Write in front:

I am a graduate student of the third grade in an ordinary university. In the first year of graduate school, I was exposed to front-end, project-driven and personal interests, and I have been learning front-end until now.


The year 2020 is bound to be an extraordinary year. Every year may not be so smooth, but this year, the epidemic has affected many people’s lives, including mine…

The spring recruitment and scientific research plan I made before the year was in a complete mess due to the epidemic. Affected by various conditions, I couldn’t do anything… It’s called a scorch…

Spring recruitment is naturally suffered a lot of blows, autumn recruitment at the beginning of the time is also repeatedly hit a wall, then understand, work, is to create interests, so although this year’s students, project experience is very important, we are picking up good to. By chance, I saw the news about the recruitment of wangEditor open source team published by “Goddess of Admiration” in a QQ group, so I left a message on QQ without thinking about it. Later, I got the reply from the boss. I needed to write a simple demo using typescript and Webpack. At first it was confusing, with little knowledge of typescript and no real experience, but after a few methods of looking up data and so on, I was producing blog and demo code in a week or so.

See the eldest brother said “I have seen, you write of very good, basic accord with the requirements of this side”, wow, that call a happy, not too have a sense of achievement, later add him micro letter, than see the star also excited (although I have not seen the star)! Compare this “elder” is not only the big guy is the boss!

After about half a month of time to see the source code, development specifications and so on some documents, finally into the group!!

The development of

At that time just meet V4 final burnish period, should cooperate other partner to change bug together originally, but the eldest brother considers my experience is not much, have no actual operation to flow, then arranged the new function of a dividing line to me, let me experience document, development, test, PR, release a whole set of flow.

Requirements document: the most profound experience is the first time to write requirements document, do not know how to write, I think the secant line is not inserted over it?? And documentation?? Reference others’ requirements document, reference sparrow, editor of the function of the line, write a version, so the result is not so good, I want to be the idiom finches like that, but not fully research out of his various situation, will lead to you can do, and insert into cases are too complicated, the boss said “and” principle, let me very touched, Although the product is more user-friendly, the more detailed the better, but for open source products, first of all, 20% of the functions meet 80% of the situation (other situations are also applicable), and then slowly to iteration, step by step optimization. In fact, for this function of the split line is mostly a blank line to click the split button ~, which is much easier.

Technical Documentation: Beginning points not clear requirements documents and technical documents, and a fog of writing, one has brought, the important content of the tutor comments consider not comprehensive, not enough meticulous, in fact, he said some of the questions I know, the knowledge he didn’t know I know, anyway is short, the document is not clear, the point is not outstanding, then changed a few version, finally to scrape through, Let me play with the documentation, practice coding, and come back to the requirements if I get stuck, or even change the requirements analysis. At first, I always thought that I could code only after the technical document was written, but in fact, I wrote the technical document while coding to verify that my method was not feasible. So if the document is written smoothly, the coding generally does not have the principle of the problem, if the code is written, the document is not written, it is either summary abstract description ability is not good, or their coding is confused, so it is likely to bring a lot of unknown problems. Moreover, there is substantial documentation output, which is clear, and it is very fast to obtain source code and function points for both mentor review and group partners, and even to find out what risks may exist in design points.

All I wanted to do was write code, write fancy documents, and be done with it. In fact, a person can do what he wants to do, but the team, not just one person, to use the perspective of development to see things, or the same sentence, can write the document clearly, that has completed 80% of the work!

Coding: actually coding is written according to other modules…. Later, I realized that everyone was like this. After writing once, they were further familiar with the overall logic, and then they could write it by themselves without looking at other module codes. At the beginning, I used a DIV to encapsulate an HR to achieve the style of dividing line, which felt good to me. However, my tutor said that it was complicated, and the purer the element, the better. So I removed the shell of div and realized the effect HR wanted with CSS. Another point worth mentioning is the difference between class and function. My tutor instructed me in the sentence “behavior is represented by function, while data model is represented by class” in the code. At that time, I realized how superficial my cognition of JavaScript and ES6 was. It requires deep learning and active thinking!

After the coding, IT was time to propose PR. To be honest, I was very excited for the first time, although it was not a big deal. HHH, because I called back the technical document review for many times and basically solved my problem, so the PR stage went smoothly.

Change the BUG

The bug assigned to me is a compatibility problem: Firefox and IE, select all delete after the abnormal cursor bug fix. I didn’t know how to do it. I didn’t even know what the problem was. Later in the code step by step tracking, a variety of log, and then found in Firefox and IE, select all deleted content is not empty, there is a space, so add a judgment condition to solve, a total of less than an hour of events, this bug solved, wow, at that time, don’t be too excited, (⊙ O ⊙)… I seem to get excited very easily hahaha. anyway~

The last

As a matter of fact, I have not been in the team for a long time, and I have done very little compared with other team members. However, I have learned much more than the previous project team, not only in terms of technical standards, but also in terms of daily communication. There is a saying that “the level of coaches determines the level of players”, I think this sentence should be very suitable!

Now that V4 is out, you’re welcome to try it out