices { // do something }

Copy the code

Indices: Index to subscript a collection in ascending order. It returns CountableRange

2. The ternary operator

a > b ? a : b
Copy the code

3. Compare operators

A == b = a! = b is not equal to a > b is greater than a < b is less than a >= B is greater than or equal to a <= b is less than or equal toCopy the code

Note: Swift also provides identity (===) and non-identity (! ==) to determine whether two objects reference the same object instance.

4. The control flow

All comparison operations return a Boolean indicating whether the expression is true or not (bool) :

if a == b {
    // do something
} else {
    // do something
Copy the code

Type (static) Method

    static var identifierFactory = 0
    static func getUniqueIdentifier() -> Int {
        identifierFactory += 1
        return identifierFactory
Copy the code

Property Observer


    var flipCount: Int = 0 {
        didSet {
            flipCountLabel.text = "Flips: \(flipCount)"}}Copy the code


So that’s basically what we learned in the first class, but it’s important to note that there’s a distinction between struct and class.

Array, Int, Dictionary, and so on are structures that are copied when passed.


  • Have a value
  • Nil

Special care should be taken, otherwise it is easy to crash the program.