1. Cursor: pointer (A label)
Set the style of the user’s mouse pointer when browsing the web, using a hand with an extended index finger
2.cursor: not-allowed;
Disable icon when mouse hover
In simple terms, the object is presented as an inline object, but bai is the contents of the object presented as a block object. Adjacent inline objects will be rendered in the same line, allowing Spaces.
4.flex-shrink: 0;
A child element defined as a Flex layout element automatically obtains the flex-shrink attribute. If the flex-shrink setting is set to 1, all the children shrink at the same time to fit the total width. When flex-shrink is set to 0, it means that no one shrinks to fit.
If you set the flex layout for the parent element, you must set flex-shrink to 0 for the child element’s width to be effective
5.display: inline-flex;
<1>. The parent becomes an inline block element, and its children are also inline block elements, and are wrapped. The parent element is sorted according to the child element
<2>. display:flex; If the width of the child element exceeds the width of the parent element, because of flex layout, the actual child element does not exceed the width, but is proportionally allocated
**6.white-space: nowrap; 支那
Specifies that text in a paragraph is not wrapped
7. Box-shadow: 0 1px 0 fade-out(black,0.95);
Black fades into shadow
In Firefox, dashed lines appear even if outline: None is set for elements of type Button. -moz-focus-inner does not reset the outline, but sets the border.
10. Border-style: solid; border-style: solid;
* * 11. Transparentize ($color, 0.5); 支那
Transparent function and fade function
12.text-decoration: underline;
Background: linear-gradient(145deg, rgba(136,125,119,1) 0%, rgba(57,42,35,1) 100%);
Background gradient
14.clip-path: ellipse(80% 60% at 50% 40%);
Adjust the semicircle shape of the background
This section describes how to use the clip-path property of the CSS
Path clip-path in the CSS