This is the seventh day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging

The stack and queue

Both are data structures

Stack: first in, last in, first out

Queue: first in first out last in last out

These two data structures in different scenarios can be collectively called “page stack function stack event stack event queue…” Such a technical term


Escape character

  • Escape by using the ‘ ‘modifier before a particular character (the following characters)
  • nA newline

The indentation

  • 4 Spaces == 1 TAB
  • TAB is indent
  • Curly braces, middle brackets, curly brackets, front and back brackets, and line breaks
  • The contents of the parentheses should be reduced by a TAB to the beginning of the line in front of the parentheses
  • The back bracket of parentheses should be aligned with the beginning of the line on which the front bracket is located

Standard INPUT output stream

  • Everything in a computer system is a file because it needs software to drive it
  • In the computer related equipment can be divided into input equipment and output equipment
  • Input device: Camera microphone keyboard (default input device standard input) mouse…
  • Output device: audio screen (default output device standard output) printer…
  • Operation instruction signal transmission is carried out by electrical signals
  • One is high and zero is low so it’s a binary transfer
  • A certain number of bits are passed each time (64/32)
  • All this is called a stream, a binary stream.

Static and dynamic declaration languages

  • Statically declared language: a language in which variables can be declared with a datatype keyword
  • Dynamic declaration language: Otherwise, it is a dynamic declaration language
  • Be careful not to confuse declarative variables such as var let const with datatype keywords
  • The declare variable keyword is used to tell the computer that this statement is a declare variable. If the language does not have the keyword, then the language does not need to remind the computer that the variable is declared
  • The function of the data type keyword is to tell the computer the data type of the variable, so that the computer can divide different memory sizes for the variable according to the data type

Code three kind

  • maintainability
  • scalability
  • reusability

Unit conversion

  • ‘bits’ is how many bits of a binary number (for example, a binary bit is a one-bit binary number)
  • 1 byte = 8 binary bits

The map to set

A set is an associative container with the following properties:

  • The set uses the RBTree as the underlying container
  • The resulting element has only key but no value. Value is the key
  • Duplicate key values are not allowed
  • All elements are sorted automatically
  • You can’t change the value of a set with an iterator, because the value of a set is the key

A map is an associative container like a set, and its underlying container is a red-black tree. The difference is that the map value is not used as a key. The key and value are separate. Its features are as follows:

  • The map uses RBTree as the underlying container
  • All elements exist as key + values
  • Key duplication is not allowed
  • All elements are automatically sorted by key
  • The key of a map cannot be modified, but the value of its key can

Client rendering versus server rendering

Server rendering to refresh, view the source can see the client rendering, asynchronous do not refresh, view the source can not see.

Client-side rendering, asynchronous do not refresh, see the source code (client-side rendering is not good for SEO optimization, asynchronous rendering data crawler can not climb)