This section describes the browser security policies, common attack modes, and defense methods in Web security.

1. Web security policy

(1) Same-origin policy

  • Cognate Meaning:host(hostname),schema(Agreement),port(Port) same.
  • The specific content
    • iframe
      • Urls that can be embedded from different sources, depending onCSP (Content Security Policy)orX-Frame-Optionsconfiguration
      • But you can’t read it. You can’t get itiframethedocument
    • CSS
      • You can use<link>or@importLoad CSS resources from different sources
      • The requirement is that the resources need to be used correctlyContent-Type
    • forms
      • actionAddresses can cross domains
    • images
      • Images from different sources can be embedded
      • However, reading cross-source images is not allowed
    • multimedia
      • As with images, can be used<video><audio>
    • script
      • You can use<script>Bring in different sources
      • Not allowed to use fetch API, etc
  • Refer to the content
    • MDN Same-origin policy
    • same-origin-policy

(2) CORS: cross-origin-resources-share Cross-source resource sharing

  • Precheck determines whether precheck is required based on the request type, and precheck determines whether it is requestable through the response header.
  • Request type
    • A simple request
      • Can only beget,post,headOne of the
      • Allowed request header fields
        • Header field automatically set by the user agent
        • Other names defined in the Fetch specification to disable header names
        • It is permissible to set the Fetch specification CORS security head field, for exampleAccept.Accept-LanguageEtc.
      • Content-TypeAllowable value range:text/plain.multipart/form-data.application/x-www-form-urlencoded
      • Not used in the requestReadableStreamobject
    • Preview the request
      • When the request does not match the simple request type
      • Browser initiationoptionsRequest, the request header of which contains two fields
        • Access-Control-Request-Method, the value of the request header is the request method of the actual request
        • Access-control-Request-Headers, the value of the request header is the request header field for the actual request to check
      • The server checks the request header and uses it to inform the browser whether the actual request can be made
        • Access-Control-Allow-OriginTo allow the source of the request
        • Access-Control-Allow-Methods, the request method that allows the request
        • Access-Control-Allow-Headers, the request header field that allows the request
        • Access-Control-Max-Age, the validity period of pre-check
      • If the precheck passes, the actual request is initiated, and if the precheck does not pass, the request is terminated
  • Refer to the content
    • CORS
    • mdn CORS

(3) CSP: Content Security Policy

  • Description: The page is restricted by setting a security policyiframe,imageResource request behavior
  • Threats to address: XSS, packet sniffing attacks
  • Set mode
    • The corresponding head:Content-Security-Policy
    • Head META tag:http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy"
  • Common policy
  • Example:default 'self' *; img-src *; media-src;
  • Refer to the content
    • mdn CSP
    • security headers
    • owasp-cheatsheet-series CSP

2. Common attacks and defenses

(1) XSS

  • Cross-site-script cross-site scripting attack refers to the attack caused by the execution of a Script that is not the original Script of the Site.

  • Classification, according to the attack mode can be divided into three types:

    • Reflective XSS: Works immediately with input, such as in a URL
    • Stored XSS: Attack script persistence stores to attack other users
    • DOM XSS: Typically also reflective XSS, but works on the DOM, not the server
  • Defense, as can be seen from the attack mode, the general attack mode is to have input before attack, so control from the entrance, you can defend against attack.

    • Xss-filter: verifies the input information strictly
    • Filter on output: Encode transformed content, using innerText, with special attention to XSS in rich text editor scenarios
    • Do not insert untrusted data inside page elements: script, HTML comments, attribute names, tag names, style
    • HTML content is encoded and inserted, for example:&#x27;.&amp;
    • HTML attributes: in view of the space, %, *, +, -, /,,, <, =, >, ^, |
    • JavaScript encoding: In addition to alphanumeric, use\xHHFormat Encodes all characters less than 256 characters
    • JSON processing: Ensure that the content-type isapplication/json
    • CSS encoding: Make sure to support only expressions that start with HTTP and not javascript, otherwise follow javascript encoding rules
    • URL encoding: In addition to alphanumeric, use%HHEncoding format Codes characters with the ASCII value less than 256
    • Rich text processing library:HtmlSanitizer.DomPurify
    • Pay attention tohrefIn thejavascript:As well asiframethesrc
    • usehttp-only cookie
    • The use of CSP
    • Use a template system that automatically encodes
    • Use a modern JS framework
      • Risks that need to be controlled:
        • Presents 2 + :bypassSecurityTrust
        • React:dangerouslySetInnerHTML
        • Svelte:{@html... }
        • Vue2+: v-html
  • Refer to the content

    • owasp XSS

CSRF: Cross-site Request Forgery

  • Description: The source of the request is not verified, so that an attacker can initiate an HTTP request on a third-party site
  • Example: Construct a link that a user clicks to initiate a request to modify the user’s information
  • Defense:
    • Determine whether the user clicked the actual modify button
    • Sensitive operations Add secondary verification interaction, such as verification codes, SHORT messages, and links
    • token
  • The essence of defense is: unique, credible source
  • Refer to the content
    • owasp CSRF

(3) Defense means during file uploading

  • Check extension
  • Check file Type (not extension), content-Type can be changed
  • Changing the file name
  • File name length and character limits
  • File size limit
  • Only authorized users are allowed to upload files
  • Save files on different servers
  • Use a sandbox or antivirus environment to execute files
  • Make sure all libraries used are securely configured and keep latest
  • Protects file uploads from CSRF attacks

3. Security vulnerability scanning tool

  • Fortify code security vulnerability scanning
  • Black Duck Open source component security scanning