Word-wrap: break-word! Important; “> < p style =” max-width: 100%

1. Use junit, before, beforeClass, after, afterClass execution order

2. Distributed lock

3. Nginx request forwarding algorithm, how to configure by weight forwarding

4. What’s wrong with using hashMap to implement Redis (deadlock, loop, ConcurrentHashmap)

5. Thread status

5. The way threads block

6. The difference between sleep and wait

7. Low-level implementation of HashMap

8. Ten thousand people grab 100 red envelopes, how to achieve (no queue), how to ensure that two people can not grab the same red envelope, available distributed lock

Java memory model, garbage collection mechanism, unreachable algorithm

10. Two Integer references are passed to a swap method to swap references within the swap method

11. Aop’s underlying implementation, dynamic proxy is how dynamic, if there are 100 objects, how dynamic proxy for the 100 objects

12. Have you used Maven Install? Maven test. Git (make install)

13. How to configure docBase for tomcat

14. Several ways to configure Spring beans

15. Configuration of web.xml

16. Spring listeners.

17. Implementation mechanism of ZooKeeper, with cache, how to store registration service

18. Does IO block? ReadLine is blocked

19. Spring thread pool or Java thread pool?

20. String formatting methods (20, 21)

What is the timer made of

23. How do threads exit and terminate

24. What locks does Java have? Optimistic lock Pessimistic lock synchronized read/write lock, use reentrantlock Reentrantlock vs. Synmchronized

25. Usage scenarios of ThreadLocal

Java memory model, garbage collection mechanism

27. Why should a thread execute a call to start instead of run?

28. Implementation mechanism of QMQ message (QMQ is qunar’s encapsulated message queue)

29. Three ways to traverse a HashMap

30. Some JVM commands

31. Differences between Memcache and Redis

Mysql > select * from user where row lock is placed

33. How is the lock of ConcurrentHashmap added? The more sections, the better

Innodb isa row lock, myISAM isa table lock.

35. Other performance optimizations for mysql

36. Where can I see Linux system logs

37. How do I view network processes

38. Count the number of bits 1 in the binary representation of an integer

39. JVM memory model, Java memory model

40. How to dump all Java memory data

41. How do I trigger a full garbage collection manually and how do I trigger a garbage collection immediately

42. What happens if a hashmap has only one write and all other reads

 43. git rebase

44. Differences between mongodb and hbase

45. How to solve the concurrency problem

46. Uses of volatile

47. Java thread pool

 48. mysql的binlog 

49. Proxy mode

50. How does mysql implement transactions

51. When is read/write separation mandatory, which secondary library to read is determined by what method, and what method is used to synchronize mysql from secondary libraries

Mysql storage engine

Mysql default isolation level, other isolation levels

54. Reverse a linked list (with three Pointers, but only one at a time)

55. The implementation principle of Spring Aop

56. When a memory leak occurs and what exceptions are thrown by a memory leak

57. Have you used Autowire annotations

58. Spring’s way of injecting beans

59. The execution order of various conditions in SQL statements, such as SELECT, WHERE, Order by, group BY

60. Select xx from xx where xx and xx order by xx limit xx; How to optimize this (see Explain)

61. Write code for the four primitives

62. Collect statistics on the 100 IP addresses that occur most frequently in the 100 GB IP file

63. How to inform the consumer of the failure of zooKeeper’s things, nodes and service providers

64. How to elect a leader for 5 Servers (Election Algorithm)

65. Differences between adapter and proxy patterns

66. The read-write lock

67. The static locking

68. Transaction isolation level

69. Facade Mode, Class Diagram (Facade Mode)

70. How does mybatis map table structure

Binary tree traversal

72. Master/slave replication

73. Mysql engine differences

74. Which section is the static inner class loaded into? Methods area

75. Where the class file was compiled and loaded

76. How does a longer overall response time for HTTP requests on the Web result in fewer requests being processed? With queues, when you can’t handle so many HTTP requests, you put them in queues and process them slowly. How does the Web implement queues

77. Thread-safe singleton pattern

78. Quicksort performance considerations

79. Use of the volatile keyword

80. What storage engine can be used to determine the size of a table or do statistics

81. What engine can read more write less use

82. What engine should be used if you want to count multiple tables

83. How to lock the size of concurrenhashMap, and what to do if the size changes after the length of concurrenhashMap

84. 1000 apples in 10 baskets, how can I get all the possible numbers

85. Reentrant read/write locks. How is reentrant implemented?

86. Have you used NIO

87. Have Java concurrent packages been used

88. Sting s=new String (” ABC “) which objects are created on the stack respectively

89. Region allocation of Java virtual machine, what is stored in each region

90. Distributed Transactions (JTA)

Both threadLocal and Synchonized are used to deal with multi-threaded concurrent access. But ThreadLocal is fundamentally different from synchronized. Synchronized is a mechanism that uses locks to make variables or code blocks accessible only to one thread at a time. ThreadLocal, on the other hand, provides a copy of variables for each thread, so that each thread is not accessing the same object at any one time, thus isolating multiple threads from sharing data. Synchronized, on the other hand, is used to obtain data sharing when communicating between multiple threads.)

92. What containers does Java have (collections, tomcat is a container)

93. Binary search algorithm

What types can be stored in Redis

HTTP protocol format, the difference between GET and POST

97. Wait and notify for reentrant locks

98. Can Redis swap memory space to disk (this should be possible, but the interviewer told me not to)

99. How do cache-based and fixed-length threads handle too many requests in Java thread pools? The queue for fixed length things. What if the queue is full? Swap to disk? What about a cache-based thread pool solution?

100. What lock does synchronized add to methods 101. The difference between lock and trylock in a reentrant lock

102. Can InnoDB read a row of data? Not shackles, read the actual read is a copy

Redis cache is distributed storage? Is the data stored on different servers duplicate? Guava cache? Repeat? Different machines store different data

104. Use awk to collect top10 statistics in an IP file

105. When performing statistics on a table, you can directly view the schema info information, that is, view the system information of the table

The current version of mysql

107. What help did the experienced people in the company give? (This is usually asked by the boss)

108. What advantages do you have over other graduates

109. Give examples of how your good summarization habit has helped you in your future work

110. Atomic classes, thread-safe objects, exception handling

Hash (1, 2, 32) int (1, 2, 32) hash (2, 32) int (1, 2, 32) int (1, 1)

11.14 billion urls, find the duplicate urls (hash algorithm, allocate urls among 1000 files, which is sure not to be duplicated between different files) there are 10,000 arrays, each array has 1000 integers, each array is in descending order, find the largest N number, N<1000

113. The underlying implementation of LinkedHashmap

114. The use of the version number of a class when serializing a class. If no version number is specified, how does the system handle it? What happens if you add a field?

115. What is the difference between Override and Overload

116. How did Java reflection work for one to five years