What have I experienced during my 3 months at Tencent?

Hello, I’m fish skin.

Recently, many friends graduated successfully and joined a new company, starting their first formal work experience in life. But for many companies, you need to go through a probation period of several months if you want to become a regular employee.

I remember this time last year, I was worried about whether I would be laid off during the probation period, but later I found out that as long as there was nothing wrong with you or the company, it could be transferred smoothly.

Tencent’s probation period is generally 3 months, in 1 month or so will let you write a phased summary, and finally will require you to fill in a probation period summary report, some departments may also face to face to the leadership report.

Today I would like to share with you my trial period summary, may be a little official ~

Dare not say that it is very good, but it is absolutely true, I hope it can give you some reference (do not copy and paste haha).

The following content has been desensitized

Summary of my probation period

I have been working as an intern in Tencent for nearly a year, and finally I officially joined the company. While EXCITED, I also have a lot of responsibility and pressure on me.

I am about to become a full-time employee. The following is a summary of my work, growth and shortcomings during my probation period.



During my probation period, I did a lot of things.

The labor of

During the trial period, I completed a number of requirements and helped troubleshoot and deal with a number of online problems.

1. Upgrade the task scheduling system

As the number of scheduled tasks increases, management and control becomes difficult. I took the initiative to upgrade the existing task system, set up a task scheduling platform to centrally manage and control scheduled tasks, and control and monitor the start and stop status of scheduled tasks and view execution logs efficiently and flexibly through the interface.

Considering the cost and complexity of implementation, the secondary development of the mission platform is based on well-known open source systems. In the process of building, I encountered problems such as DB resource application, limited network, and driver conflict, but I finally solved them by consulting colleagues and consulting materials by myself, which made me more familiar with the internal resource application method of the company.

2. Operating platform support

Emergency support for panel project of operating platform. In a short period of time, I quickly understood the requirements, became familiar with the overall project code, specifications and the one-stop process of development, testing and deployment, and actively communicated and coordinated with other students, and finally delivered in advance.

As a lot of code was encapsulated in the project, some technical details were solved and recorded by asking the student in charge of the project. Through this project, I not only learned the main features of the platform, but also made great progress in front-end development technologies (TypeScript, React Hooks, etc.).

3. Data rectification

Emergency Responds to external requirements, adds new fields to data, and refreshes and detects historical data.

Through this requirement, I realized the importance of the business I was in charge of. In the design of the system must consider the comprehensive, to have the ability to deal with the unexpected situation may appear.

4. Data query interface performance and stability optimization

Because a user has a large amount of resource list data, concurrent query at the service level will cause the task queue of the thread pool to be full and chained, resulting in timeout or failure of interface invocation.

Improve query performance by batch concurrent query. Through online data and a large number of experiments to confirm the batch query granularity, the interface performance is finally improved by 3 times, and the request time distribution is more stable.

Through this optimization, I realized the importance of experiments and tests, and I would pay more attention to the actual optimization results in the subsequent optimization requirements, rather than relying solely on empirical values or theories for optimization.

5. Task compensation mechanism

Interface invocation failure and system exception may occur in each subproject, resulting in data inconsistency. Therefore, a unified and general task compensation mechanism is needed to facilitate the recording and processing of compensation tasks. Therefore, I designed a general task compensation mechanism to visually view the tasks to be compensated on the task scheduling platform, and realized flexible and efficient optional task compensation by means of automatic scheduling + dynamic parameters.

6. Handle system feedback

As you become more familiar with the business and the system, you can quickly troubleshoot problems and handle user feedback.

In addition to the above work, I observed the load of the system every day and periodically checked the business logs to ensure the smooth operation of the system. A potential application suspended animation problem (Tomcat V 9.0.26 bug) in the data query interface was discovered and fixed through the log. In addition, I improved the REAL-TIME communication robot SDK developed by myself to support sending messages in Markdown and other formats, so as to cope with more flexible notification and alarm requirements in the future.


Actively participate in company level, BG (business group) level, business line level training.

In the company-level training, SERVED as the monitor, organized and participated in the video production of Fengpei Evening party, and won the title of “Excellent Class Committee”.

In THE BG training, I served as the team leader and helped everyone pass the training smoothly.

In the business line level training, won the excellent team and excellent individual.


Supplementing the public Java knowledge base of business line, building public scaffolding, writing the documents of using IDEA development tools and building business environment, helping colleagues to get started in project development quickly.


Using the internal resources of the company, I read a lot of technical articles on the knowledge platform and built my own knowledge base. Besides, I expanded my thinking and learned how to solve problems on the IT exchange and question answering platform, and had a thinking collision with technical leaders in the open source community.

I focus on knowledge reserve and personal growth. Breadth and depth of knowledge are equally important for an application development position. Therefore, I will actively participate in the company’s sharing, such as XX Architecture and Practice, Data Analysis Course, etc.

In my spare time, I still insist on learning new knowledge every day, such as reading source code, reading technical articles, collecting common business solutions, excellent system architecture, etc. Recently, I have learned the knowledge of big data batch processing, and I hope I can share it with you in the future.


Continuously set daily goals and summarize daily work.


Compared with the internship, I am more enthusiastic about my work and devote more time and energy to it. God rewards those who work hard. I have made great progress in many areas in the past few months.

Get into the habit of

Since my official entry, I have come to the company to read technical or business documents in advance every morning. Every night before leaving work, I summarized today’s work, sorted out the documents of the day and wrote technical documents. Read technical books when you get home. I have adapted to a busy and fulfilling working life.

The initiative

I summarized some of residency is not enough, think oneself understanding of business degree is not enough, so after the formal induction, I volunteered to participate in requirement review and various workshops, hope to be able to get the first-hand information, avoid late because caused by inadequate information error (here thank teacher B elder brother offers many opportunities for me).

In addition, I take the initiative to undertake work and help troubleshoot and solve problems. For some deficiencies of the existing system, we will also take the initiative to conduct technical research, try to optimize, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Resource collection

In my work, resources are so important that I have gained a lot of human resources and information resources through months of hard work:

  • Human resources: Through participating in the training, I have met so many excellent partners, and had a lot of technical and business communication with them, which enlarged my vision and expanded my contacts.

  • Information resources: Through continuous reading and summarizing of documents, I sorted out my working folders and favorites of web resources and built my own knowledge base. Not only does it make it easier to find information for yourself, but it also helps others quickly understand a business or technology.

Ability to communicate

In the past few months, I have communicated with colleagues across departments for many times, expressing my views as clearly as possible, so as to facilitate their quick understanding and improve communication efficiency. Take the initiative to communicate with product and test students, actively express their own opinions and accept others’ information and suggestions with an open mind.

Negative thinking

Work there have been some “assume”, in many of the third party relies on as a reliable, under the guidance of tutor B elder brother, in the writing program and thought that the question, I gradually formed the pessimistic thinking: as far as possible to think of things to bad results, do need to master more and more comprehensive information, one of them out.


I hope I can give back what I have learned at work to others, and have a positive impact on my colleagues, the company and the society. I also hope I can become an influential person in the future. By continuously writing technical documents and answering questions in the communication community, I have helped many students.

This is a key factor in how I do knowledge sharing today.


Most of the time during the internship, I only considered the factors related to the requirements and had little understanding of the business of other cooperating departments. As we are responsible for more and more business receivers and the system becomes more and more complex, I need to know more about the perspective of partners and consider problems from a global perspective.

Now I will take the initiative to understand the business of my colleagues, and ask more “why”, so as to continuously improve my familiarity with the business and overall perspective.

Technical ability

I know that technical ability is very important to R&D engineers. Thanks to the platform resources provided by the company, I have the opportunity to communicate with many big bosses and read their codes, which greatly improves my technical level and knowledge.

Business ability

By participating in requirements review and various requirements seminars, I have learned more first-hand business information. Through the cooperation and communication with colleagues, let gradually learn to deal with problems efficiently. Many problems are being solved more quickly than before.


While making progress, I also met some difficulties in my work and found my own shortcomings.

The efficiency of

My work efficiency is not high enough, and I am not good at parallelization. When I deal with multiple requirements at the same time, I occasionally feel overwhelmed, and sometimes my work schedule is interrupted by other things.

After that, I will make more plans and arrange my work reasonably. I will try to give myself complete time to design schemes and write code, and solve problems in other time (provided the urgency of the problems is not high).

Professional degrees

As the system became more complex, the code became redundant, etc., my development efficiency gradually decreased, and I often wanted to refactor, but felt powerless. I think this has a lot to do with my lack of expertise and thoughtlessness in designing the system.

I will learn more about the architectural patterns of other systems, while keeping the idea of refactoring and optimization to implement at the right time.


When solving online problems, I often want to help troubleshoot problems more quickly, so I reply quickly. Sometimes I guess the cause without knowing what I am talking about, which results in the opposite effect.

In the future, do enough screening to identify the problem or have some clear ideas before you speak out.

The dumb

Due to my lack of familiarity with some cooperation businesses, IT is difficult for me to put forward my own ideas when discussing the overall plan, so I can only quietly listen to the analysis of other students.

Still want to continue to work hard, read more documents, let oneself as soon as possible familiar with the business.

Finally, I hope I can become a full-time employee successfully. I will continue to work hard to be honest, enterprising, collaborative and creative (Tencent’s new mission vision), and bring greater value to the company!

Haha, a year later to see this summary, deeply touched. Now I have made progress than at that time. My work efficiency is much higher than before, I consider more comprehensive and extensible when designing systems, I am more calm when facing problems, and I can be more assertive when discussing requirements.

Have to sigh, pressure and accumulation can make a person grow really, continue to refuel ~ suggest everyone also more record oneself study and work experience, it is priceless treasure in the future.

Finally, I will send you some learning materials to help me get the offer from the big factory:

Ran away, leaving behind 6T of resources!

Welcome to read my programming learning, job hunting, textual research and book writing experience that I entered Tencent by self-study from zero, no longer confused!

I study computer for four years, mutual encouragement!

I am a fish skin, praise or request, I wish everyone can be happy, make a fortune, good luck.