
The problem

1. The underlying implementation of multithreading?

2. How do threads communicate with each other?

3. How to solve the problem of repeated requests for the same network address in network image processing?

4. Use NSOpertion and NSOpertionQueue to process thread A, thread B, and thread C.

5. Enumerate the common implementation of several multithreading in Cocoa, and talk about several solutions to multithreading security and how to control multithreading security?

6. How is GCD implemented internally?

7. Have you used NSOperationQueue? If you have, if you know, why would you use NSoperationQueue, what does it do? Please describe the differences and similarities between GCD and GCD (note: both can be described in terms of implementation mechanism and scope of application).

8. Since GCD is mentioned, what should I pay attention to when using GCD and block? Are they the same thing? Is there any difference in the behavior and usage of blocks in ARC and traditional MRC, and what should be noted?

9. Downloading a lot of images in an asynchronous thread. What should I do if it fails? Please talk about the solution in conjunction with RunLoop (hint: start a RunLoop in an asynchronous thread to resend the network request and download the image).

10. How to ensure that multiple developers check for memory leaks?

11. How to do singleton mode without automatic memory management?

12. Class methods (static methods) are autoRelease by default. Will all class methods be autoRelease by default?

13. What is the difference between the use of block in ARC and MRC? What should I pay attention to?

14. When do memory leaks and memory spills occur?

15.[NSArray arrayWithobject:(id)obj] does this method need to free the array after adding objects?

16. How to realize the bottom layer of automatic release pool?

17. What is the internal implementation principle of KVO?

18. Can I place time-consuming operations in the NSNotificationCenter?

19. What are the differences between Foundation objects and Core Foundation objects?

20. How to exchange the values of A and B in two ways without using intermediate variables?

21. Briefly describe your understanding of simple profit model design.

22. What is the mechanism that runtime implements, how it is used, and what does it do with it? What are the associated header files or names of certain methods that you use?

23. Do you want to use Core Text or Core LMage? If so, please talk about your experience with Core Text or Corelmage.

24. What is the difference and usage between NSNotification and KVO? Is there any implementation difference between when you should use notifications and when you should use KVO? Is it possible to do something similar with protocol and delegate (or delegate’s Array)? If so, what are the potential problems? If not, why not? (Although protocol and delegate are pretty bad interviews…) ?

25. Implementation principle inside Block

Sum (a)-sum(b) = sum(a)-sum(b) = sum(b) = sum(a)-sum(b) = sum(b

27. How to increase the fields in the database later? What if CoreData is not used?

28. How to use SQLite data store?

29. Briefly describe the client caching mechanism.

30. Have you implemented multi-threaded Core Data? NSPersistentStoreCoordinator which of NSManagedObjectContext and NSManagedObject need to create or pass in the thread? What strategy did you use to achieve that?

31.Core Data migration

Cache pool full (cell)

33. The hierarchy of CAAnimation

34. Specific process for event passing of a button or other UIView control

35. What is the controller View life cycle and related functions? How do you use it in development?

36. The implementation mechanism of NSRunLoop and how to use it in multithreading?

37. Before ioS7, there were several forms of background execution. What were they?

38. Briefly describe the startup process of APP, starting from the main file

39. What’s the difference between closing an application and sending it into the background?

40. What is SIP?

41. How to deal with the slow loading of some pictures? How did you optimize the performance of the program?

42. Have you implemented a framework or library for others to use? If yes, talk about your experience in building a framework or library. If not, imagine and design a public APl for your framework, and indicate how it might be done and what it might take to make it easier for others to use your framework.

43. The App needs to load a large amount of data and send requests to the server, but the server is stuck. How to solve the problem?

44. Synchronous or asynchronous transmission of data and messages across multiple controllers using NSNotificationCenter?

45. How to implement SDWeblmage?

46. What is the difference between AFN and ASI

47.Runloop Timing source and input source

48. If a comparison card is found during network data processing, what is the general solution

49. How to solve the SQLite lock problem

50. Talk about the implementation principle of mainstream framework (AFNetworking SDweblmage)

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1. The underlying implementation of multithreading?

Mach was the first system to handle tasks in a multithreaded manner, so the underlying implementation mechanism of multithreading is based on Mach threads 3. Mach-level threads are rarely used in development because they do not provide the basic features of multithreading and are independent from each other 4. #include OC NSThread C GCD interface (best performance, more simplified code) OC NSOperation and NSOperationQueue (based on GCD)

2. How do threads communicate with each other?



3. How to solve the problem of repeated requests for the same network address in network picture processing?

Using the dictionary (image address is key, download operation is value), you can see the SD cache mechanism

NSOpertionQueue (A, B, C); NSOpertionQueue (B, C);

NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]; NSOperation *A = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{ NSLog(@”SuperLog—— NSOperationA”); ); NSOperation *B = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{ NSLog(@”SuperLog—— NSOperationB”); }]; NSOperation *C=[NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{ NSLog(@”SuperLog—— NSOperationC”); }]; [C addDependency:A]; [C addDependency:B]; [queue addOperation:A]; [queue addOperation:B]; [queue addOperation:C];

5. Enumerate the common implementations of several multithreading in Cocoa, and talk about several solutions to multithreading security and how to control multithreading security?

1. Access UI only on main thread refresh 2. If asynchronous operations need to be thread safe, use GCD(some functions are safe by default)

6. How is GCD implemented internally?

  1. The core of iOS and OS X is the XNU kernel, and GCD is implemented based on the XNU kernel
  2. GCD’s apis are all in the libDispatch library
  3. The underlying implementation of GCD includes Dispatch Queue and Dispatch Source. Dispatch Queue: manages blocks (operations) Dispatch Source: processes events

7. Have you used NSOperationQueue? Why would you use it, if you know about it

NSOperationQueue, what does it do? Please describe the differences and similarities between GCD and GCD (note: both can be described in terms of implementation mechanism and scope of application).

1.GCD is a pure C API, NSOperationQueue is based on the OC version of GCD package 2.GCD only supports FIFO queues, 3.NSOperationQueue can easily set dependencies between operations, whereas GCD requires a lot of code to implement 4.NSOperationQueue supports KVO, You can monitor whether the operation isExecuted, isFinished, Whether to cancel (isCanceld) 5. The execution speed of GCD is faster than that of NSOperationQueue. Tasks are not too dependent on each other :GCD tasks have dependencies \ or to listen on the execution of tasks :NSOperationQueue

8. Since GCD is mentioned, what should I pay attention to when using GCD and block? Are they the same thing? Is there any difference in the behavior and usage of blocks in ARC and traditional MRC, and what should be noted?

Use of blocks note:

  1. Block memory management ⒉ Prevents loop retian non-arc (MRC) : _block ARC: _Weakl_unsafe_unretained

9. Downloading a lot of images from an asynchronous thread. What should I do if it fails? Please talk about the solution in conjunction with RunLoop (hint: start a RunLoop in an asynchronous thread to resend the network request and download the image).

2. After downloading, go back to the main thread using the input source of RunLoop to refresh UllmageView

10. How to ensure that multiple developers check for memory leaks?

1. Use Analyze for static code analysis 2. Use ARC whenever possible

How to do singleton mode in case of non-automatic memory management? Basic steps to create a singleton design pattern:

1. Declare a static instance of a singleton and initialize it to nil. 2. Create a class-factory method for a class that generates an instance of that class if and only if its instance is nil. Implement the NScopying protocol to override the allocWithZone: method to ensure that the user does not create another object 4 when the object is allocated and initialized directly. Override the release, Autorelease, retain, and retainCount methods to ensure the state of the singleton. 5. In a multi-threaded environment, use the @synchronized keyword or GCD to ensure that static instances are created and initialized correctly.

Class methods (static methods) are autoRelease by default. Is this the case for all class methods?

1. Most of the objects returned by the system’s own class methods are through autoRelease

13. What is the difference between the use of block in ARC and MRC? What should I pay attention to?

1. For blocks that do not reference external variables, both in ARC and non-ARC, the type is


This type of block can be understood as a global block, with no need to worry about scope. It is also invalid to Copy or Retain it. 2. Avoid circular references

14. When do memory leaks and memory leaks occur?

1. If the program cannot release the allocated memory space after applying for memory (for example, an object or variable is not released after being used, and the object has been occupying the memory), the damage of a memory leak can be ignored. However, the accumulation of memory leak is serious. Memory leaks will eventually lead to memory leaks! 2 When the program is applying for memory, there is not enough memory space for it to use. For example, an int is out of memory, but long can store it.

15, [NSArray arrayWithobject:(id)obj] does this method need to free the array after adding objects?

This object does not need to be placed in the automatic release pool

16. How to realize the bottom layer of automatic release pool?

Auto-release pool is implemented as a stack: when you create a new auto-release pool, it is added to the top of the stack. When an object receives a send autoRelease message, it is added to the autorelease pool at the top of the stack for the current thread. When the autorelease pool is reclaimed, they are removed from the stack and all objects in the pool are released.

17. What is the internal implementation principle of KVO?

2. When an object of a class is observed for the first time, the system dynamically creates a derived class of that class at runtime. This derived class overrides any setter methods of observed properties in the base class. 3. Derived classes implement the real notification mechanism in overridden setter methods (NSKVONotifying_Class)

18. Can I place time-consuming operations in NSNotificationCenter?

If the notification is sent from the asynchronous thread, then time-consuming operations can be performed. If the notification is sent from the main thread, then time-consuming operations cannot be performed

19. What are the differences between Foundation objects and Core Foundation objects?

ARC:_bridge_retained and _bridge_transfer Non-ARC :_bridge. 2

20. How to exchange the values of A and B in two ways without using an intermediate variable? A=A +B B= a-ba = a-b A=A B; B=AB; A=AB;

21, briefly describe the understanding of simple profit model design?

Save memory resources, one object per application.

22, What is the implementation mechanism of Runtime, how to use it, and what does it do? What are the associated header files or method names that you use?

The Runtime library contains apis related to classes, member variables, and methods, such as obtaining all member variables in a class, dynamically adding member variables to a class, and dynamically changing the implementation of a class’s methods.

1. Runtime, which is a set of C language library 2. In fact, all of the OC code we write is ultimately converted to the Runtime library. For example, classes are converted to structures in the Runtime library, and methods are converted to C functions in the Runtime library. The objc_msgSend function is used instead. Thus, it can be said that runtime is the underlying implementation of OC and the behind-the-scenes executor of OC 3. What can you do with the Runtime library? The Runtime library contains apis related to classes, member variables, and methods, such as obtaining all member variables in a class, dynamically adding member variables to a class, dynamically changing the method implementation of a class, and dynamically adding new methods to a class. So, once you have the Runtime, you can change it however you want, right

23. Do you use Core Text or Core Image? If so, please talk about your experience with Core Text or Core LMage. CoreText 1. Modify the text style ⒉. Text mix (pure C language)3. Niumb Core Image(Filter processing) – Can adjust various attributes of the Image(contrast, color temperature, color difference, etc.)

24. What is the difference and usage between NSNotification and KVO? Is there any implementation difference between when you should use notifications and when you should use KVO? Is it possible to do something similar with protocol and delegate(or delegate’s Array)? If so, what are the potential problems? If not, why not? (Although protocol and delegate are pretty bad at interviews… .). ?

Notice more flexible (1 receive notification can be more object, an object can receive multiple notifications) agent to compare the specification, but the code number (default is 1 to 1) KVO performance is bad (the bottom can produce new dynamic class), only to monitor an object properties change, do not recommend use (one attribute of an object can be multiple objects to monitor, 1 object can listen for other properties of multiple objects.

25. Internal implementation principle of Block

Objective-c is an extension of THE C language. Block implementations are based on Pointers and function Pointers

Sum (a)-sum(b) = sum(a)-sum(b) = sum(b) = sum(a)-sum(b) = sum(b) 1. Differ = sum(a) -sum (b) 2. Find the element in array A and B whose difference is closest to Differ /2

27, if the later need to increase the database field how to achieve, if you do not use CoreData?


28, How to use SQLite data store?

2. Import the main header file :#import esqlite3.h> 3. Use C language functions to create/open the database, write SQL statements

29, briefly describe the client caching mechanism?

Can be divided into: 1. The cache memory cache data caching, database, and the file cache 2. Each time you want to get the data of 2.1 to 2.2 to detect the local presence of detecting whether the cache in memory cache (database \ file) 2.3 eventually send request 2.4 will be returned by the server network data cache (memory, database, file), So we can read it next time

Have you implemented multithreaded Core Data? NSPersistentStoreCoordinator which of NSManagedobjectContext and NSManagedobject need to create or pass in the thread? What strategy did you use to achieve that?

CoreData encapsulates SQLite database. 2. Ns-managed ObjectContext in CoreData is unsafe in multithreading. 3. If you want multiple threads to access CoreData, the best way to do that is one ns-managed object context 4 per thread. Each NSManagedObjectContext object instance can use the same NSPersistentStoreCoordinator instance, This is because the NSManagedObjectContext will before use the NSPersistentStoreCoordinator locked

31. Core Data migration

Core Data migration

Cache pool full (cell)

There’s no such thing as a full cache pool in ios, because usually when you’re developing in ios, objects are created when they need to be created, there’s a common term for lazy loading, and in UITableView you just create the cell that first appears on the screen, and then you take it from the cache pool, you don’t create new objects. The maximum number of objects in the cache pool is two. A full cache pool is common in Java development, where the least recently used objects are released first.

33. The hierarchy of CAAnimation

// CNblog S03e01 the [TOC] directory is out of use, so put the source code and a screenshot. graph TB A(CAAnimation) –>B1(CAPropertyAnimation)A–> B2(CAAnimationGroup) A–> B3(CATransition) B1 –>C1(CABasicAnimation)B1 –> C2(CAKeyframeAnimation)C1 –> D(CASpringAnimation)

The specific process of event passing for buttons or other UIView controls

How to find the most appropriate view 1. Can I receive touch events? 2. Iterate through the child control from back to front, repeating the previous two steps 4. If there is no child control that meets the criteria, then you are best suited for processing

What is the controller View life cycle and related functions? How do you use it in development?

1. Check whether the controller has a view, if not, call loadView to create (storyboard/ code) 2. ViewDidLoad is then called to perform the next initialization operation (which will only be called once) 3. Call viewWillAppear before the view is displayed (this function can be called multiple times)

  1. ViewDidAppear 3. Call viewWillDisappear before the view is displayed; This function can be called multiple times (if necessary) 5. The layout changes before and after the call viewwill/DidLayoutSubviews processing information

36, NSRunLoop implementation mechanism, and how to use in multithreading?

NSRunLoop is the processing mode of iOS message mechanism. 1. The main functions of NSRunLoop are to control the execution and hibernation of the threads in NSRunLoop, and make the current nsRUNloop-controlled thread work when there is something to do. NSRunLoop is a loop that runs from thread start to thread end, detecting inputsource asynchronous events, timesource synchronous events, and notifying the inputsource when it executes a handler function. Corefunction adds runloop observers to threads to listen for events, intent on doing so when they occur. 3. Runloopmode is a collection of observers: event sources, timers, and runloop observers for notification

How to use it in multithreading?

1. Run loop is only needed to create a secondary thread for your application. For the main thread of the program, run loop is the key part. Cocoa provides the code to run the main thread run loop and also run loop automatically. The run method in the iOS UlApplication starts the Run loop when the application starts normally. If you use the template provided by Xcode, you will never need to start run Loop ⒉ yourself. In multithreading, you need to determine whether you need run loop ⒉ or not. If a run loop is required, it is your responsibility to configure it and start it. You don’t need to start run Loop in every case. For example, you don’t need to start a Run loop if you’re using threads to handle a predefined task that takes too long. Run loop is only needed if you want to interact with the thread

Before iOS7, there are several forms of background execution content, what are they?

A typical application can obtain a certain amount of time to run the related tasks when entering the background, that is, it can run in the background for a short period of time (about 10 seconds). Background music playing 2. Background GPS tracking 3. Background voip support

38. Briefly, the startup process of APP can be divided into two categories starting from the main file:

UIApplicationMain* creates UIApplication object

Create a UIApplication delegate object. 3. Get the filename of the main storyboard according to info.plist and load the main storyboard(with storyboard).

Create a UIWindow

Create and set the rootViewController for UIWindow

Display window

UIApplicationMain* creates UlApplication object * Creates UIApplication delegate object 3. The delegate object starts handling (listening) system events (no storyboard) * when the program start, is called the application of agency: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method

In application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: create UIWindow

Create and set the rootViewController display window for UIWindow

Turn off the program and the program into the background, the difference between remote push?

1. No code is executed after it is closed, and event ⒉ cannot be handled. In this state, the application does not execute any code and may be deleted from memory at any time. Only when the user runs the application again does the application wake up from the suspended state and the code can continue with execution 3. Or enable the multi-task state when entering the background and keep it in the memory, so that the system can perform action 4. Remote push means that the program on the remote server sends the message to APNS, and then APNS pushes the message to the program on the device. When the application program receives the pushed message, it will automatically call a specific method to execute the code written in advance. Basic concepts and usage of local notification and remote push notification? * Both local notifications and remote push notifications can send messages to applications that are not running in the foreground, either for upcoming events or new data from the server. Whether local notifications or remote notifications, they in the program interface of the display effect is the same, is likely to be displayed as a warning or micro chapter on the application icon. * inform local and remote push notification of basic purpose is to let the application to notify the user certain things, and don’t need applications run in the foreground. The difference is that local notifications are called by the application and can only be sent from iOS on the current device, while remote notifications are sent by the application on the remote server to APNS, which pushes the message to the application on the device

40. What is SIP?

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Is the IETF standard for establishing VOIP connections. The IETF is the most authoritative technical standardization organization on the Internet in the world. VOIP is an Internet phone that calls directly over the Internet without using a cell phone bill

Some pictures load slowly how to deal with? How did you optimize the performance of the program?

1. Image download is placed in asynchronous thread 2. Placeholder image 3 is used during image download. If the image is large, consider multithreaded breakpoint download

Have you implemented a framework or library for others to use? If yes, talk about your experience in building a framework or library. If not, imagine and design a public API for your framework, and figure out how it might be done and what it might look like to make it easier for others to use your framework.

1. Whether the interface function provided to the outside world is practical and sufficient. Whether the parameters provided are sufficient and easy to call 4. Whether to import dependencies on other frameworks

43. The App needs to load a large amount of data and send requests to the server, but the server is stuck. How to solve the problem?

1. Set the request timeout. 2

Using NSNotificationCenter to transfer data and messages across multiple controllers synchronously or asynchronously?

1. If the notification is sent on the main thread, then the time-consuming operations in the notification receiving method are placed on the asynchronous thread 2. If the notification is sent in an asynchronous thread, the method invoked after receiving the notification is executed in the asynchronous thread by default

45. How to implement SDWeblmage County body?

1. Use NSOperationQueue and NSOperation to download images. Also use some functions of GCD (decoding GIF images) ⒉. Use the URL as the key and NSOperation as value3. Use URL as key, Ullmage as value to be improved..

46. What is the difference between AFN and ASI

AFN is based on NSURL, ASI is based on the underlying CFNetwork framework, so the performance of ASI is better than THAT of AFN.AFN processes requests in block mode, while ASI processes requests in delegate mode. 3.AFN only encapsulates some common functions to meet basic requirements, but ignores many extended functions directly, such as no encapsulation of synchronous requests. ASI provides a variety of functions and reserved interfaces and tools for developers to expand. 4.AFN directly parses JSON and XML data returned by the server, while ASI is primitive and returns NSData binary data

Runloop Timing source and input source

1. The program you create does not need to display the create run loop; Each thread, including the program’s main thread, has a corresponding Run loop object. The main thread creates and runs Run Loop2 itself.Runloop processes input events from two different sources: input source and timer source 3. Input sources deliver asynchronous messages, usually from other threads or programs. The timing source delivers synchronization messages that occur at a specific time or at a specified time interval

48. If a comparison card is found in the process of network data processing, how to solve it

1. Check whether the network request operation is placed on the main thread. 2 Check whether the number of asynchronous requests is too high. Is there too much data? If it is too large, remove some unnecessary objects (invisible data, pictures). 4. CPU usage and memory problems of the mobile phone

49, How to solve the SQLite lock problem

1. Set the database lock handler int sqlite3_busY_handler (sqlite3)

, int(


, int),void

); Int sqlite3_busY_timeout (sqlite3*,60);

50, Talk about the implementation principle of mainstream framework (AFNetworking sDweblmage)

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