1. Why a micro front end?
With the gradual development of front-end technology, front-end services are more and more involved, front-end applications are more and more large, and all functions are integrated. A microfront-end is a separate microapplication that divides the code into business modules.Copy the code
2. Benefits of a micro front end
1. Technology stack independent, can access any technology stack subapplications 2. Based on single-SPA packaging, provides a more out-of-the-box API. 3. Microapplications can be independently developed and deployed.Copy the code
3. The Demo practice
1. Main application development:
1. Install THE QIANkun YARN add Qiankun # or NPM I Qiankun -S 2. Import {registerMicroApps, start} from 'qiankun'; // registerMicroApps([{name: 'vue app', // app name registered entry: '//localhost:8082', container: '#vueApp', activeRule: '/vue', }, { name: 'vue2 app', // app name registered entry: '//localhost:8083', container: '#child', activeRule: '/vue2', }, ]); start(); < EL-menu :router="true" mode="horizontal" :default-active="activeIndex"> <! Can put their own routing in - base - - > < el menu - item index = "/" > Home < / el menu - item > <! <el-menu-item index="/vue2"> Child application 2</el-menu-item> <el-menu-item index="/vue"> Vue application </el-menu-item> </el-menu> <div id="vueApp"></div> <! <div id="child"></div>Copy the code
2. Sub-application development
1.main.js let router = null; let instance = null; function render(props = {}) { const { container } = props; router = new VueRouter({ base: window.__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__ ? '/vue2' : '/', // path needs to be consistent with base app routes: routes, store: store, mode: 'history'}); instance = new Vue({ router, render: h => h(App), }).$mount(container ? container.querySelector('#app') : '#app'); } if (window.__powered_by_qiankun__) {// dynamically add publicPath // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef __webpack_public_path__ = window.__INJECTED_PUBLIC_PATH_BY_QIANKUN__; } // Export lifecycle /** * Bootstrap will only be called once during the micro-application initialization. The next time the micro-application re-enters, the mount hook will be called directly. Bootstrap will not be triggered again. * This is usually where we can initialize global variables, such as application-level caches that will not be destroyed during the unmount phase. */ export async function bootstrap() {console.log('vue2 app starts '); } /** * export async function mount(props) {render(props); */ export async function unmount() {console.log(' unmount ')} /** * Optional lifecycle hook, */ export async function update(props) {instance.$destroy(); instance.$el.innerHTML = ''; instance = null; console.log('update props', props); DevServer: {hot: true, disableHostCheck: true, port, overlay: {warnings: false, errors: true, }, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', }, },Copy the code
Demo address: github.com/s980711272/โฆ
4. The cache problem is resolved
function render(){
// A new route instance must be created, otherwise it cannot respond to URL changes.
router = new Router({
mode: 'history'.base:!window.__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__ ? ' ' : 'bms'.routes: constantRoutes,
// Cache instantiation
const cachedInstance = window.__CACHE_INSTANCE_BY_QIAN_KUN_FOR_VUE__;
// Get _vnode from the original Vue instance
const cachedNode =
(cachedInstance.cachedInstance && cachedInstance.cachedInstance._vnode) ||
// Make the current route available on the original Vue instancerouter.apps.push(... cachedInstance.catchRoute.apps); instance =new Vue({
render: () = > cachedNode
// Cache the initial Vue instance
instance.cachedInstance = cachedInstance;
router.onReady(() = > {
const { path } = router.currentRoute;
const { path: oldPath } = cachedInstance.$router.currentRoute;
// If the current route is inconsistent with the last uninstallation, switch to the new route
if (path !== oldPath) {
} else {
//console.log(' normal instantiation ');
// Instantiate normally
instance = new Vue({
el: '#micro-bms',
render: h= >h(App) }); }}export async function mount(props) {
Vue.prototype.$poweredByQiankun = true;
export async function unmount() {
/ / the console log (' micro - BMS uninstall ');
/ / cache
const cachedInstance = instance.cachedInstance || instance;
window.__CACHE_INSTANCE_BY_QIAN_KUN_FOR_VUE__ = cachedInstance;
const cachedNode = cachedInstance._vnode;
if(! cachedNode.data.keepAlive) cachedNode.data.keepAlive =true;
cachedInstance.catchRoute = {
apps: [...instance.$router.apps]
router = null;
instance.$router.apps = [];
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