
1. Set the spacer line on the Y-axis to a dashed line

yAxis: {
            type: 'value',
            boundaryGap: [0, '100%'],
            axisLine: {show: false},
            axisTick: {
                show: false}, axisLabel: {// Axis text label, see axis. AxisLabel show:trueRotate: 0, margin: 20, textStyle: {// Rotate: 0, margin: 20, textStyle: {// rotate: 0, margin: 20, textStyle: {// rotate: 0, margin: 20, textStyle: {// rotate: 0, margin: 20, textStyle: 0'rgba (0,0,0,0.65)'}, splitLine:{// splitLine show:true,
                    type:'dashed',// set to the dashed line color:'#E8E8E8'}}},Copy the code

2. The X and y axes of the Echarts are hidden

option = {
     xAxis: {
        type: 'category',
    yAxis: {
        type: 'value',
    series: [{
        symbol: "none",// Hide dots on the polyline data: [820, 932, 901, 934, 1290, 1330, 1320],type: 'line'}};Copy the code

3. Set the upper and lower spacing lines to solid lines and the rest to dashed lines

// Set xAxis to an array, write two x axes, and the rest of the horizontal spacing lines set xAxis to the y axes: [{type: 'value',
		name: ' ',
		splitLine: {
			show: false,}}, {type: 'category',}],Copy the code

4. Bubble diagram in the scatter diagram: mark the maximum value and mark the line (business requirements: select the maximum value in different categories and make special style processing, such as adding a picture to indicate the maximum value)

Series: [{markPoint:{// add a symbol at the maximum value:'image://./static/img/icon-1/symbols-logo-1.png',
	    symbolSize : 10,
            effect : {
                show : true
	      position: ['50%'.'100%']
	    	name: 'Maximum'.type: 'max'ValueIndex :1}],}, symbol: {// symbol:'none',
		lineStyle: {
			color: '#5B6DC8',
		label: {
			normal: {
			position: "end",
				backgroundColor: '# 101641',
				padding: [10, 20],
				borderRadius: 4,
				color: '#FFF',
				formatter: '{b}',
		animation: false,
		data: [{
			name: 'Mean value on the Y-axis',
			yAxis: avgY
			name: 'Average value of the X-axis',
			xAxis: avgX
Copy the code

Same as above: Mark out the maximum (in different categories to add annotations, this method can only be added in the a category a marked point, can be set by the data in the markPoint array to add multiple marked point, but the style of each marked point can only be the same, if you want to add multiple tagging in different categories points and each annotation style is different, You can use the label attribute.)

var makeMarkPoint = function (index, url, size, offset, coord) {  
				option.series[index].markPoint = {
					symbol: 'image://'+ url, // image url symbolSize: size, // set the image size symbolOffset: offset, // image position label: {// image style color:'#FFF',
						fontStyle: 30,
						align: 'center',
						verticalAlign: 'middle',
						position: ['50%'.'150%'],
						formatter: '{b}'}, data: [{// name: domainDataIndex[index], coord: coord}],}}'./static/img/top1.png', 40, [0, '100%'], domainDataCoord[0])
Copy the code
Var data = [[28604,77,17096869,'11'31163, 1990], [,77.4, 27662440,'22'1516, 1990], [,68,1154605773,'33'Var array1 = []; var array2 = []; var array3 = [];for(var j = 0; j < dataArr.length; J++) {// put the data in an array with the image urlif (max1 == dataArr[j]) {
		if (max2 == dataArr[j]) {
		if (max3 == dataArr[j]) {
	var poptotalarray = [];
	poptotalarray = poptotalarray.concat(array1, array2, array3)

	var nameforindex = function (str) {
		if (str == '11') return 0
		if (str == '22') return 1
		if (str == '33') return 2
		if (str == '44') return 3
		if (str == '55') return 4
	var yetaiArray1 = []
	var yetaiArray2 = []
	var yetaiArray3 = []
	var yetaiArray4 = []
	var yetaiArray5 = []
	for (var j = 0; j < poptotalarray.length; j++) {
		var index = nameforindex(poptotalarray[j][4]);
		var pop = {
			name: poptotalarray[j][3],
			coord: [poptotalarray[j][0], poptotalarray[j][1]]
		if (index == 0) yetaiArray1.push(pop);
		if (index == 1) yetaiArray2.push(pop);
		if (index == 2) yetaiArray3.push(pop);
		if (index == 3) yetaiArray4.push(pop);
		if (index == 4) yetaiArray5.push(pop);
Copy the code

Set the image with label

(max1,max2,max3) Option. series[I]. Label = {show:true,
		position: 'insideTop'// Set the location of the formatter in the middle:function (value) {
			var val =[3];
			var strs = val.split(' '); // String array var STR =' ';
			for(var i = 0, s; s = strs[i++];) {// if the text is more than three words, it will be newline;if(! (i % 3)) str +='\n'; 
			if (parseInt([2]) == max1) {  
				return [
					'{topimg1|}'.'{value|' + str + '} ',
			} else if (parseInt([2]) == max2) {
				return [
					'{topimg2|}'.'{value2|' + str + '} ',
			} else if (parseInt([2]) == max3) {
				return [
					'{topimg3|}'.'{value3|' + str + '} ',
			return ""
		offset: [0, -18],
		textBorderColor: 'transparent',
		rich: {
			value: {
				lineHeight: 15,
				align: 'center',
				color: '#FFF',
				fontWeight: 'bold',
				fontSize: 16,
				padding: [-30, 0, 0, 0]
			value2: {
				lineHeight: 15,
				align: 'center',
				color: '#FFF',
				fontWeight: 'bold',
				fontSize: 14,
				padding: [-20, 0, 0, 0]
			value3: {
				lineHeight: 15,
				align: 'center',
				color: '#FFF',
				fontWeight: 'bold',
				fontSize: 12,
				padding: [-10, 0, 0, 0]
			topimg1: {
				height: 40,
				align: 'center',
				backgroundColor: {
					image: './static/img/top1.png'

			topimg2: {
				height: 40,
				align: 'center',
				backgroundColor: {
					image: './img/top2.png'
				width: 30,
				height: 30
			topimg3: {
				height: 40,
				align: 'center',
				backgroundColor: {
					image: './static/img/top3.png'
				width: 20,
				height: 20
Copy the code

Set the image for label text formatting in AntV

.label('name', {
    labelLine: falseHtmlTemplate: (text, item, index) => {const point = item.point; // The point corresponding to each radianlet percent = point['percent'];
      percent = (percent * 100).toFixed(2) + The '%';
      return ' ' + text + '</span><br><span style="color:' + point.color + '" >' + percent + '</span>'; // Customize the HTML template}});Copy the code

5. Set the marking point as a ring

	option.series[0].markPoint = { 
					symbolSize: 15, 
					symbol: 'circle',
					itemStyle: {
						normal: {
							borderColor: '#45DD54'// the color of the ring:"#1B235B"BorderWidth: 3, // Label: {show:true,
								backgroundColor: '#45DD54',
								padding: [6, 20],
								borderRadius: 4,
								color: 'white',
								lineHeight: 20,
								position: 'top',
								formatter: '{title|{b}}\n{num|{c}} %',
								rich: {
										fontWeight: 'bold',
										color: '#fff',
									num: {
										fontWeight: 'bold',
										color: '#fff',

					effect: {
						show: true,
						shadowBlur: 0
					data: [{
						name: ' ',
						value: pointY,
						xAxis: dateData[20],
						yAxis: pointY
					}, ],

Copy the code

6. Set a background image for the marker (if the background is a dialog box with an arrow)

itemStyle: {
		normal: {
			label: {
				show: true,
				backgroundColor: {
				    image:'./static/img/symbols-up.png',// Set the background image},}}}Copy the code

7. Color the columns in the bar chart

series : [
            name:'Direct access'.type:'bar',
            barWidth: '60%',
            color: function(val){
                if(val.value == 220){// Set a special color for columns at a particular valuereturn "red"  
                return "green";    
            data:[10, 52, 200, 334, 390, 330, 220]
Copy the code

8. Left-align the text on the left of the funnel plot

option = {
    grid: {
        left: 100
    toolbox: {
        show: true,
        feature: {
            saveAsImage: {}
    yAxis: {
        type: 'value',
        axisLabel: {
            formatter: function(a,ix){
                return ix;
        splitLine: {
            lineStyle: {
                type: 'dashed'
    xAxis: {
        show: false
    series: [
            name: 'City Gamma'.type: 'bar',
            data: [0, 0, 0]
            name: 'real'.type: 'funnel',
            left: '10%',
            width: '80%',
            maxSize: '80%',
            label: {
                normal: {
                    position: 'inside',
                    formatter: '{c}%',
                    textStyle: {
                        color: '#fff'
                emphasis: {
                    formatter: '{b} = {c}%'Border-color: 0; border-color: 0; border-color: 0; border-color: 0; border-color: 0;'#fff',
                    borderWidth: 2
            data: [
                {value: 30, name: ' '},
                {value: 10, name: ' '},
                {value: 5, name: ' '},
                {value: 50, name: ' '},
                {value: 80, name: ' '}]}]};Copy the code

9. The scatter diagram sets the points evenly distributed

Whether it is out of the zero value ratio. When set to true, the coordinate scale does not force a zero scale. It is useful in scatter plots with double numerical axes.

Copy the code

You can also set the minimum and maximum values of the x and y axes to achieve the desired effect

10. Set the Echarts chart to refresh at intervals

}, echartsRefreshInterval);

var refresh = function(){
	var div = this.node.root.insertBefore(document.createElement("div"), this.node.echarts);
		position: "absolute",
		top: "0",
		left: "0",
		right: "0",
		bottom: "0"
	this.node.echarts = div;
	this.eChart = echarts.init(this.node.echarts);
	this.eChart.setOption(this.currData, true);
Copy the code

11. The problem of overlapping bubbles due to the large number of bubble charts

The x axis data of all bubbles can be uniformly added by 20 to help dispersion

12. Secondary legend

        v-for="(item, index) in arr"
        :class="{ isSelected: index == indexSelected }"
        @click="filter(item, index)"
          :style="{ background: `${indexSelected == index && item.isSelect ? item.color : '#999'}`}"
        <div class="item-title">{{ item.title }}</div>
Copy the code
Filter (code, index) {// myChart parameter code.isselect =! code.isSelect this.indexSelected = index var options = this.chartColumn.getOption() var selectLegend = options.legendfor (var i = 0; i < this.arr.length; i++) {
        if(i ! == index) this.arr[i].isSelect =false

      for (const key in selectLegend) {
        if (code.isSelect && selectLegend[key].id === code.title) {
          selectLegend[key].show = true
        } else {
          selectLegend[key].show = false
      this.chartColumn.setOption(options, true) // re-render the image},Copy the code


1. Set the Y-axis spacer line to a dashed line

yAxis: {
        gridLineDashStyle: 'ShortDash',// grid line style},Copy the code

2. DataLabels line is too long, so when the image width is small, the label automatically changes to ellipses

plotOptions: {
	pie: {
		dataLabels: {
			enabled: true,
			format: '{}',
			style: {
				color: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.contrastTextColor) || 'black',
				fontSize: '12px',
				fontWeight: 'normal'}, distance:10 // Set distance to change the length of the indicator line}, showInLegend:true, startAngle: 0, // endAngle: 360, // endAngle: center: ['50%'.'50%'],
Copy the code

3. Add marking lines (such as early warning lines) on the Y-axis

plotLines: [
                color: "#BFBFBF",
                dashStyle: "dash",
                width: 1,
                value: 24304,
                label: {
                    text: "Early warning line 

, align: "right", style: { color: "# 919191", fontSize: "10px" }, x:10 }, zIndex:9999 } ] Copy the code