Vue basic knowledge record, for reference, basically usually develop these are the most basic things for you, listed for reference, thank you
- Interpolation (only expressions, not JS statements)
- Instruction dynamic attribute
- V-html: There is an XSS risk that the subcomponent will be overwritten (here’s how it works
- Computed is also a watcher that has a cache and does not get recalculated without changing data.
- Comparison between computed and Method
- Method does not cache data and is executed every time
- However, computed data is cached and is executed only when the dependent properties change
- Watch How deep listening? Deept set to listen immediately
- Watch listens for a reference type, and can’t get oldVal because it’s a pointer assignment, because the Pointers are the same
- Class uses dynamic attributes
<p :class="{abc: isAbc, def:isDef}"></p> <p :class="[abc, def]">An array of class</p> <p :class="[abc, def]">An array of class</p> Copy the code
- Style uses the hump style fontSize
<p :style="styleData">style</p> Copy the code
- Conditions apply colours to a drawing
- V-if v-else can be used either as a variable or as a === expression
<p v-if="type === 'a'">A</p> <p v-else-if="type === 'b'">B</p> <p v-else>C</p> <p v-show="type === 'b'">C</p> Copy the code
- The difference between V-IF and V-show and the application scenarios
- V-if indicates whether the DOM is generated
- V-show is style display None and block toggled dom must be generated
- V-if v-else can be used either as a variable or as a === expression
- Loop list rendering
- How to traverse objects —- can V-for be used
(value,key,index) in Object // Object traversal (item,index) in Array // Array traversal Copy the code
- The importance of the key (not random or index), which is determined by the tag and key when diff
- V-for and V-IF cannot be used together
- The priority of V-for is higher than that of V-IF
- How to traverse objects —- can V-for be used
- The event
Event parameter, custom parameter $event
- An event is a native Event object
Event modifier, key modifier Stop Prevent Capture self CTRL exact native
Where are events bound to
- The event is mounted to the current element
- The form
- v-model
- A common form item is textarea Checkbox radio SELECT
<textarea>{{abc}}<textarea> <! -- The top is wrong and the bottom is right --> <textarea v-model="abc">{{abc}}<textarea> Copy the code
- Common modifier lazy number trim
- V-model can only be used on input fields and components, not on normal elements